Int Region, Seattle Subregion, Second Round: (7) El Santo vs. (10) Kane

Who wins this match?

  • El Santo

  • Kane

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a second round match in the International Region, Seattle Subregion. It is a standard one on one match held under International Rules, meaning the match is held under the standard rules of the country the match is held in. It will be held at the Key Arena in Seattle, Washington. Assume one week has passed since the first round matches.



#7. El Santo



#10. Kane

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
You know who is Mexico's biggest star? El Santo
You know who's similar to serial Kane beater Austin in terms of popularity and style? El Santo
You know who drew more people to his funeral than Kane could draw to a wrestling match? El Santo
You know who's had a longer career with many more notable feuds than Kane? El Santo
You know who is a bigger cross over star than Glen "See No Evil" Jacobs? El Santo
You know who is probably in the top 5 biggest names globally in wrestling history? El Santo
You know who has beaten wrestlers bigger than him several thousand times? El Santo
You know who fits the size and style profile of several wrestlers to have beaten Kane? El Santo.
You know who would certainly win a fight between Kane and El Santo? El Santo
Interesting tidbit about El Santo... when he was making and starring in movies, he would take the gimmick with him and star in the movies as "El Santo the wrestler" moonlighting as "El Santo the detective" or "El Santo the attorney." Seriously... he and Blue Demon fought each other just as much on the big screen as they did in the ring... and then they'd take their rivalry from the movies and book it as a real feud in the ring.

WWE doesn't have anything like that in crossover media [I think Hogan era was the only time]... where a wrestler would take their persona and then star in a television show or movie, and then bring that rivalry from the movie back to the ring. Yeah sure they bring movie roles into story lines all the time now, but Wade Barrett isn't staring in Dead Man Down as his wrestling persona, but El Santo would. The closest thing that modern WWE has to that is See No Evil, where Kane - not Glen Jacobs - starred as Jacob Goodnight. The man even showed up to the premiere dressed in full ring gear.


The point that I'm getting at is Kane vs El Santo would have been one hell of a match. As a feud, I could see Kane beating him in the first match and then Santo taking the rematch - tis what happened with Blue Demon. But this isn't a feud; it's a one off, and even though Kane could be built to look like a greater force than Dracula, the Wolfman, and Zombies combined Santo would still beat him, because that's what he did. He wasn't the hero of a country for no reason.

The winner would be El Santo... the biggest star in the history of his nation.
El Santo just takes this one so easily for me. It's not that I don't like Kane it's just that I've always considered him so over rated. He fought Miz last round and frankly won big just by Miz's IWC unpopularity. The dude had him beat in accomplishments! Kane has never been a steady main eventer and I don't think any of his title runs were even really special. Cool character? sure. But Santo is just so much better.

King of mexican wrestling and rivals even Hogan as one of the most popular stars ever, El Santo is just the man.
Story time, boys and girls!

So when they revealed the draw, I was totally of the belief that Kane would fuck some shit up. Last year, I made the point that Kane was responsible for some really bad television in his career, but I looked back, and learned how really, Kane's kind of a draw. Now, part of that has to do with his longevity, which really should be commended, because it seems seven footers have a short shelf life in the bidness.

And then I saw the draw; Kane would be facing El Santo in the next round. And so I went to the man I assume loves Kane more than anyone in the forum, Echelon. You may have noted he's voting Santo, which ruins my story. Anyway, before, I told him my theory he'd fuck shit up; this is what I sent when I saw he was facing Santo

Echelon, remember when I said I expect Kane to fuck shit up.

He's facing El Santo in the second round.

Welp, this was fun!

This was his response

Really? Motherfucker. I can't even begin to argue against that.

Sorry, Kane. Santo moves on
Next year ORR, that'll be Kane's year; but I do appreciate you singing his praises when last year you went out of your way to try and bury him against Regal of all people. Kane isn't The Rock, but he's surprisingly better than most. Speaking of The Rock he's the next opponent for these two, and an El Santo vs Rock match is sure to mind fuck allot of people. There's absolutely no shame in knocking out my favorite wrestler of all time so that an underrated legend can have his shot at advancing further.
The difficulty for me is this - what storylines has El Santo been in? I don't follow Mexican wrestling, I just watch the odd match here and there. I don't know what character he plays beyond being a guy in a mask. If someone answers this satisfactorily I will vote Santo, but the fact is, in Seattle, the interaction between crowd and wrestler is what's going to matter more than what they can draw at a funeral, and I think Kane edges that.

If someone can adequately explain how Santo got over with the crowd beyond lots of movies at quality level that they show up on Mystery Science Theater 3000, I'd happily vote for him.
Okay, Santo is a national treasure, that is not in dispute here but lets not let that cloud our judgement here. El Santo was basically a crusierweight whose wrestling accomplishments were at that level. He has no accomplishments at the heavyweight level. Kane is a superheavyweight who has been booked as pretty much unstoppable at times.

However, that being said, who would be more likely to stop an evil unstoppable monster than the Saint?

I've deliberated back and forth on this one but I've decided to go with good over evil rather than a quality superheavy going over a legendary cruiser... but it was a very close call and I would not blame anyone picking the big red machine.
Santo may not be of avearage height or weight, but he was 2 inches under 6 feet and about 10 pounds under 220 pounds. Taller and heavier than guys like Rey Mysterio. Santo was also a noted Ju Jitsu and amateur wrestling practitioner, so he's certainly not relying on his gimmick and how over he is alone. Not to mention Kane is the type of monster Santo is billed to face off against. In movies and in the ring. Maybe the "monsters" he fought weren't as tall and strong, but they were certainly dangerous.

Do not count El Santo out.
I would love to vote for Kane here, but after reading a lot about El Santo in this tournament I can't. Santo is a Mexican legend, and I have to give him the nod over Kane here.
I really like Kane, I think he could go further on this torunament....but not when he is facing El Santo. The biggest wrestler that has come out of México and one the biggest stars in wrestlig AROUND the world.

El Santo wins this very interesting match.
I kinda wanna be the douche that votes for Kane here. Not sure if I can/will but this is what I'm thinking.

Undoubtedly El Santo is the bigger star with the better career. That's undeniable. And yes, cruiserweights can beat heavyweights - El Santo is roughly the same size as Eddie Guerrero, who did just fine stateside. Yeah he never really achieved anything in the heavyweight scene, despite beating a few legit big guys. That's kinda irrelevant though as he never had to do so while still becoming #1 in the history of his country.

Kane is super underrated if voting in kayfabe. A destructive force, so hard to put away - he'd go toe to toe with anyone and withstand a ton of punishment. I can see someone like El Santo being the type to catch him though, high impact moves isn't the way forward.

Yeah lol I can't make a case for Kane. I want to, but I just can't. Everything I wanna argue for him backfires as I find it's counter. There's one big definitive reason I, too, am putting El Santo over.

When considering the booking of a tournament like this, I look at all angles. One of them is how it would be booked - Mexico has a ton of viewers and keeping in a big Mexican draw would be very worthwhile for whoever is running this thing, if it was happening.

At the start of this round 5 Mexicans remain, all in this region. One at least HAS to get through surely, they aren't gonna cleansweep 5-0 the interest of an entire nation.

Blue Demon is losing to Stone Cold
Mil Mascaras is losing to Chris Jericho
Rey Mysterio is losing to Vader
Eddie Guerrero is losing to Bruno Sammartino.

El Santo is the only hope for the nation to advance - that's a role he'd shine in, Kane isn't worried about doing the job and El Santo would get through and take all the Mexican press into the next round for the huge match with The Rock. It's EXACTLY how I see the match and promos developing.
Kane's made a hell of a career out of a gimmick I never thought would last. His legacy just doens't match up to Santo's. Kane is either a midcarder, comedy character, tag wrestler, or monster. He's an occasional main eventer but almost never a champion. Santo's decades of dominance are too much for the inconsistent Kane.

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