ROH Final Battle 2012 - LD

Man fuck this. I want an ending to Generico/Steen after 4 long years of good build. I don't want to see Jay "Vanilla as fuck" Lethal interject in this. I just want to see a great match with little to no shennanigans if possible.
I wouldn't care about someone interjecting themselves in Steen-Generico if that person didn't suck. And despite Dragon Saga alleging that Jay's character has improved, that guy sucks.

Hope that wasn't the best Lethal has to offer as a serious guy. Because if it is, he might as well go back to being an undercard Randy Savage impersonator.
We get a long promo between Jay Lethal and Nigel McGuinness, Lethal demands to be entered into tonight's main event, McGuinness has none of it and due to this Lethal spits on McGuinness and they have a few second brawl before being broken up. This is either setting up for a Nigel McGuinness return to the ring or Lethal to run in and screw someone later in the night - I'd prefer it to be a McGuinness return.
I wouldn't care about someone interjecting themselves in Steen-Generico if that person didn't suck. And despite Dragon Saga alleging that Jay's character has improved, that guy sucks.

He has been better than this, but I agree tonight, both his match and that promo pretty much sucked. I also don't want him involved in the Main Event.
Back from intermission and after Kevin Kelly interviews Mike Mondo, Kyle O'Reilly and Bobby Fish interrupt which brings out Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards - The American Wolves!
Matt Hardy is one of the most generic, vanilla wrestlers on the planet. And unlike his brother, even good opponents can't make him look a whole lot better. Hell, even with hardcore stipulations, it's rare that he's anything but mildly exciting.
I disagree on Hardy. I used to think he was a fine worked and an up-and-comer, especially from 2005-2008. His ECW run was tremendous.

It's a shame I can't be arsed to give the ****e an iota of attention any more.
I totally forgot about this tab being open. Matt Hardy defeated Adam Cole in a pretty physical match, Matt was booed basically out of the arena and told to go fuck himself (literally), Adam Cole looked pissed after. And we have new ROH World Tag Team Champions in the form of The Briscoes.

Which means up next, Ladder War, Steen vs. Generico!
I am after witnessing one of the sickest spots ever in pro-wrestling. I can't really describe it that well, but Kevin Steen while standing on a horizontal ladder at least ten feet in the air, Package Piledriver'd El Generico through the two ladders.

Kevin Steen retains the ROH World Championship.
Well this shit just means that fucking Jay Lethal of all people will be ending Steen's reign. Fuck this company, they've had two chances to strike while the iron is hot with Generico and have screwed up both times. And both times, it's because of Jay Lethal that his momentum is dead.
Well this shit just means that fucking Jay Lethal of all people will be ending Steen's reign. Fuck this company, they've had two chances to strike while the iron is hot with Generico and have screwed up both times. And both times, it's because of Jay Lethal that his momentum is dead.

I think they'll go a different route. They wouldn't have Lethal spit on McGuinness without retaliation, whether it be Lethal feuding with a returning McGuinness (who doesn't wrestle by choice, hes cleared of Hep B) or El Generico. I think biding time until someone the fans can really get behind to dethrone Steen is the way to go. Sure, Generico is just that so it makes no sense in ways, but maybe they know something we don't.
I want to thank Dragon Saga for doing a nice report, a really good one since the most are freaky indy wrestling marks that likes to say everything is just fantastic... To the guy named "." - I gave him a red rep, but I want to tell you that you also did a good job and I will restore that in 48h period!

Thanks to all.

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