Who's going to turn heel? HHH or HBK?


purveyor of confusion
okay! RR is now officially history, Edge won it, but the question is this, after HBK superkicked HHH out of the Rumble, and then turned into a lunatic following his elimination, who will turn heel?

every time in the past they feuded, it was always HHH playing the heel role, how about HBK takes his turn being the heel for a change! more then likely, HBK will cause DX to lose the tag belts to cm puke and lobotomy man, (that line cracked me up) which in turn will cause the rift between the 2, but like i said, will it be HHH or HBK?

What say you?:icon_confused:
every time in the past they feuded, it was always HHH playing the heel role, how about HBK takes his turn being the heel for a change!

Not true at all. In fact, in the first HBK/HHH feud, HBK was the heel Commissioner and HHH was the face leader of DX.

Anyway, I do believe that Triple H will be going heel and there's four reasons for that.

1. Randy Orton's a heel
2. Batista's a heel
3. The Draft is coming up, it's time to start planning.
4. Evolution would be perfect right now to help the tag division.

Sure, Ric Flair wouldn't be in Evolution, but this is WWE we're talking about. They can totally bring in Dean Malenko and have him play the Flair spot... and have it work too.

Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions but if you ask me... it's way too easy to put these pieces of the puzzle together.
Even though I think that would be cool to have the group back together, somehow I dont see it happening. Im not sure which of the two will turn heel but Im hoping to see a HHH v HBK match at WM rather than HBK/Taker II (even though Ive heard this is basically locked)
i think hbk will play the heel role most likely because he will do his best to get a mania shot again vs taker so im pretty sure he will go throught any one and destroy anyone who gets in his way starting with hhh so next time when they defend the tag titles we might see hbk super kick hhh and cause them the unified titles
there is another thread speculating that HHH is injured so maybe we should wait and see.

i guess i can see HBK going on a "do what ever it takes" mode to see if he can do anything to face the undertaker at WM, maybe this includes taking out edge?????
HBK as Heel he will cost him and HHH the tag titles against the Hart Dynasty by superkicking HHH and walking out on him..when he don't win the world title in the Chamber match..then we will see HBK vs HHH. Batista Vs Rey...Taker vs Cena Hart vs McMahon bigshow and jericho vs the hart dynasty and Matt hardy getting put through tables in the Money in the Bank with Shelton Benjamin actually winning the damn thing..I hope but as far as the one turning heel It has to be shawn thats what he did tonight was make the start of the turn id be surprised if they even have HHH as a Heel going into mania after getting turned on like that the crowd was hot on shawn for doing it..he is the one that acts jellous cuz he can't get beat by taker again at mania yeah i said again what they just going to ruin takers legacy i highly doubt it..
1. Randy Orton's a heel
2. Batista's a heel
3. The Draft is coming up, it's time to start planning.
4. Evolution would be perfect right now to help the tag division.

You are one of those guys who would think something is good just because you like it, well you are incorrect unfortunately.

See, Evolution at it's time was great because both Batista and Randy Orton were unestablished , so Evolution was a way of developing Batista and Randy Orton and once they were established they broke away from Evolution and became World Champions , even though Randy Orton wasn't ready to become one but now looking at Batista and Randy Orton , what could Evolution possibly do for hem ? It can't bring them up more than they already are that's for sure, much like how DX is not bringing up HBK and HHH but is simply a way of keeping them out of the main event, that is the only positive thing an Evolution reunion can do. Lastly, Evolution is a stable , not a tag team , it won't do anything for the tag division.

As for the who is turning heel, well I personally think no one is turning heel , HBK and HHH were in an Elimination Chamber before as faces and nothing happened there, so I will assume that nothing will happen here either but I could be wrong. I believe that HBK would just go onto face Undertaker and have HHH move into other plans.
Wait....Let's put Michaels as a deranged heel wanting that second chance at Taker and Trips as a foil...

Inspiration hits! have Michaels turn on HHH during the tag-title match and go beserk... Punk "saves" Michaels and Michaels has the backing of the SES to face Taker. Think about it....Michaels entered at WM 25 in all white and was pulling off a religious deal
if HHH is hurt, of COURSE HBK should turn heel. every time someone gets hurt in a tag team and they gotta drop the belts or find a new partner, they turn on that person (like Jericho did to Edge, Austin did to HHH). it'd make sense, HBK could take the simple heel route in this: "he was holding me down for too long now, i was always helping him out" etc etc.
I agree that it depends on if HHH is hurt or not. If one them had to turn heel, my guess would be HHH. I find it very hard to buy HBK as a heel these days because everybody knows he's a born again Christian. I mean, if he won't even say "suck it" into the microphone, how am I suppose to buy him as a cold blooded heel. Naw, wouldn't buy it. Didn't like it when he was suppose to be heel vs Hogan at SummerSlam, even though that was the funniest match i've ever seen, and I wouldn't buy it now.

It would have to be HHH, he's just a badass heel. End of story
If Triple H is not hurt, then have him turn heel. Shawn can continue to show his urge to face Taker again in the next month and DX continues to do their weekly routine. Well, one week Taker finally agrees to face Shawn (or Shawn wins a no.1 contenders match or whatever) but Triple H turns on him and claims that he wants to be the one who ends the streak, not Shawn. So he makes his way into the match somehow and we got a Triple threat match at Mania with the three legends in the main event.
ya if triple h is hurt and its his quads he will be out for a long time...and he will most likely be a face when he returns like he always has been. i think blitzkonic has something with his idea of hbk joining cm punks group and eventually facing undertaker at wrestlemania, he will still think its his "destiny" cuz of how he was acting after he was eliminated. but ya overalll anyways triple h is a way better heel
I think HBK as heel would work. He doesn't have to be bad ass heel, but more along the lines of jericho. Hypocritical of HHH, he can even act like HHH was holding him back, always trying to protect HBK when he didn't need him. HHH can easily pull off hey we are friends, you don't mean this type thing until they have to go at it at Wrestlemania.

Only thing is they have been down this road before, but I don't recall if they have ever faced off at Wrestlemania. Otherwise, they could do the Flair vs HBK and decide they just want to face each other one last time type thing and no one goes heel. It would work. The question now is, does Edge come to Raw vs Sheamus? Which then means Taker vs Cena/Batista? Or, jericho wins at Elimination Chamber and faces Edge at Wrestlemania. The storylines have a chance to be great for the next few months if they do this right.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm a little tired of the whole DX is together one minute the. They are in a fued the next. They should try something original for once, here is a suggestion
how about they don't break up the team and here is why sheamus is heel and if they are trying to push Edge face and back on Raw then he'll challange sheamus for the title at Mania leaving The Undertaker free for Shawn add the title this time and it makes a great re match, now as far as triple H goes if he is hurt then you vacat the tag titles to a tournement that can conclude at Mania and if he isn't hurt then you have enough time from now till mania to creat a good inter pormotional match between him and someone on smackdow maybe Batista or even cm punk. Therefore you don't break up Dx and coming off Mania regardless of the outcome they can countinue to defend the tag titles untill a viable tag team comes along and defeats them in a fair match. From there they could go there seprate ways as singles teaming up on ocassion and having each others back if one gets jumped. Those are just my thoughts.
In the Rumble, hasn't it been that if the 2 remaining wrestlers are from different shows, then they both get the title shots? If that's the case, Edge is Smackdown, so if he challenges Shemus, then Cena gets 'Taker. Of course, they could always change this rule if there's a better storyline.
So long as Triple H isn't injured, Hunter is going to turn heel. It was HBK who eliminated Triple H in the first place so it could be grounds for a good story line. Say Hunter wants retribution for Shawn eliminating him from the Royal Rumble.
In the Rumble, hasn't it been that if the 2 remaining wrestlers are from different shows, then they both get the title shots? If that's the case, Edge is Smackdown, so if he challenges Shemus, then Cena gets 'Taker. Of course, they could always change this rule if there's a better storyline.

Nope, that has never happened. Although Cena, HHH, and HBK, the 2nd place finishers in 2005-2007 all went to WM for their brand's title match.

In 2005 Cena won the #1 contendership for SmackDown's title in a tournament, beating Angle in the finals.

In 2006 Hunter won the #1 contendership for RAW's title in a tournament, beating RVD & Big Show in the finals.

In 2007 HBK defeated Rated RKO to become the #1 contender for RAW's title.

In 2008 Cena won the RR, and he and 2nd place finisher HHH both faced Orton for RAW's title due to HHH winning the #1 contendership at NWO. The Undertaker, eliminated 11th, went on to fight for SmackDown's title thanks for winning the #1 contendership.

In 2009 Randy Orton & HHH (winner & 2nd place) faced for RAW's title. Big Show, 5th place finisher went on to challenge for SmackDown's title.
I was ticked off that Sheamus & Taker retained but then the night was saved for me when both HBK & HHH got eliminated in the Rumble. I got to tell Shawn Michaels has become such a Babyish HBGAY. He's in the back with HHH talking about the Rumble & saying HBK & Taker are meant to be. EWW!! That was the gay part. I could not believe they had Shawn lookin like he was about to cry bigtime when he got eliminated. Its pissing me off that they we're & I'm hoping still are swerving this HBK/Taker rematch at Mania & making Michaels out the one that never beat Taker before. HIAC 97 HBK beat Taker, Royal Rumble 98 HBK beat Taker. I know after Mania14 Michaels vanished & returned at times in 1999/2000. When Taker came back as the badass and Michaels was still hangin around in 2000 you didn't see Taker begging Michaels for another one on one battle. Now on the other hand when Taker gets the best of Michaels like starting at the Rumble 2007 after eliminating HBK & winning the Rumble Michaels comes to Smackdown and challenges Taker. Now in a huge Match Of The Year, close to a half our battle against Taker at Mania 25 & coming up short being the 17th victim, Shawn wants a rematch. For The Love Of God NO!! Leave that match alone. I was so happy to see shawn get eliminated in that Rumble.

Knowing that Shawn is gonna continue to not be himself until he finds another, I came up with one. It will help Shawn get another chance at facing Taker but it will include 5 others who will have the same opportuninty & one of them could be the guy I hope faces Taker this year. I think they should only have Takers World Title be up for grabs in a Chamber Match for Smackdown & on Raw they should have a Chamber Match to determin who faces Taker at Mania. HBK, HHH & John Cena could be in it. This is where all hell could break lose for DX. Shawn will screw HHH again, HHH will then beat the crap out of Michaels, John Cena wins the Chamber. Meanwhile, since Edge won the Rumble I'm going for Taker to lose the belt in the Chamber to Jericho to set up Edge/Jericho for the title, Cena/Taker & HBK/HHH at Mania.
I say if HHH turns heel its gonna be the same ol story. HHH feels he need the title to give him some amazing powers, He is gonna blame shawn for screwing him at the royal rumble and its always about HBK wanting the spotlight. Yeah this is similar to the same story in 2002 when HHH first turned on HBK. If these 2 are gonna battle it out they should both stay face. They could do DX pranks on each other and when it gets closer 2 Wrestlemania they should get more serious.

But if HBK turns heel it would be more different. It would be like a new spark on their rivalry. We saw it with Flair/Hogan, Austin/Rock, Rock/HHH and Angle/Lesnar. HBK still has what it takes to be a heel.(Thats if he will go through with it) If Y2J can do it I'm sure HBK can too. I just think if HHH and a heel HBK would bring their rivalry in a different direction.
HBK is clearly going to be the heel after tonights events at the Rumble. But i don't think he will fight Taker at Mania. I see HBK fighting HHH at Mania. Lets face it - The only 2 ULTRA BIG TIME matches that have not been done at Mania are HBK v HHH and Taker v Cena. I see HBK v HHH as a lock in for this years Mania, HBK v Taker is just a sidetrack. Taker v Cena might happen this year, but i doubt it, they will save it for next year. They will already have enough big matches at Mania to do a good buyrate this year without throwing Cena v Taker in there. Bret v Vince is the bigtime match this year that is already a lock in. And with the existing dissention in DX, HHH v HBK is the way to go, creating the second bigtime match. The smart business thing to do is save Cena v Taker for next year because that match alone can sell a Wrestlemania.
Anyway, I do believe that Triple H will be going heel and there's four reasons for that.

1. Randy Orton's a heel
2. Batista's a heel
3. The Draft is coming up, it's time to start planning.
4. Evolution would be perfect right now to help the tag division.

Sure, Ric Flair wouldn't be in Evolution, but this is WWE we're talking about. They can totally bring in Dean Malenko and have him play the Flair spot... and have it work too.

Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions but if you ask me... it's way too easy to put these pieces of the puzzle together.

Evolution is dead. Forget about it, it's not going to happen. They can't put three of the biggest heels on RAW and leave Smackdown without an oar to paddle.

Here's some puzzle pieces for you. Shawn Michaels gets eliminated from the Royal Rumble by Batista. Instead of being the gracious veteran, Shawn Michaels freaks out. When a ref tells him to go to the locker room, he gets super kicked. When another ref tries to make him leave the ring, guess what? Super kick.

Besides super kicking referees, Shawn Michael's other likes are turning on his friends in the Royal Rumble (truthfully, this is rarely an indicator of anything, but can always be used to add fuel to a fire) and calling out some of the biggest faces in the WWE.

They aren't going to make Shawn Michaels go through all of this, especially the ref kicking, without giving some sort of payoff, which will be a brief heel turn. In my opinion, the only way you could turn Shawn Michaels heel is if he started goose stepping, raping dead girls, and beating children.




You are one of those guys who would think something is good just because you like it, well you are incorrect unfortunately.

See, Evolution at it's time was great because both Batista and Randy Orton were unestablished , so Evolution was a way of developing Batista and Randy Orton and once they were established they broke away from Evolution and became World Champions , even though Randy Orton wasn't ready to become one but now looking at Batista and Randy Orton , what could Evolution possibly do for hem ? It can't bring them up more than they already are that's for sure, much like how DX is not bringing up HBK and HHH but is simply a way of keeping them out of the main event, that is the only positive thing an Evolution reunion can do. Lastly, Evolution is a stable , not a tag team , it won't do anything for the tag division.

As for the who is turning heel, well I personally think no one is turning heel , HBK and HHH were in an Elimination Chamber before as faces and nothing happened there, so I will assume that nothing will happen here either but I could be wrong. I believe that HBK would just go onto face Undertaker and have HHH move into other plans.

Incase you forgot, DX was originally made to help establish Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, and X-Pac... as well as to give Triple H a bigger shine. And yet, they came back together countless of times.

Not to mention, even though WWE refuses to admit it, TNA is on their ass and bringing back a dominant heel stable would work perfectly. Granted, only one of them (probably HHH) could be world champion, but that's not the point in this case. The point is that if HHH goes heel we COULD see the reformation of Evolution.

And why not? After all that was a great storyline in SvR 09 :p
HBK or HHH doesnt need to turn heel for this match to happen the fans are going to chose who to cheer for, I think its going to be TAKER VS HBK @ MANIA the only why they can top last year is if its for the title, stop over thinking it guys let it play out and see what happens
Incase you forgot, DX was originally made to help establish Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, and X-Pac... as well as to give Triple H a bigger shine. And yet, they came back together countless of times.

Umm, no.

DX was originally Shawn as the leader with Triple H, Chyna, and Rick Rude in a non-wrestling role. Road Dogg, BABG and X-Pac didn't come in until after Shawn was gone, when Triple H took over the leader role.

DX was all about HBK and HHH at the start, and they could finish it at WrestleMania..except I'm sure they'll eventually get back together again if they do break up. They'll end up friends, but another big battle between the two could be excellent.

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