Is CM Punk being pushed down our throats like John Cena was?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Throughout the past year,

-CM Punk possesed the ECW Championship
-CM Punk Won the Money in the Bank Match
-CM Punk cashed it in to become WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP
-CM Punk had two title defenses, and lost it unfairly
-CM Punk Won the Tag Team Titles wit Kofi Kingston
-CM Punk won the Intercontinental Championship, thus making him the quickest to become an triple crown champion(correct me if im wrong bout tha quickest)
Update: BECAME THE ONLY BACK TO BACK MITB Winner. (Since edge cash MITB Twice).

Now if all these things happened to JOHN CENA, all the smarks would call this pushed down our throats. But even when Cena had tha title, all he had was a long title reign that i could believe.

In my opinion, CM Punk was not in the least ready for all of this, thus making him in my opinion the worst to cash in there money in the bank and become championship. I still think CM Punk has one of the brightest future in the WWE, but if u look at this he is a 2x World Champion, in less than a year apart from each other.

If you agree or disagree with me..fill free to discuss.
i think that punk, while maybe a little green, had a lot of potential as champion. i think the story would've worked well if it was made to be about a guy who wasnt ready for the brass ring, yet still managed to hang on. the best would've been if batista had finally gotten the one on one match it could've gotten him MONSTER heat by utterly destroying punk. the next show could be punk talking about how he really wasnt ready but after what batista did he is. you could have the build up to when cena returned to feud with batista be all about punk trying to get revenge and ultimately coming up short, then have his ic title run about proving to himself and the fans that he (punk) deserves his spot. with what could have culminated in an amazing ic title defense at wm against a legitimate contender like christian or even shelton. man to me that would steal the show.
He may be shoved down the fans throats, but in the casual fan's eye, he is extremely over. With WWE having the PG rating, having a straight edge "no drugs, no drinking, thrive on competition" wrestler in the main event spotlight is actually to WWE's benefit. However, we can say CM Punk has had a hell of a year mainly because Jeff Hardy screwed up near WrestleMania...had he not been busted for drugs and suspended 60 days, Jeff would have won Money in the Bank and CM Punk would probably still be lost in the mid-card somewhere - definately not the fastest Triple Crown Champion in WWE history.
Your title is a bit misleading....John Cena..."WAS"!?Last time I checked he is still thrown down our throat! One of the main reasons for the piss-pour ratings! Cena DOESN'T sell! Oh yeah, I forgot, his kiddy t-shirts do! God forbid we actually had a WRESTLER as a champion! Sucky-Cena deserves no respect! Ratings are doing good, eh?! Scarcastic, if you couldn't tell. The day HHH, HBK, Undertaker, John Cena are gone, the ratings are going to continue to be shit! At least Punk can actually wrestle. As ECW fans would say: Same ol Shit! Stale as a 10 year old bread......
Well i would not say this is pushing him down are throats. But i say no i mean he lost and won alot of matches last year. like he won against jbl kane batista and lost against y2j randy orton and priceless
besides the fact that cm punk has won a lot of titles recently and in a short amount of time i view him as almost the complete opposite of john cena.

so really can't compare them. think about it, if punk was heel he would be complete opposite of cena. cena is given his hype and think punk has to earn every bit of his, even though cena is way over than punk with majority of crowd except here.
well the thing is cena is a terrible wrestler, punk on the other hand is very well rounded so i feel he just had a really good streak with creative thats all if you notice they're prpably out of stuff for punk to do now
I don't think its a matter of WWE trying to give him as many title reigns as possible and make us think he's amazing, I think its a matter of Creative not having anything for him to do, but realizing that he's a popular guy who has the potential to be a top player in the future.

Punk was obviously not meant to win the ECW title the way he did. He was supposed to have a feud with Benoit. And then when Morrison won it instead, Punk won his title due to John's suspension and out of everyone on ECW, he was 100% the guy to put the title on. They had no other choice. We all know that he wasn't supposed to win the Money in the Bank either. When Jeff was thrown out, they needed a replacement, so they went with someone who was not only very reliable (not injured or suspended at all, as far as I can remember), but also someone that they thought could do well with the push. Punk had just lost the ECW title and was floundering around, so why not give him the MITB? Creative dropped the ball though and once again had no clue what to do with him, so they had him jobbing out. When the draft came up, they didn't want to take the easy route of having Cena beat HHH to keep the WWE title back on Raw, so they did some finagling and used Punk instead. But, again, they didn't really have a set goal in mind, so it resulted in horrible feuds and a lackluster title reign where he was booked as someone incapable of defending his title against anybody but Snitsky and JBL.

After that, he was out of the main event spot, so what else did he have outside of feuding with Legacy...which was poorly done, once more, as a random tag team title win that went nowhere. It seems like they finally had an idea of where to put Punk after this, with the IC title, but I'm almost certain that JBL's upcoming retirement put a damper on that one.

So I don't really think its them shoving Punk down our throats, because if they were doing that, he'd be destroying people left and right and having repetitive promos shown over and over again about him. But I think its more about Creative having a guy that they have no spot for, but trying to keep him afloat by giving him a title here and there to make sure we remember that this guy's kind of important.
I don't feel that CM Punk is being force fed to the WWE audience, especially by comparison to Cena. In my opinion Cena was the most forced champion that I've ever seen. The jeers from the crowd have never been so loud for so long, without the inevitable heel turn. Of course, those shirts aren't going to sell themselves.

Lets not forget that the main problem with Cena was not the amount of exposure he received but the fact that he was so unbeatable. I didn't have a problem with Cena being on TV or being in the title picture. The problem was that for the better part of two years he was champion. I'd never been sick so sick of a wrestler shy of Hulk Hogan.

CM Punk Rode a rocket to the top in 2008, and I was all for it. Punk is over and gets alot of exposure but he is far from undeserving or unbeatable. Even in his title run he was consistently the underdog with his championship victory being viewed as a miracle. His wins were seemingly pulled off by the skin of his teeth. His only downfall was having crappy dance partners like JBL and Batista. Should have had a rematch w/ Edge and feuds w/ Orton and Jericho. I think that the WWE is currently pushing him at a fairly even pace. I hope he gets a fresh start after the draft.
First and foremost, HELLZ NO. Punk isn't being crammed down our throats IMO. Yes he has held quite a few titles over the last year or so, but how many of those reigns lasted more than a month or two? Whereas Cena was getting year long or more reigns for his titles.

Furthermore, when they start making a new belt for almost each title Punk wins, THEN you have grounds to start a case against him. Honestly, Cena's spinner belts for both the US and the WWE title, you can't honestly tell me that was something they would've done anyway. Hell they had the spinner belt for the US title up until Cena lost, then what happened to it? A belt like that for damn sure would've looked good on MVP or even Shelton (maybe a spinner would've prevented him from wearing it upside down), but no that was Cena's belt.

Wrestling talent aside, from a marketing aspect Punk has been anything but pushed down the fan's throats in comparison to Cena. Where is Punk's rap album? how about his debut film? My point stands proven, looking outside the realm of title reigns, WWE went to any length they could to get Cena out there to the people. And quite frankly, I don't think they are finished by a long shot with skull fucking the WWE universe with a Cena-shaped *****.
Your title is a bit misleading....John Cena..."WAS"!?Last time I checked he is still thrown down our throat! One of the main reasons for the piss-pour ratings! Cena DOESN'T sell!

Actually Cena is the biggest draw in the company. Ratings were down by a lot when he was injured. And the ratings are not piss poor, it's not TNA standard, the ratings just fell after an increase. They are down to what they would usually be.

Oh yeah, I forgot, his kiddy t-shirts do! God forbid we actually had a WRESTLER as a champion!

I think you'll find that the 18-34 demographic no longer stands in wrestling and many wrestlers have focused their merchandise sales on children. DX and Rey Mysterio focus heavily on children. Also Cena has proven himself as a top talent in WWE and has put on several great wrestling matches. Your argument for Cena not being a wrestler is fankly stupid. Kurt Angle has a far more varied move set than Steve Austin ever did, does that mean that Kurt was better than Austin? Ofcourse not Stone Cold was a far brighter star than Kurt.

Sucky-Cena deserves no respect! Ratings are doing good, eh?! Scarcastic, if you couldn't tell.

Nah a guy that has only taken two breaks because of injury in the last seven years and does everything for WWE and provides people with many great matches and hours of entertainment deserves no respect from a nerdy teenager on his parents computer. Logic, if you couldn't tell.

The day HHH, HBK, Undertaker, John Cena are gone, the ratings are going to continue to be shit! At least Punk can actually wrestle. As ECW fans would say: Same ol Shit! Stale as a 10 year old bread......

No. WWE is aimed at a younger audience today so that when its fans grow up they will stay loyal and wrestling will have another boom peroid. And name one classic CM Punk match in WWE...because i can name far more classic Cena matches. The only thing that is the "same ol shit" are stupid anti Cena arguments.

Wow i just broke that guys argument right down. I almost feel like Sly.

CM Punk has had the greatest push over anyone in three years of coming to WWE. It hasn't worked. Punk has had everything you could ask for and it's ammounting to his current upper mid-card status. If he had been booked like Paul Heyman had wanted and was a submission based MMA style fighter then we might have had a different story. But yes CM Punk has been completely forced down our throats unlike John Cena who became popular before getting his main event push.
how can you say cm punk is being pushed down our throats when whenever they push him, they drop him. he is over with the fans. he is a solid wrestler with different styles that he can bring to the table. i wish he would be put in a feud with a solid main event heel like jericho that will allow him to showcase all his skills. he is good on the mic and i just stuck without an arch nemesis. all heroes need that villian. hogan started with the sheik, then andre, then dibiase, then savage, then the warrior, etc, etc. cena has edge, hhh, etc. give cm punk a heel to feud with and lets see what happens.
give cm punk a heel to feud with and lets see what happens.

Wat main event heel could punk feud with that u would believe.
Jericho vs Punk wouldnt be that memorable, since it takes someone wit decent mic skill to match Jericho
Edge vs Punk with a Edge lost would be unbelievable for a guy would matched up against The Undertaker pretty fairly
Orton vs Punk would end in Punk getting Punted, very suprising.

They tried Kane, and JBL, but were very uninteresting matches.
I agree with MIkeRC about cena . i also agree with nthomas504 about cm punk .sorry guys but cm punk was shoved down my throat worse then cena ever was . WWe shoved cm punk down my throat & so did all the cm punk marks who our most closeminded ingnorant bunch i ever met .to me cm punk is overrated & is just japanease spot monkey . also don't try to use that excuse of watch his ROH matches because i seen them years ago & i also watched him in TNA & WLW. also anybody saying the cena did work for where he is & got it gave to him is just full of crap & wrong . cena had to go threw the same stuff as cm punk way before cm punk punk is prick in real live also.
CM Punk is in no way being pushed down fans throats. I dont think he's being pushed enough, granted he's been given numerous straps in the WWE but he never is able to hold them for more than a few months. And if anyone knows the way Vince is its probably because he doesnt look like a jacked up body builder.
He has a lot more in ring ability and such a different style than a lot of the guys in the company today, no disrespect, just calling it how I see it. And to me the WWE is wasting that talent. Plus loosing money on potential maineventer, majority of fans love him, wouldnt you want to really push someone who is over with the fans? I would think so it would be a great move buisness wise I think.
Comparing him to Cena is an insult to Punk, in my opinion and it probably comes as shock I'm saying this since I'm female and from Boston, but I dont like Cena, never have. Cena is a belt mark, he gets the title whenever he wants and for however long he pleases. People like CM Punk never get a chance to be champion for long periods of time to really show off what they can do. Example, Punk is awesome on the mic but he's never given that chance in WWE if anyone has seen his promos from when he was in the indy promotions, he kicked major ass on the mic. What did Cena debut doing? Rapping, rap is going down the drain in the music buisness, and now since he's played a Marine in a MOVIE he comes out saluting like he really is a Marine... thats BS, annoying and an insult to any real Marine. My friend used to be in the Marines and he hates when Cena does that. But unlike Punk Vince loves Cena cause he looks like a body builder.
CM Punk has had the greatest push over anyone in three years of coming to WWE. It hasn't worked. Punk has had everything you could ask for and it's ammounting to his current upper mid-card status. If he had been booked like Paul Heyman had wanted and was a submission based MMA style fighter then we might have had a different story. But yes CM Punk has been completely forced down our throats unlike John Cena who became popular before getting his main event push.

I am going to have to disagree, Punks push has been a push due to circumstances and luck. He was really just in the right spot at the right time in almost everything he did this past year. Someone posted above all the reasons why he got what he got due to suspensions and creative having little choices. His upper mid card status is not a fault of his own but by creatives lack of well creativeness. We all know punk can cut a promo , put on great matches and play to the crowd. But why have we not seen any of this out of him? It's not like it was long ago he was putting on 5 star matches in ROH, I'll tell you its because creative realizes they don't want to do a Cena with punk this is also where i must disagree Cena has earned his spot yes but he has been pushed down our throats as champion, What they are doing now is what they should have always done slowly built him up but of course they drop the ball with his tag and IC reign it's obvious they have bigger plans for him. I think when the time is right there will be punk in the main event possibly carrying the WWE what better than a Straight Edge guy to be the centerpiece of your company.
I actually want more punk on TV to be honest
he needs more mic and match time.
CM Punk is in no way being pushed down fans throats. I dont think he's being pushed enough, granted he's been given numerous straps in the WWE but he never is able to hold them for more than a few months. And if anyone knows the way Vince is its probably because he doesnt look like a jacked up body builder.
He has a lot more in ring ability and such a different style than a lot of the guys in the company today, no disrespect, just calling it how I see it. And to me the WWE is wasting that talent. Plus loosing money on potential maineventer, majority of fans love him, wouldnt you want to really push someone who is over with the fans? I would think so it would be a great move buisness wise I think.
Comparing him to Cena is an insult to Punk, in my opinion and it probably comes as shock I'm saying this since I'm female and from Boston, but I dont like Cena, never have. Cena is a belt mark, he gets the title whenever he wants and for however long he pleases. People like CM Punk never get a chance to be champion for long periods of time to really show off what they can do. Example, Punk is awesome on the mic but he's never given that chance in WWE if anyone has seen his promos from when he was in the indy promotions, he kicked major ass on the mic. What did Cena debut doing? Rapping, rap is going down the drain in the music buisness, and now since he's played a Marine in a MOVIE he comes out saluting like he really is a Marine... thats BS, annoying and an insult to any real Marine. My friend used to be in the Marines and he hates when Cena does that. But unlike Punk Vince loves Cena cause he looks like a body builder.
one Cena is not belt mark . cena does what he told & does not ask for anything . cena has never asked or ordered anybody in WWe to give him the title . that is all vince not cena . so shut up with ignorant bullcrap. punk sucks on the mic & is a real life prick compared to cena. see you are so wrong about the marine. cena had to go thru marine train with the marines. the marines took it as honor .alsocena did not debut rapping . cena debut was aginst kurt angle & he almost out wrestled & beat kurt that night . what you don't get is cena is told to wrestle the way he wrestles by WWE .cena's best friend in life is samoa joe & was trained right beside joe
.cena is the new hogan/austin & that is good thing . punk is overated & is bitter prick in real life. punk has no respect & that is why he is where he is know.PUnk is own worst enemy.his attitude gets him in trouble with boys in locker room.cena is nicer person in real life & he is this era's superstar for the kids just like hogan was for me as kid . also cm punk would have never made it ever in 80's but john cena would have & that is how you have to look at get thru your head cena does not control when he gets the title & how long he gets it . that is all vince who does that not cena.
I am going to have to disagree, Punks push has been a push due to circumstances and luck. He was really just in the right spot at the right time in almost everything he did this past year.

That doesn't make his push any less huge than it was. It makes it less meaningful but it doesn't make it a smaller push. He still won four seperate titles and the Money In The Bank ladder match. That's massive.

His upper mid card status is not a fault of his own but by creatives lack of well creativeness.

Actually Punk was booked as a champion who wanted to go out and prove his worth so he was booked against the big guys like JBL, Batista and Kane to show that he did belong in the main event. That is creative, but nobody was interested in Punk.

We all know punk can cut a promo , put on great matches and play to the crowd. But why have we not seen any of this out of him? It's not like it was long ago he was putting on 5 star matches in ROH,

I'm sorry the idea that the creative team would say "no i'm afraid your promo was too good, cut it again" or " Hey we know you've got a 5 star match planned but please dumb it down" is terrible. The semi average matches and promos are the fault of CM Punk.

Cena has earned his spot yes but he has been pushed down our throats as champion

No he wasn't. He was the most popular guy on Smackdown when he won the title and has continued to be the most popular star in Wrestling today. People wanted to see Cena wether they liked him or hated him. So i am struggling to see how by putting the most popular star in wrestling at the top of the company you are forcing him down the fans throats.

What they are doing now is what they should have always done slowly built him up but of course they drop the ball with his tag and IC reign it's obvious they have bigger plans for him.

Creative didn't drop th ball with the IC or Tag title runs. CM Punk wasn't interesting enough and they decided to give the titles to guys that could be interesting with the titles. From what i've seen it isn't obvious that they have bigger plans for him. He'd need to get popular before getting the greenlight again.

I think when the time is right there will be punk in the main event possibly carrying the WWE what better than a Straight Edge guy to be the centerpiece of your company.

How about a guy who can talk and is entertaining whilst putting on great matches. See Cena or Edge.
Punk is not being shoved down our throats cause he's not the main eventer. He's not the champion either. I think fans want him used more in a prominent role
I just can't stand CM Punk. I mean what about him makes him so great? When I look back in history of the great names.... Hogan, Flair, Sting, HBK, Taker... but... CM Punk? ******ed name, gimmick, and that stupid hand/wrist rolling thing.... He's not a believable champion and doesn't look like a wrestler for that matter... (Not a big cena fan) but atleast he looks like a wrestler. And has a decent gimmick, mic skills, etc....

CM Punk just doesn't make any sense to me. Why not invest in someone like Morrison? He is awesome in every way. Ok... so he has a strike on him for his violation on the wellness policy but so does hardy, orton, regal, etc... His work ethic is awesome anyways.... Frick, Punk got a bigger push than hardy....STUPID... the fans are nuts over that guy. AND.... its kinda like RVD... (never liked him personally) but the crowd did and WWE never really pushed him....

Push Morrison bc CM Punk sucks!
1. For the person who says Cena doesn't sell- I don't know how you didn't realize, but his merch is all over the place; from live events to the Top Ten on to my little brother's closet. He is probably the most known current wrestler in the WWE.

2. To the one who replied to the person who I just replied to (lol confusing =) - I really don't think that DX is aimed at kids, well kind of. Its aimed at both, merch for the kids so they can beg their parents to the point of no return, and the rest is for the 18-34 audience. Most kids don't know what 80% of DX is talking about.

And yes he is right, there will be another Attitude Era soon, when we're old and wrinkly. Just consider this age "The Second Coming of the Golden Ages of Wrestling" or some crap like that. (Yea I know its corny)

Anyway, to get back on topic, they WERE pushing him down our throats, only in 2008. Running the same clips of him over and Over and OVER.(I wanted to shoot myself because of all the times they showed the clip when Punk cashed his briefcase in.) He's actually become a mid card after winning the World Tag Titles. He's not being advertised as much as Cena. Punk's not in any movies, TV shows, or even getting a small push. I just hope that they will put him in main event status again.
To me it's pretty ridiculous to say that Punk has been pushed down our throats. Just look at the guy's history. Yes, he started out with an undefeated streak like so many wrestlers but it was ended by BOB friggin' HOLLY. He got an early title shot in the Elimination Chamber but he was jobbed out immediately. His push then stopped for half a year. When people finally thought he was going to win the ECW title he jobbed to Morrison at three PPVs in a row and didn't win the title until a regular ECW show. His title reign consisted of jobs to Viscera, Henry and Kane. He lost the title to Chavo who was treated as a joke champion. He even got eliminated from the Rumble by Chavo a week after Chavo took his belt. Chavo then beat him in the No Way Out rematch.

Punk won MitB but still continued to job on PPV in a tag match. He was a face that won a World title in the same way that heels do. He dropped the title without even being in a match and never got revenge. The closest he came to retribution was the Tag titles which he lost at a friggin' house show and never got revenge for that either. It took him three tries to get the IC title which he quickly lost to JBL in a fairly clean and unhyped match.

How is all of THAT a push?

Punk wins titles but he never does in convincing fashion. He barely retains the title when he does and when he loses he never gets his heat back. He just moves on with his tail tucked between his legs.

Compare that to Cena who has four World titles under his belt. He always overcomes the odds. He's ended tons of undefeated streaks. He's retained the title at 'Mania two years in a row over Hunter and Shawn; two guys Punk would NEVER beat at this stage of his career. Cena was in the title match on every PPV possible for a couple of years in a row.

Comparing Cena's push to Punk's push is like comparing apples to tiny, shriveled, old, disgusting oranges.

As far as why they keep Punk around it's simple. The WWE is kid friendly nowadays and it's nice to know you have someone who genuinely connects with the fans on hand that will never violate the substance abuse policy. He doesn't look like a wrestler because he doesn't do drugs and he doesn't constantly worry about having a ripped body. That's just not his style.

Some people say that Punk isn't believable in his feuds. Well whose fault is that? Are you going to blame Punk alone? That's like when the WWE hires Colt Cabana, has him job half a dozen times and then releases him only to say, "Well, he didn't get over!" How do you get over when you're not given a chance? Punk isn't treated like a main event guy so it's hard to accept him as one. He's treated like Mysterio or RVD as a special attraction that only touches the main event when the WWE needs and extra body. Give Punk a few feuds where he's seen as dominate over big names and it'll be easier to see him as a big name.

There's a give and take balance between getting over with the fans on your own and getting the WWE machine behind you. Without both you can't succeed. Guys like Cena had both (but more the machine.) Guys like Lashley only had the machine. Guys like Punk only had the fans. Without that balance of both you will NEVER be a huge star.

Punk has never gotten a massive push. He's gotten a few start/stop ones like Jericho. If the WWE ever decides to get their machine behind Punk he'll be a huge name. But until then he's not and it's not his fault.
No way Punk is getting a push like Cena's or even Batistas. I had doubts when Punk won the World title but was actually impressed at how he came off. He had some decent matches, and I think they dropped him down to fast and unconvincing fashion with the Orton thing. Then his IC title reign was going ok too but they ended that short too. I'm not sure where they are going with Punk. If he wins the MITB this year again it will be a shock.
Compare that to Cena who has four World titles under his belt. He always overcomes the odds. He's ended tons of undefeated streaks. He's retained the title at 'Mania two years in a row over Hunter and Shawn; two guys Punk would NEVER beat at this stage of his career. Cena was in the title match on every PPV possible for a couple of years in a row.

Comparing Cena's push to Punk's push is like comparing apples to tiny, shriveled, old, disgusting oranges.

When you compare John Cena to CM punk, u have to be aware of the time difference between them, and there career paths. Cena has been in the WWE for closely 7 years. Now for all of that u described (4 world titles, us champ, 2x tag champion) ending streaks, retaining at Mania, etc..), is nothing but amazing.

When u look at CM Punk, been in the company for about 2-3 years, 2 time world champ, ic champion, tag champ, won at his second wrestlemania,

When you look at it, punk has won all the titles JC won in half tha time. When kids nowadays look at past wrestlers stats and why they are called legends, they dont look at how long they had tha title, but how many titles they won. Do u really think JBL is still being talked about (he has to remind me bout it sometimes lol) for being tha longest reigning champion in Smackdown history. But u bet Ric Flair is being talked about is 16 championship reigns.

WWE wants Cena to be seen as the Hulk Hogan of this generation. As they want CM Punk to be the Warrior of this generation.

As two the retaining at wrestlemania 2 times in a row to DX respectively. WWE could do it, I kno last year, i didnt in the right mind expect Randy Orton to retain at WM24. If CM Punk gets a push not towards tha championships, but to the respect for clean wrestling ability.

I personality think that a heel turn would make Punk a bigger threat.

Overall Punk to me has a throat pushing year, but John Cena had a throat pushing Career(until now, cuz they kno that fans love a face chasin the championship). I highly doubt that they would stop this little push they've given him now. Thats why he's one of my picks for MITB. If they let him win it, then they truely want him down our throats to win it twice in a row.
He's not being pushed down our throats. He doesn't win every week or beat main-eventers every week. Sometimes you don't even notice if he's not on RAW.

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