The WWE & TNA Double Standard Is Now Clear!

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johnbragg said:
Wait, if you take Orton and Cena in a plane crash then my plane crash takes Angle and AJ Styles. One of the key points here is that WWE has been able to build up young guys in the past—like Cena and Orton—and can continue to do so, like with Punk and Legacy and John Morrison and MVP (and Jeff Hardy).

AJ Styles won't count because yes he maybe the face of TNA to the extent but now he's been re-elevated and can basically count as a new champion since this is his first TNA championship without the NWA affiliation.

johnbragg said:
Whereas TNA has built up one guy—AJ Styles—to the point where if TNA went away he would have any value to WWE. Samoa Joe would get signed as well, but I don’t think he’s any better off than he was when he left ROH. Everyone else would be working ROH, working Japan or competing with Goldust and Mike Knox and Evan Bourne for TV time and hoping they aren't the next ones to get Future Endeavored.

And sadly, you know why that would be? Because in your heart you know that WWE wastes and devalues valuable wrestlers which is why you made that statement. If anything happened to TNA and their guys were misused in WWE, it wouldn't be because they sucked, it would be because WWE mishandles talent like they've done in the past with guys like Malenko, Lance Storm, etc.

johnbragg said:
Remind me again which company you’re saying doesn’t develop young talent?

WWE doesn't while TNA does.

johnbragg said:
Before you talk about who buries talent, tell me who Booker and Steiner and Nash have elevated while they were in TNA. Angle and Foley have elevated or tried to elevate talent.

Booker and Steiner have done nothing but put over talent since they got to TNA. From Robert Roode, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, and even Petey Williams.

johnbragg said:
Or, a company that sees a possible long term future for a major star with an attitude problem is trying to educate that wrestler so he isn’t a cancer backstage when his time to be number one star comes and he ups and does things like refuse to put over Matt Morgan on TV.

You mean the same way Steve Austin refused to put over Brock Lesnar and walked out on the company, right?

johnbragg said:
Punk isn’t buried. If I were the booker, I would have given him a clean submission win over Undertaker at Breaking Point, but losing the title doesn’t mean he’s buried. He’s just deferred. He will be back and will be world champion again within 6 months.

Of course because when Taker gets injured again, they'll have no one else to turn to but him, THE ONLY ELEVATED YOUNG STAR.

johnbragg said:
I was a big skeptic of the DX reunion, and I predicted that DX would Spirit Squad Legacy. But Legacy gave DX all they could handle, on PPV and on Raw. Dibiase and Rhodes both rank a lot higher than they did before. Imagine that there was a No. 1 contenders match for the tag titles between Legacy and Batista & Mysterio. Would you be surprised if Legacy won? I wouldn’t. Neither would most of the Internet. Before the DX feud, Rhodes and Dibiase were Orton’s oily buttboys. Now they’re solid upper midcard, and could be competing for world titles in a few months with the right plot points.

Rhodes & Dibiase still rank the same. They're still the same 2 stooges who win sometimes and lose most of the time. Nothing has changed. I wouldn't be surprised if WWE released these 2 guys down the line as both guys have nothing to them except a last name. No wonder DX squashes these 2 like bugs.

And no, I would not be surprised if Legacy won the #1 contendership for the tag titles because they've already been tag champs and even that couldn't do anything for them. There tag title run was barely memorable to the point that you think a #1 contendership would mean something when they've actually held the belts before and had it do 0 for them. All of that is a testament to how much of a joke they are.

johnbragg said:
One answer is, when you’ve locked yourself into having three HIAC matches for no real reason.
How is DX-Legacy one of the least important feuds? If, say, Sting & AJ Styles were feuding with for four or five PPVs with British Invasion without a title at stake, would the blowoff not be a PPV main event? DX are two of WWE’s biggest stars.

Ummm, no. I don't care how many times they fought, if the feud has nothing to do with my company's biggest title, then you're either semi-main eventing or taking a backseat.

johnbragg said:
That’s traditional, but I’m open to the argument that it would be better to kick off with something big.
If Angle-Morgan opened Bound For Glory with a 3-star match, would that be TNA burying Angle and Morgan or would it be TNA being innovative and trying something new?

No because a)no title would be on the line and b)it would be a 3 star match meaning the match was good, competitive, or memorial. Neither was the case in the Taker/Punk match.

johnbragg said:
TNA will use Styles and Joe and Morgan and Hernandez, bring back Jarrett, bring in Ken Anderson, keep Foley wresting until he can’t outrace Terry Funk, and that’s about it.

Yeah and if that was the case, it would be more than enough.

johnbragg said:
It counts if you’re talking about who is developing young stars. WWE gave Jeff Hardy a huge push, a world title, etc.

He still left though so it means nothing. Christian was developed and pushed hard by TNA. How many times do you see his name in this convo?

johnbragg said:
BUZZZ! Wrong. TNA lets MEM hog airtime, and WWE puts DX merchandise plugs on, because they appeal to casual fans. The difference is that, this time, WWE created two new credible stars out of the DX run while MEM just let the WCW veterans hog the spotlight while the company fails to build young stars (until about six weeks ago). At least they’re experienced at it.

Lol at credible. And lol at calling Legacy stars. Legacy hasn't gotten over the hump yet and from the look of things, DX has finished squashing them.

Yes, TNA let MEM hog the spotlight and as a result, TNA high all time records in terms of viewership while making themselves so credible as a stable that when you beat them or join them, you become a star instantly unlike another heel stable in WWE called Legacy where the leader and his 2 stooges are booked as jokes.

johnbragg said:
“Doesn’t usually happen” != “Never” But thanks for playing, Skippy.

At New Year's Resolution 2006 after an Elimination Chamber, Edge cashed in MITB and defeated an already beaten and battered Cena with a spear ending the PPV.

At WWE's PPV this year after Jeff Hardy and Edge had a grueling ladder match, CM Punk came out and cashed in his briefcase to defeat newly crowned and top babyface champion Jeff Hardy to end the PPV.

At WM17, Steve Austin turned heel on The Rock and walked out of WM as the new world champion and ended the PPV.

It doesn't happen, huh? STOP the excuses. TRY AGAIN.
It seems to me that you're uneducated about this DX and Legacy feud. If DX were destroying Legacy, then they would have beaten them at Summerslam, Breaking Point, and HIAC.

Breaking News: Legacy won at Breaking Point. Are HHH and HBK Legacy? No they are not. Call the presses.

On RAW, who was beating down who? Was it Paul Levesque and Michael Hickenbottom beating down Legacy? It was the other way around. Look at that. They are not getting the Spirit Squad treatment because SS didn't do anything against DX but Legacy has.

I suggest you watch the DX/Legacy feud again and then come to back to me with something that resembles a correct statement.

I can't wait to see Rhodes and DiBiase lose to Duggan and the Brooklyn Brawler. Watch out Jerishow :rolleyes:

That 1 win Legacy got from DX was a trick to make you think otherwise but in reality all HHH and DX did was come out on top. As a heel stable, Legacy lacks credibility because they've been booked like jokes for so long that nothing can save them. They absolutely suck.
Wait, if you take Orton and Cena in a plane crash then my plane crash takes Angle and AJ Styles.
AJ Styles won't count because yes he maybe the face of TNA to the extent but now he's been re-elevated and can basically count as a new champion since this is his first TNA championship without the NWA affiliation.

Huh? Let me rephrase my point. Cena and Orton are to WWE as Angle and AJ STyles are to TNA. Your imaginary plane crash took out WWE's top echelon, including the young guys. So my plane crash did the same.

Second, why are you cutting off AJ Styles' nutsack? Why shouldn't he be proud to be a three- or four-time world champion in his company? I thought YOU were the TNA mark here and I was the big, bad WWE guy. I don't get it.

Because in your heart you know that WWE wastes and devalues valuable wrestlers which is why you made that statement.

Sometimes they do. That's why I don't dog TNA for picking up WWE Rejects like Elijah Burke/D'Angelo Dinero and Matt Morgan, guys who were nothing in WWE but could be something in TNA. TNA might pick up ten guys like that from WWE's scrap heap before they develop a Matt Morgan, but that's okay. You have to keep at it. TNA's problem is that they started doing that about the time that Kurt Angle kicked Jeff Jarrett out of the company. (WWE Retreads who TNA picks up and gets a hardon over their Name Value is a different story.)

But I think my list of the top 11 guys on each brand shows that WWE does elevate talent. Not always, but over time in WWE some guys get moved up the ladder. It's gradual, and it's uneven, but it happens.

Booker and Steiner have done nothing but put over talent since they got to TNA. From Robert Roode, Samoa Joe, AJ Styles, and even Petey Williams.

Wow. That's your list. Little Petey Pump got his ass elevated all the way back to Border City Wrestling. AJ Styles and Samoa Joe were TNA stars before Booker and Steiner even came to TNA. As you might say, EPIC FAIL.

Roode had a feud with Booker. Congrat-u-frickin-lations. But I'd say that 3D and James Storm have him where he is.

You mean the same way Steve Austin refused to put over Brock Lesnar and walked out on the company, right?

Pretty much, yeah. WWE can't afford to have guys at Booker or Punk's level of prominence pulling the kind of crap that Austin, a Hall of Famer, got away with a few times and the kind of crap that ran rampant in Jarrett's and Russo's old WCW playground.

(Hardy) still left though so it means nothing. Christian was developed and pushed hard by TNA. How many times do you see his name in this convo?

Jeff Hardy left because he wanted to kick it Ricky Williams style and do lots and lots of drugs. Christian left to go back to WWE. What does that say about how Christian, a well-regarded guy AFAIK, felt about TNA's ability to develop and promote talent? He chose being just another veteran upper-midcarder and working 300 days a year over working 50-60 days a year and being one of the main event guys.

Yeah, that makes TNA look good.

Originally Posted by johnbragg
BUZZZ! Wrong. TNA lets MEM hog airtime, and WWE puts DX merchandise plugs on, because they appeal to casual fans. The difference is that, this time, WWE created two new credible stars out of the DX run while MEM just let the WCW veterans hog the spotlight while the company fails to build young stars (until about six weeks ago). At least they’re experienced at it.
ORiginally posted by LetMeKnow.
Lol at credible. And lol at calling Legacy stars. Legacy hasn't gotten over the hump yet and from the look of things, DX has finished squashing them.

Yes, TNA let MEM hog the spotlight and as a result, TNA high all time records in terms of viewership while making themselves so credible as a stable that when you beat them or join them, you become a star instantly unlike another heel stable in WWE called Legacy where the leader and his 2 stooges are booked as jokes.

TNA all time records in terms of viewership= A great week for ECW. Never, ever talk ratings until your company becomes good friends with the number "2", okay? As in 2.0, 1.8, 2.2. Superstars gets comparable ratings to TNA. Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling got comparable ratings. Tough Enough, Heat, Velocity all got that range of ratings 0.8-1.3. Stop jacking it every time you get a rating that would cause Vince to book a celebrity battle royale Hornswoggle custard match in panic, okay?

There is a difference between an 0.8 one week and a 1.2 the next week. It's called Margin of Error.

As for what happens when you beat MEM, well, people only beat MEM when half of the Mafia is leaving the company. MEM shat all over the TNA Originals and then the Frontline until Dixie Carter realized that Jarrett, Angle, Foley, Nash and STing couldn't carry this company forever, as in until next week.

Right now the MEM Elevation Scorecard reads:
Samoa Joe--Before MEM, huge badass who was Going To Kill You. After MEM, dumbass mercenary goon playing a role once played by Alpha Male Monty Brown back when Jeff Jarrett was Kurt Angle.
Matt Morgan--Elevated. By Kurt Angle, all by himself.
AJ Styles--won the title because Sting helped him while Angle was fighting Morgan. I wouldn't say Elevated because I don't crap all over AJ's NWA-TNA heavyweight titles, but you apparently disagree because whatever TNA is doing this week is Teh Awesome. Good luck with that.

As for PPVs sending fans home happy, you gave four examples of heels walking out of PPVs on top. And you left out HHH at Wrestlemania 2000. So that's five examples (2 of them MITB cash-ins) out of a bazillion PPVS.

Most wrestling bookers not named Russo try to send paying customers home happy so that they feel good about spending their money rather than angry and crapped on. A PPV doesn't always have a happy ending, because otherwise there'd be no drama, but bookers like to have a face moment close the show. Just so you know.
Had Jeff Hardy not decided to leave, Punk would have never been champion and got that extra push. And it's sad that in order for WWE to start pushing guys, they have to have their back against the wall. That is sad.

Wait a minute... so you're saying the only reason why Punk got the title recently and because one of the best heel champions of 2009 was because Hardy stepped aside? So it had nothing to do with their chemistry in the ring, their perfectly scripted feud reasoning, conflicting on-screen personalities, or just the fact that the WWE was pushing new stars? Oh, that's right. Someone always has to be injured before someone else gets pushed... I see now.

It antagonizes the babyface but it doesn't make the antagonists an actual threat.

Well, you're wrong. When it leaves them lying half-dead in the middle of a ring or carried out in a strecher, I think that makes them a threat. But I can't tell you how to view the product.

And your precious TNA uses the same exact formula. Oh wait, it must be right now, since TNA uses it.

I wouldn't have a problem with the match order unless it made sense.
There was absolutely no reason for DX to close the show whatsoever. It's basically saying that a DX win is more important than the world title and world title match exchanges. DX/Legacy was not a bigger and more hyped feud than Orton/Cena or Taker/Punk. If anything DX, could've opened the show and had Orton/Cena close the show with Orton and Cena staring at each other like how they did at the end of their match. All HHH did was go last because he wanted to be the center of attention for the umpteenth time.

I never said DX/Legacy was a bigger feud. I said it was hyped just as much as the other feuds. You didn't notice it because there were no titles involved. But it's a perfect example of how titles don't equal pushes or a wrestler's notoriety. It doesn't matter if you believe differently, agree, or disagree. Facts are undisputable.

And do you really think HHH made the call to win that HIAC match? In the WWE, the inmates don't run the asylum. TNA contracted wrestlers have some form of creative control in their contracts. So all of your HHH bashing falls on deaf ears because he's just following his leader.

Besides, it made sense for DX to win the match. Happy endings sell more tickets. And it's mere coincidence that this particular show resulted in veterans winning their respective main event matches. Remember, at Breaking Point, Legacy beat DX, Cena beat Orton, and CM Punk beat the Undertaker. The WWE is just making the feuds into back and forth struggles between its competitors with no favorability towards its veterans. As a result, it's making the younger talent look like a formidable contender against the stronger, more experienced, and more well-known veterans and giving the new stars a rub.

Or maybe your taste is just shit.

That's only because I just ate Taco Bell. Yuck...

Lol at saying that they were carried on a stretcher while you're trying to claim them as some type of threat in the same breathe. :banghead:

And a month prior at Breaking Point, HBK was being carried out in a stretcher. What's your point? Mine's clear. Legacy was clearly elevated in both their losses and wins.

i never said that but that is the approach that TNA haters like you have towards their product with veterans going over lesser established talent from time to time. It's guys like you for the past year that claim that TNA is burying their young talent. So yes, I'm going to use that same approach in this argument as well.

First of all, I am FAR from hating TNA. They disappoint me. They have all of this talent but horrible writers and execution.

Second, that is exactly what you were saying. Your only argument in regards to WWE talent being buried is because they lose matches. You said it repeatedly and everyone read it.

I never said there was anything wrong with either party winning or losing a match, as long as it benefited both of them in the end. Obviously, a loss seems to make a superstar lose a bit of stock. However, if the matches are well-advertised, well-executed, and are followed up in a manner that allows all competitors to be viewed as being strong, formidable opponents, everyone wins in the end and new talent is successfully pushed and elevated. But, these factors need to be in place, first.

The WWE has seesaw battles and constant title changes in order to keep all of their superstars (both veterans and new stars) on an even playing field. No one looks stronger than the other. But then again, no one looks weaker, either. TNA has their veterans hold their championships for obscene amounts of time who win the majority of their matches against the new blood. Sure, there are a few good Samoa Joe and AJ Styles title reigns thrown in here and there, but for the majority of the past 3 years, the TNA veterans have held onto all major championship title belts. In the WWE, th new talent has the majority. Orton, Morrison, CM Punk, Edge, Cena, Jeff Hardy, Kofi Kingston, Miz and Morrison, the Colons, MVP, and many others had the titles for the majority of the time over men that you put down like HHH, HBK, and Undertaker.

So EY, Hernandez, and AJ aren't in better positions? Hell, even in terms of character traits, guys like Joe and Rhino are in better positions.

I'll repeat it all again... Joe is currently lost in the Main Event Mafia shuffle when he was in a MUCH better position in the company last year (therefore, his stock has gone down), Eric Young has been slightly elevated (but only as a mouthpiece since he hasn't wrestled anyone in any matches of importance yet), and Hernandez was thrown into a title match at the last minute on a Pay Per View when he didn't even belong there in the first place.

Normally, when someone gets thrown into a title match of those kinds of proportions they wind up coming out on top (or at least coming out with a decent feud). Hernandez's cash-in of the FoF case was wasted on AJ Styles' title win since AJ could've done it on his own without Hernandez even being involved. The storyline behind the PPV match was to build up Angle vs. Morgan and AJ vs. Sting. Where did Hernandez fit in there? He was like mag wheels on a dump truck in that match... he was WASTED. This is exactly what I'm talking about. TNA is disappointing.

Hernandez got a nice rub from Sting in his first FOF match. He in turn got a clean victory over Samoa Joe on the 200th Impact Episode when he returned from injury. If you compare where Hernandez was last year in which he was nothing more than the big guy in LAX, then yes it's a huge jump to see him getting mic time and be uppermidcard.

You're right about how he earned his title shot. But then what? He got wasted in that championship match last month, and you have to agree. Let's face it, he could have (and should have) held on to that case until he could clearly start a feud with one of the other four members. Now the case is gone and so is his push/elevation.

And did you just say Hernandez was buried because he didn't win a match?

No, I said he was buried because he was thrown into that match for no reason with no buildup and obviously no outcome and growth from it. If he wasn't in that match no one would have noticed. But TNA knew they fucked up and had no PPV match for him so they threw him in the mix. If I were Hernandez, I'd be one pissed off Mexican because Russo threw away his best chance at a world title push. People were almost starting to believe that he was ME material. Now he's back to being a midcarder. It's a shame, really.

AJ has always been that GUY in TNA but everyone knows he stepped down for quite a bit. If you compare where he was last year to this year, it's a huge significance. Last year, he was straggling from midcard-uppermidcard in feuds with Kurt Angle over Karen and feuding with Frank Trigg. This year, he's world champ. That's a WORLD of difference.

He's on a roller coaster. You can't push, de-push, and then RE-push a guy and actually think for one second that it elevates their character. AJ Styles is a main-eventer nomatter where he's thrown. He's paid his dues and earned his spot. Just how when Chris Jericho went from being world champion last year to tag team champion this year, he's still viewed as a main eventer. AJ is no different. He's talented, young, and already pushed to the moon. There is no need to include him in this anymore. We've already established that he's the only exception to the rule.

Exactly EY was a joke a year ago who was scared of his own pyro. Now he's a leader of a heel stable looking for dominance. That is a huge upgrade. As a character, he's been developed greatly. All TNA has to do now is put him over as an inring worker and he'll be sold well.

Exactly. I agree with this completely. But all he is right now is a mouthpiece. Honestly, you cannot count him in our debate yet. Maybe in 3-6 months (if TNA doesn't disappoint again), but not yet.

So yes, in all 4 guys have been elevated hugely and can easily transition to uppercard/main event which is more than can be said for the "elevated" WWE talent.

No they haven't.

So what, he's still a former world champion. 2 days or not. And he's no more shit than Randy Orton.

You're right... Rhino failed in three organizations (ECW, WWE, TNA) while Randy Orton failed in how many?? Oh, that's right. He's the top heel in the WWE.

Listen, if you think Randy is shit then I can't dispute that. Opinions are like ass holes... everyone's got one. But you can't deny that he's been the most dominating force on WWE television for the past two years. The biggest professional wrestling organization in the world put all of their hopes and dreams on the back of a "shit" wrestler for two years, right? Either you or them are wrong. For some reason, I don't think it's them...

Again, so what. A former world champion is a former world champion

Yup, you're right. What was I thinking?? ALL HAIL DAVID ARQUETTE!! :disappointed:

No one would take him seriously? Umm, speak for yourself.

I don't need to speak for anyone else. Three other posters have agreed with my views on this since I started writing this reply. Majority rules on this one.

Lol, I can say the same thing about Kane. Wasn't Kane a world champion for 1 day? Yet until this day WWE can bring him to main event and uppermidcard when they please based on that 1 accomplishment he had 12 years ago. U always need a supporting cast and TNA has that. Maybe you're the one whose confused as to how things work pal.

Nah... Kane's role as champion was pure shit. I'll never argue that. Exactly the reason why Rhino's was shit. The difference is that Kane is almost 7 foot tall, over 300lbs, his character is intimidating, his career is based on being the "brother of the Undertaker", and when he feuds with someone he looks like a legitimate threat. I'm sorry, but Rhino possesses none of those qualities. He's an "all bark and no bite" failure who's prime passed him up a LONG time ago.

But, either way, I applaud you for a good comparison. If it were up to me, I'd get rid of both of them. They're both pure shit. Now, if you take Kane out of the WWE equation, everything stays the same. But, if we take Rhino out of your TNA equation, your all-star roster just got kicked in the nuts.

Now, saying that the WWE doesn't have a supporting cast is just you talking about nothing to make your points seem like they're valid. You honestly can't compare guys like Hernandez to guys like John Morrison. It's a runaway victory for WWE.

No, 4 elevated guys and 3 guys on lay-away. That is very good, whereas the WWE, the company with over 6 hrs of tv programming and 2 world titles has only elevated 1 guy this whole year who has been booked as a joke and a fluke since his first world title win as a face and a tag team division made of make-shift teams. Congrats WWE. Keep pushing your posterboys for steroids and your old men over the young talent that u so desperately claim you're having a hard time developing.:lol:

There are just TOO many ways that I can tear up this paragraph. Where do I begin...

First of all, I don't need to list the WWE's elevated talent for you again, do I? We're never going to agree on them, anyway. I say your TNA guys weren't elevated worth a damn, and you say the same thing about the WWE's. We're at a stalemate. I get it.

As for "posterboys for steroids", what do you call Steiner? Or Eric Young (with his back covered in acne)? Or Kurt Angle, the king of the steroid scandal? The guy was just arrested for having that shit in his car.

Oh really, tell that to your WWE mark friends who invade TNA conversations with "_____ and ____ needs to hang it up. ______ is past his prime. ____ is washed up. If you did that, we wouldn't be in this convo now, would we?

I never said TNA's guys were washed up. I only said they won't step aside. Believe it or not, I'm a big fan of 3D, Nash, Booker, Angle, etc. But there comes a time when you have to share your spotlight to make way for the future. Being a veteran in a promotion full of untapped talent and holding the world title for the past two years (with the exception of 182 days) is not the way to do that.

None of those guys have broke the ceiling to main event status or even uppercard with the exception of CM PUNK. EPIC FAIL!

Once again, we've already gone over this a billion times. We agree to disagree.

Umm, you and your WWE marks made that claim first. Not me.:shrug:

Wait a minute, WHAT?!? The basis of your entire argument was that guys that were 40 years old (or approaching 40, as you so eloquently changed your tune halfway through) were considered "old farts"! All I did was use your theory against you, considering that your TNA promotion has more "old farts" in it that won't step aside. Your arguments are ridiculously scatterbrained and have more holes than swiss cheese. Just admit that you're wrong about this.

Yeah because Rey Mysterio is the only worker in WWE to wrestle 300 days a year.:lmao: TRY AGAIN!

All WWE superstars work over 300 days a year and they stay healthy. Which is why they're not all injury prone, like you stated. Now you're saying things that make no sense. I really don't understand you're little "comeback" statement here...

No idiot, in the WWE world, they're having problems breaking in new stars and main event guys. Pushing guys to midcard and a little above midcard isn't solving their problem. TNA has their future main event guys covered as well as their midcard. WWE only has pushed Punk while the rest remain in midcard heaven.

TNA's "future main eventers" are all stagnant. The WWE's are constantly moving up, currently winning major singles titles, and are all involved in meaningfull feuds without taking a ride on an 'elevation roller-coaster'. TNA's starts are pushed and de-pushed... pushed and de-pushed. That's why no one thinks they deserve anything that's given to them.

For example, Daniels was supposed to be the hottest thing since sliced bread when he came back after that wonderful "Curry Man" stint. Where is he now? Feuding with Suicide, the MCMG, Lethal Consequences, and other losers?

I call them guys who have put over people in TNA cleanly, guys who are willing to help, and pass the torch. That is more than I can say about HHH or any of the other washups in WWE.

HHH held the title for 70 days in 2009. Younger main event stars have held it for the remainder of the year thus far.

Angle, Foley, and Sting have held the belt for a total of 263 days this year. The only newer TNA talent that has held the title was AJ Styles... for 18 days so far.

Gee, you're right.

And I pay attention to TNA but I pay attention to your tv show as well. A 44 year old man with a hip replacement is your world champion while your tag team champs in Big Show & Jericho are pushing 40. Oooh that's a big youth movement right there, huh?

And prior to 18 days ago, your champion was 40 year old with a 'broken fricken neck.' And your tag champions have a combined age of 91 years old (44 and 47). What's your point?

I guess you're right if you consider dominant as in running from a face every chance you get and getting beat up in a park lot all throughout an arena by a retired 60 year old man.

Aren't your youngsters still beating up on Hector Guerrero backstage? :lmao:

Didn't you just sit here and claim Hernandez was buried for losing a match? Which way are we going to have it? Oh yeah, it's a double standard when it comes to you, right?

I said Hernandez was buried in the shuffle. That means he was thrown into a match in a situation that had no meaning or positive results but was detrimental towards his career. No double-standard here. Just really bad booking.

Kurt Angle put over Samoa Joe and AJ Styles and didn't go back and get clean victories over them within a month or 2 months like a certain King of Kings in WWE would do. So EPIC FAIL

Nah... Angle just stayed the dominating throne-hogging champion for the majority of 2007 and part of 2009. He only stepped aside once. HHH did it multiple times.

So you're basically admitting that WWE pushes shit wrestlers which makes them a shit product?

I'm saying that WWE doesn't ALWAYS make the best decisions. They gave Khali a shot and he failed. At least Undertaker stepped aside for him.

He's not there anymore so until he comes back, he's out of the equation completely. It's like talking about RVD. It's no point. The WWE can't use him from home.

Actually, it just makes your points stronger if we take them out. But it doesn't change the fact that those points are 100% truth.

The difference is that Hernandez is new when it comes to establishing himself as a competitor so it makes him young unlike Edge who is constantly pushed with ridiculous number of meaningless world title runs and Batista who is injury prone and wants to retire but is forced by Vince to stay due to his inability to create new stars that are worth a damn.

That's like trying to say that 1000lbs of bricks weighs more than 1000lbs of feathers. Your argument is just smoke and mirrors. You're wrong. Get over it.

I'm following the same format that you and your WWE universe who hate TNA follow. Do people like you and your section not call Team 3D washed up and past their prime and consider them veterans when there around the same ages as guys like Edge, Show, and Jericho. I'm giving you guys your own medicine.

Team 3D may be past their prime, but they're not washed up. Don't put words in my mouth because others might have said them. You're debating ME right now. Don't be afraid.

You made it 12 months, not me. I'm just following your lead.

This was actually funny because you're right. My bad.

That was in 2007, so that doesn't count, remember? Or with you it probably does, huh Double Standard Man?

No, you ass. I just got done saying that Nash was involved in that match at the end of 2008. It wasn't even a year ago.

And you're wrong. So far, the Legends title has only been defended by guys that were former world champions in any shape or form with the exception of Shane Sewell who competed for it. So the Legends title doesn't equate to TNA main even status. TRY AGAIN!

OMG, here you go again with the "EPIC FAIL" and "TRY AGAIN" garbage. I just said that AJ Styles just had the belt 7 months ago, you twit. If he's the world champion now, I think it's safe to say that the Legends title and its contenders deserve to be considered main event contenders.

Samoa Joe held the title for 6 months, which came up to 182 days. That is a long time. Hell that is longer than some of Punk's. Orton's, Hardy, and Edge's title reigns put together.

Add up Orton's and Edge's total number of days as champ. Specified reigns can't count, because the WWE isn't dumb enough to have its old-timers hog their world titles for 250 days out of the year. They spread the wealth. TNA doesn't. That's why there's no double-standard.

The same can be said about TNA also but would you use that approach with them? No. You know why? Because you're bias against them.

I already said it. I love TNA. I just think they're wasted. The booking is shit. Their veterans won't make room for the new blood. Their matches look like Ringling Brothers Circus instead of telling stories. Cody Deaner is an ass hole. I miss Angelina Love, but I wanna stick it to Lacey Von Erich. Should I go on? If I hated it so much, I wouldn't know so much about it.
Is LetEmKnow REALLY stating that run-ins and sneak attacks do nothing to make the heel look strong? It only "antagonizes the babyface?"

LetEmKnow said:
It antagonizes the babyface but it doesn't make the antagonists an actual threat.

LetEmKnow said:
No it doesn't count. A run in doesn't make you a threat.

Wow, yes you did.

Here's something for you that you haven't provided. It's called EVIDENCE. As opposed to the obnoxious emoticons, silly 15-year old grade school girl text talk (LOL!), and computer geek phrases like "Pwned" and "Epic Fail" which seems to be your M.O.


That is the video of a wrestler named Nailz debuting in an attack on the Big Boss Man. The attack itself was so brutal and so well orchestrated that, despite having never even wrestled a match in WWE ring, Nailz was a legitimate threat not only to the Boss Man, but to every other babyface in the WWE.

I'll further my point with the Four Horsemen, generally regarded as the greatest heel stable in history. When Tully wrestled a match, and Flair, Arn, and Ole rushed the right and attacked Tully's opponent, you don't think it worked in the Horsemen's favor? You don't think it made them look united? Made them look serious? You don't think it put a thought in the back of the fans heads "well, I think the babyfaces are better overall, but they may not be 100% after the sneak attack last week..."


This is Hulk Hogan confronting Ric Flair on an episode of "The Funeral Parlor" with Paul Bearer. Out of nowhere, Undertaker attacked Hogan. Flair helped. What did it accomplish? 1) it made Flair look dastardly, 2) it made Undertaker even scarier, especially when he tore off Hogan's cross necklace and then dropped it as though it burned him, and 3) it made Hogan seem HUMAN. THAT attack set up the Survivor Series "Gravest Challenge" perfectly, and set the stage for Undertaker's first ever title win.


Ah yes, Jake Roberts lures Randy Savage into the ring, attacks him, ties him in the ring ropes, and lets his snake loose! You don't think that made Jake look strong!? You don't think that made him look desparate? Like a man who would do ANYTHING to defeat his foes?

There's 4 bits of evidence as to how effective heels can use run-ins and sneak attacks to look strong and to advance a storyline.
I fail to see any hint of any sort of double standard. In the WWE section of the forum, there have been a number of posts criticizing the WWE over the CM Punk/Undertaker situation. Over the course of this year, the WWE has made a lot of real progress in pushing and building young guys. I think they still have some work to do but, for the first time in forever, I give a damn about the mid-card scene in the WWE. Young guys like John Morrison, CM Punk, Jeff Hardy, Dolph Ziggler, Kofi Kinston, The Miz, Jack Swagger and a few others have stepped up, had some of the best and most interesting matches and feuds of the year.

The WWE doesn't always make the best choices. Sometimes, they make horrendous choices although let's not try to pretend that TNA doesn't make bad ones either. For instance, Jack Swagger has lost a lot of momentum since coming to Raw. However, I have a feeling that the WWE might finally be pushing him in the right direction finally. I might be wrong, but we'll just have to wait and see. The WWE has also done a good job, in my view, with "young-ish" guys like JeriShow and Christian. I give a damn about the tag titles, and the tag scene in general, and the ECW title situation. These are still fairly young, healthy guys that have many years ahead of them. Now, the Big Show isn't exactly a great in-ring worker, but he's really shining as Jericho's partner. For the first time in MANY years, he's actually interesting. The WWE still has some work to do, but nobody can suggest that they haven't made some real progress this year. Even if a younger star, or stars, lose to a veteran, that doesn't mean that they still don't look good. Legacy has finally started to come into their own and that's due in part to HBK and HHH, Punk is even more over as a heel because of his feud with the Undertaker. Even if I don't necessarily agree with the title change, it hasn't made Punk's stock go down in my eyes.

As far as TNA goes, I very much want to see TNA succeed. I think they have a roster full of young talent but they're just not doing jackshit with the vast majority of them. For the most part, the ones that TNA has really only very recently started to give any sort of meaningful push, they don't really know how to use. For instance, everything that D-Man has said about Hernandez is 100% right on the button. I was actually starting to give a crap about Hernandez, I liked what I saw in the ring overall and was just starting to potentially see him as a legitimate ME contender and the opportunity the FoF case represented was completely pissed all over. The opportunity they had with him was wasted, he had no impact in the title match and now he's in a feud with the WE for some reason.

As for the WE, Eric Young is now only starting to be remotely interesting. He's a mouthpiece for sure, a decent mouthpiece, and I hope he can grow. As an in-ring competitor, however, having Hernandez beat him in a squash match that lasted a matter of seconds didn't do him any favors. The other members of the WE haven't shown me squat, I'm afraid. Not saying it's their fault, they're just doing what they're told after all, but most of them just take up a lot of air time without doing anything. Brutus Magnus and Doug Williams have been sitting on the IWGP tag titles since they won them. To my knowledge, they've defended those titles once in the 3 months they've been carrying them around. Just walking around with a belt strapped over your shoulder without actually doing anything with it doesn't equal prestige or credibility, it makes the title truly nothing more than a prop and piece of eye candy.

For me, guys like Abyss and Rhino are a waste of air-time these days. I don't give two shits about what they're doing because TNA doesn't do anything with them to make me give two shits about them. Abyss has often been criticized for being a rip off of the Mankind character with a dash of Kane thrown into the pot. Foley has taken those criticisms and actually used them in a promo he cut last week. Abyss is someone that's only interesting in a hardcore environment. The sort of kind and gentle, meek, shy psychopath thing they've been doing with him this year just doesn't interest me. As for Rhino, I've NEVER cared about the guy. For nearly a decade and a half, I've watched the guy fail spectacularly in 3 different promotions. Rhino is NEVER going to be a main event star, so why waste time with him. There are younger, much more talented guys on the TNA roster than either of these guys that could be made use of.

Lethal Consequences and the MCMGs are a perfect example of what I'm talking about. They're two talented, young teams that TNA has done absolutely shit with. I can count the number of times I've watched the MCMGs wrestle in the past 4 months on one hand and still have a lot of fingers left over.

Samoa Joe is beyond stale. He, along with Abyss and Rhino just make me change the channel whenever he comes on. The X-Division is a shell of what it used to be and Joe is a good example of that. It's just been on a major decline this year and it's supposed to be what put TNA on the map. Just one meaningless reign after another throughout this year just makes it kind of blah, and the X-Division is really where a lot of young guys have gotten chances to shine in TNA. Joe made Homicide look like a weak champion and TNA has taken the title off of Joe in order to put him in a feud with Bobby Lashley. TNA has put the X-Division strap onto Amazing Red. Now, Amazing Red has been back with TNA for maybe 5 months or so? He's barely been featured on television, he's mostly worked only dark matches and they slap a major title on him without any sort of build up, any real pomp or hype about it. Which means that nobody's going to give a shit about it. Heaven forbid they put the title on someone like Daniels, someone that TNA has actually pushed or promoted to some degree. Instead, they have Joe drop the title to a guy that's barely been seen on TNA television since his return and that Kevin Nash demolished in a 2 minute squash match just a few months back.

I mentioned Bobby Lashley and Joe probably feuding. This will be just another waste of time overall that probably won't do anything for either guy. Dixie Carter isn't really going to push Lashley now because she's suddenly realized that TNA is basically just something for Lashley to do in between MMA bouts. He could off TNA tv and ppvs for weeks or even months at a time while training for his MMA fight, so you can't really put him into anything meaningful and you sure as hell can't put a title on the guy. Although, come to think of it, I guess they could. It's nothing new for TNA to have guys hold titles and sit on them for weeks or months at a time without doing squat with them.

The only young guys in TNA this year that I agree with, as far as getting built up goes, are really Matt Morgan and AJ Styles. Although, AJ Styles has always been a main eventer in TNA, he's always had the shit so I don't know if you can really count him or not. It just seems like, to me, TNA will push him for a while and then they'll back off. Then they'll push him once more only to back off. As far as Matt Morgan goes, I can't help but wonder if TNA is pushing him too fast. Here's a guy that's never held a major wrestling title in his entire career, and he's in the main event for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. The first major title he's likely to win is a world title. Personally, I don't think he's ready but that's just my opinion. I might be proven wrong.
The difference to me is pretty clear, really. In my eyes most of the old talent in TNA haven't done anything to put over the young stars and actually make them look good. Sting never loses to young talent and if he does to AJ Styles that'll be the first time ever that I can remember him doing so in TNA. He's also 50 and doesn't draw or have the ability he use to so he shouldn't hold his spot over fresher, younger, more talented up and coming stars in TNA. Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, among others are just as old and can't go anymore in the ring and yet they're given the top spots over other talent. The difference in the WWE with the examples being used in this thread: DX and Undertaker is clear to me.. Shawn Michaels can still go despite age, and he's not as old as those people complain about in TNA. Triple H isn't really even that old and he's still a draw for WWE and can still go. Undertaker may be the oldest of the bunch but he can still go in the ring and is still a main event name, so why shouldn't he be there? The other difference is that those Hell in Cell matches were the ending of feuds, and the previous pay per view both of those parties lost to the other sides of the equation and put them over. During this feud with DX Dibiase and Rhodes have looked entirely good and credible and it's done a lot for them, even with losing to end the feud. Punk's example could be argued but Undertaker's clearly a transitional champion and it didn't really make sense for Undertaker to lose again in the cell. It comes down really to old school booking, a feud sees the heels win upto a point but then there has to be the final pay off where the faces win the feud so the fans go home happy. Undertaker and DX were both the faces the fans were behind, eventually they had to win and couldn't keep losing every pay per view without a pay off. But I think both sides still have looked good and the young stars in WWE, like its been stated by others above me, have been built up nicely this year by the WWE which is a contrast to TNA who does poorly in building their young talent, in my mind.

So I don't really see the comparison between the old talent being used in TNA and DX/Undertaker as a valid comparison or a double standard. If they were pushing Ric Flair, maybe.
If there is any sort of "double standard" going on, I'd say an example revolves around reactions to recent title changes in both companies. On Impact last night, Amazing Red wins the TNA X-Division Championship. From what I've read thus far, the reaction seems to be mostly positive despite the fact that TNA has put the title onto someone that's had little to no build up, character development and television time. For most of his return to TNA, Red had worked primarily in dark matches or jobbed out. Because it was unexpected, some are fine with it. Now, if the WWE were to do the same thing to the US or IC titles the forum would be up in arms and yet another crop of "WWE sucks" posts would spring up.

A lot are complaing about the Undertaker winning the WHC and that's all well and good. After all, he's a respected veteran, one of the most over guys in the WWE, has been in the main event situation at various points over his near 20 years with the company and still often has top matches. But I guess that because he's well into his 40s, that's supposed to automatically render any of those positives moot.
C'mon man. WWE has slowly, but surely been building new talent. Why do you think they have JeriShow together? They're building the tag teams. DX has been making Legacy look like a credible threat after months of them basically being Orton's bitches. Undertaker's making CM Punk look damn good as a heel. Triple H and Shawn Michaels have ALWAYS made their opponents look good in the ring. Whether they're facing Ric Flair, Khali, Jericho, The Spirit Squad. Whatever. They've always made them look like a million bucks. Same thing with TNA. A few of the older guys don't really wanna push new stars, i.e: Steiner, Nash, Booker T. But the real intelligent vets are doing the right thing. Kurt Angle and Sting bring instant credibility to any match, just because they're veterans, they know what the fuck they're doing. TNA needs some work, WWE needs some work. Nothing's perfect. Give it time. It'll all pay off in the long run.
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