The age of boreton era. 2007-2010. And the Cena/HHH/Orton combination.


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I don’t think there’s ever been a more boring time period In the wwe or wrestling in general then this era. Let me say this first orton has never been a favorite of mine but at least his legend killer gimmick was tolerable. But as they slowly begin to change orton’s character from cocky to a psychopath monster. That’s when I found him the most boring and unbearable he was just flat out boring I mean he was Alberto del rio 2.0 in this time period I wanna say he was worse but I can’t say that. The orton/cena/triple h combination was some an absolute nightmare from 2007-2009. That’s all you got was the same guys.
Okay you had a slight period in 2008. With Cena being out with injury and not being as pounded, in fact that’s probably the only year where he wasn’t forced down your throats they actually fed him to the midcard for a few months and had him face jbl., although by the end of the year they went right back to there old ways.

Triple h was moved to Smackdown in 2008, okay we got somewhat of a break, orton wasn’t featured much through mid 2008 due to having injury issues.

But once 2009 Comes around? Triple h is back on raw of course and it’s orton and triple h and this whole thing with orton having ied and it’s about the McMahon’s as well and just boring.

And of course Cena you know damn good and well they were gonna cram him back in that top spot, 2008 was over baby!! Cena was back baby!! And he was gonna get shoved right back into that main event spot.

By 2010. The game was sort of depushed. 2010 was like the last year the game was a full time wrestler if you’ve really think about it.

Of course though you still had orton although it wasn’t as bad as the previous years.

But 2010 was the year were super Cena was at its peak I mean this guy was pounded even more then he was in previous years okay maybe not as bad as 2007 but my god this is when they were really going fullly in with pg Cena.

This era was just dreadful.

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