
Reading this stupid thread makes me not regret asking to be deleted in the first place. I think I was born with a radar system that helped me predict online issues in the decades 2000 to 2009 and 2010 to whenever, because I seem to have the knack for spotting the loonies.

You guys can keep trolling me all you want but I don't really give a shit. I'm sick to the teeth of internet shit and you guys are nothing special anyway. Surely you don't think WWE is real.

I mean, I like WWE too, but I don't think it's real. I bet you guys are huge Cena fans. LOL.

Flame away all you want. I know everything I say is pointless but that's why we have hosts. They're like a free get out of jail Monopoly card. LOL.
Reading this stupid thread makes me not regret asking to be deleted in the first place. I think I was born with a radar system that helped me predict online issues in the decades 2000 to 2009 and 2010 to whenever, because I seem to have the knack for spotting the loonies.

You guys can keep trolling me all you want but I don't really give a shit. I'm sick to the teeth of internet shit and you guys are nothing special anyway. Surely you don't think WWE is real.

I mean, I like WWE too, but I don't think it's real. I bet you guys are huge Cena fans. LOL.

Flame away all you want. I know everything I say is pointless but that's why we have hosts. They're like a free get out of jail Monopoly card. LOL.

For being such a MASTER OF THE INTERNET, you really are a shit troll.
I've seen some INTERNET whining in my days...but DAMN!

How is someone going to complain to Crave because the admins wont delete their account?

Here's an idea...change your password to something you'll never remember, that way you'll never be able to log on again. OR, like has already been mentioned, just dont log on...ever.
I've seen some INTERNET whining in my days...but DAMN!

How is someone going to complain to Crave because the admins wont delete their account?

Here's an idea...change your password to something you'll never remember, that way you'll never be able to log on again. OR, like has already been mentioned, just dont log on...ever.

Logic isn't a strong point for most people around here.
White page... this isn't another failed attempt at porn? Posting it can't be that fucking hard surely?
You know, I was having a bad day, but this made me feel infinitely better.

You want your account deleted? Just don't sign in, fuckhead. It's not that hard.
And why are you suddenly posting now when you never have before? If you dont want your account to be used, why post all of this?

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