WWE No Way Out: General Discussion

The new no.1 contender

  • Wade Barrett

  • Cody Rhodes

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • Jack Swagger

  • R truth

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I know, a possible random subject but lets face it, AJ is the diva at the minute that is getting character progression (Yes, Eve is aswell) but AJ is becoming this bi-polar, possible physco diva just like Mickie & Victoria was back in the days.

Now, with this topic, it seems that it will be Punk vs bryan at NWO in a possible steel cage match now with AJ being around Punk the last few weeks, will AJ get a major role in that match? I'm just saying this because it's in her homestate (I know, just because it's their hometown/state doesn't mean they will be on the card).

So my questions to you are:
1: Do you think AJ will play a part in the possible CMP/DB match at NWO?
2: If she is going to be given this physco gimmick, how will it play out in PG?
Just so we have a place to merge all of these threads.

So we already have the Cena/Big Show match up. Riveting. We'll surely have another match with Punk and Bryan, likely with some sort of stipulation, possibly a submission match given all the focus around submissions lately. Then we'll hvae Sheamus defending against one of the 3 guys he faced at Over the Limit, most likely. Hard to imagine someone else randomly jumping up to the title picture.

Oh yeah, and we have seen what looks like the beginning of a Jericho/Orton feud. Could be decent.

Keep all of the general discussion in here.
I'm guessing with Jericho and Orton likely starting a feud, the most likely option for Sheamus is ADR, sadly. It's not that Sheamus vs. ADR doesn't interest me, as I like Sheamus, it's that ADR vs. Anyone does not interest me. He's decent in the ring though.

My opinion on Cena/Big Show is documented in that thread. :disappointed:

As far as DB/Punk, Chuck seems pretty on point regarding it being a submission match. The cage match I think will be filled with Cena/Show. They've placed extra emphasis on submission holds thus far. The only issue with that is A) It means involvement by AJ is unlikely as she can't make anyone tap out B) it makes me think the feud could be ending already as a submission match is pretty clear cut on who wins. But I guess we'll see.

As for Jericho/Orton, I'm sure it'll be a decent filler feud, as both men can really perform, but that still doesn't change the fact that it's just a filler feud. Orton's been stuck in them since Barrett went out and it just seems pointless. With Jericho leaving it's not that big of a deal, but Orton's been in neutral for too long now.
What happened to this ppv being all cage matches?

Either do that or it should just be a normal event, sorry but submission matches etc. don't scream "no way out" to me.
1: Do you think AJ will play a part in the possible CMP/DB match at NWO?
it looks like its leading to that and if so the story when she comes who will she pick
2: If she is going to be given this physco gimmick, how will it play out in PG?
i think it will play out well attack divas even superstars after matches whoever she ends up with like kicking them in the nuts or whatever
Ill just keep it simple and give my predictions to the matches and winners of No Way Out.

(STEEL CAGE) John Cena vs Big Show- Its a toss up because you never know with Cena, but Im going to go with Big Show winning because of something crazy Big Johnny and his minions (hawkins, reks, otunga) does to Cena.
(SUBMISSION MATCH/WWE CHAMPIONSHIP)CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan- I really hope this is a submission match.It makes so much sense. If it is though, I dont see how AJ can effect the outcome except for this...AJ comes out after weeks of getting deeper with Punk, AJ comes out and screws Punk. Bryan and AJ attack Punk untill he is out cold. Daniel Bryan puts the YES lock on Punk and CM Punk is out cold and cannot respond so Bryan wins. NEW WWE Champion.
(WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP)Sheamus vs Alberto Del Rio- Im not sure what type of "No Way Out" match stipulation they will have for this match. Maybe a Lumberjack match (I hope not.) None the less, Sheamus will retain and will continue as Champion
Chris Jericho vs Randy Orton-This match could possibly be #1 Contenders match. I dont know about that though. I think Jericho will get a PPV win and win this match. They will probably have a rematch on RAW/SMACKDOWN where Orton wins, then have the final match at MITB and have Orton win.
(TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS)Kofi & R-Truth vs Primo & Epico- I really hope they give this a real good fued! Kofi & R-Truth should win this match and A.W. will tweak his newly signed tag team.
(INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP)Christian vs Cody Rhodes Rhodes gets his rematch clause and lose. Christian retains the title and should go on to face DAMIEN SANDOW!
Do you think AJ will play a part in the possible CMP/DB match at NWO?
yes but how i dnt kno bcuz Kane will be involed somehow

If she is going to be given this physco gimmick, how will it play out in PG?
she will be crazy following around dbry/punk but nothing that would go pass pg
I think the card will be pretty good as far as in ring work goes. Cena vs Show will probably be the cage match and I'm 50/50 on that, but I expect them to book a rematch between Cody and Christian for the IC title and Orton vs Jericho, both of which should be good to great.

Given the seemingly likely Jericho/Orton match I am guess that leaves Berto vs Sheamus, not a thrilling prospect but it could surprise. Punk vs Bryan in a submission match seems likely, but after what happened last week on SD and Monday night on Raw, I am wondering if Kane may be added so they can keep the one on one rematch between Punk and Bryan for MITB since that was such a key PPV for them both last year.

A Layla vs Beth rematch seems about the only option for a Divas title match but AJ could maybe be involved. I don't think the US or tag titles will be defended, instead I could see there been a multi man tag that got the champs, Swaggler, Miz, Brodus etc...on the card.
So, apparently, WWE sent out a text alert today that Triple H will be appearing at the PPV, doesn't actually say in what capacity, I expect it to further the Brock Lesnar storyline, I highly doubt it'll be a match. Are you a fan of this, cause it's a PPV, shouldn't they just save this for RAW? PPV's a meant to show the wrestling-side of things, and this maybe taking out a Tag Team Match, or a mid-card match. Are you a fan of this, are you bothered about it or not?

Do you think Brock Lesnar will appear? With news coming out that he's only signed up for 24 dates and he's used 6 already, that leaves 18 more appearances for him. If Lesnar doesn't show up then I'm sure Heyman will. How do you think WWE will go with this storyline? Do you think they'll do a match between Triple H and Brock Lesnar to decide it all like they did with Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero and Dominick, or do you actually think they'll use an actual court case on this? Just want your opinions.
PWinsider is reporting the following:


There is a fear that Alberto Del Rio, who is still recovering from his groin tear and surgery, suffered a concussion last week. As late as yesterday, there was discussion he may need to be pulled from the No Way Out PPV, although PWInsider.com has not confirmed that he was officially pulled. Del Rio is set to challenge Sheamus for the World title at the PPV.

Is there any weight in the concussion rumor?
Who will replace Del Rio in the title match if he has to drop?

Personally I think this is BS, But if Del Rio does have to drop out, I would have Daniel Bryan wrestle both matches for the championships as it Would be extremely beneficial for him. A close second idea would be Dolph Ziggler.
According to F4WOnline.com, Del Rio did in fact suffer a concussion at this week's Smackdown tapings, and it was said to have occurred when Sheamus slammed Del Rio's head into the metal WWE logo.

At this point, WWE officials are unsure as to whether or not Del Rio will be able to compete at next week's No Way Out PPV, and the creative team is said to have already been brainstorming alternative plans should Del Rio have to be pulled from the eve
if by anyway alberto is pulled out who will be sheamus opponent at no way out.
your thread was bullshit, "who replaces del rio???"....he is still in the match, go back to bed, bitch

Jared96 stated Who will replace Del Rio IF he can't compete?

Where did he actually state that Del Rio IS being replaced?

However i voted for Ziggler. I'd rather see Ziggler face Sheamus than Del Rio even if Del Rio was fully 100% fit. Del Rio is just boring and his ring announcer is more entertaining than him.
If they want to take the belt off Sheamus then Barrett is the natural choice. It'd be bad for him to return and lose though so Cody I would say.
In alot of rare instances where a challenger gets pulled last minute, the new #1 contender usally walks out as champion, so what we all need to wonder is, who can face Sheamus and beat him for the title?

Seeing as this is on Smackdown, I'd like to say anything is possible. With that being said, I see a screwball of some sort coming up that will see Kane facing and beating Sheamus, leading to a feud, who's the bigger redder monster?
Jared96 stated Who will replace Del Rio IF he can't compete?

Where did he actually state that Del Rio IS being replaced?

To be fair, the title of the thread is a bit misleading. Along with how the poll is labeled a casual glancer could easily think he was saying it was official. That said, alberts35 definitely doesn't need to be a jerk about it, and it is easy to figure out it's a hypothetical thread based on what we might see happen in the next few days.

Oh, and I'd like to see Cody Rhodes work with Sheamus for a good feud. Dolph Ziggler would be my other choice.
In alot of rare instances where a challenger gets pulled last minute, the new #1 contender usally walks out as champion, so what we all need to wonder is, who can face Sheamus and beat him for the title?

Seeing as this is on Smackdown, I'd like to say anything is possible. With that being said, I see a screwball of some sort coming up that will see Kane facing and beating Sheamus, leading to a feud, who's the bigger redder monster?

I suppose that's true, but Dolph Ziggler is always a good option to fall back on. Kane and Dolph usually put on good matches, so that would be enjoyable.
No Way Out:
Could it be possible that CM Punk retains in the triple threat and earns Daniel Bryans Respect
Then to have Mr Mcmahon screw Cena and have him fired.

The Fallout:
CM Punk enters into a fued with the Big Show, While Daniel Bryan settles up with Kane.

MITB/ OR Raw 1000th show:
Big Show defeats CM Punk for the WWE championship after John Cena costs CM Punk the title, turning heel. Bryan defeats Kane and goes after show

Punk and Bryan team up to take on Cena/Show/Laurinitis/Mcmahon stable, building new credible/marketable top faces while giving Cena's character a new dimension, making things a bit fresh.

SS: Cena vs. Punk Grudge match from last year & Big Show vs Daniel Bryan for WWE championship.

Thoughts? Positive or Negative? its just an idea, share yours.
Also, adding to this, could throw Dolph Ziggler into the stable and have Sheamus join Punk/Bryan. Do a whole Corporation vs. Misfits thing.

Would help the faces get that extra bit over. As Punk & Sheamus are the two most likely babyface candidates to carry Cena's load if he had to leave, and i mean star power aswell as media and charity appearences and the PR etc.
You know, I don't really understand the hate this card is getting. I mean, did anybody really expect No Way Out to be a marquee Pay-Per-View? I know I didn't. No Way Out, much like every PPV that's not one of the big four, ends up being basic filler, for the most part. Still, these cards still provide enough entertainment. Even this one doesn't seem as if it will be that bad and that's after all the injuries and suspensions have ravaged the WWE. There's a couple of matches that are bound to be entertaining and the WWE will do their best to put on a passable show, with whatever they have at hand.

Again, I'm not saying that No Way Out is going to be a card to remember, but I'm not going to dismiss it before it comes around. My expectations for these events aren't that high, either. As long as I get an event that keeps me entertained -- whether it's through comedy matches (like Santino/Ricardo) or good wrestling (like Rhodes/Christian) or just plain storyline development -- I'll be satisfied. All things considered, the card actually looks pretty good, with everything the WWE has been up against. The original card was going to be drastically different, which is pretty obvious, as they lost three major stars in Randy Orton, Chris Jericho, and Alberto Del Rio (that's not even counting R-Truth's injury, which probably took a Tag Team Championship match off the card). So, while No Way Out is just going to be filler, I don't think we need to pan it, just yet.
Please move this if it's in the wrong section...

Pre-Show: Brodus Clay vs David Otunga- This match had minimal build. It does seem like a solid matchup that might last awhile because of the fact that Otunga took out Clay's leg, but all the same, it's a crappy preshow match.

Build: D. Match Quality: F. Match Potential: D-.
My prediction: Brodus Clay.

Santino Marella vs Ricardo Rodriguez in a Tuxedo match- This just pisses me off. Complete waste of time, WWE. COMPLETE WASTE OF TIME. I'm just saying, the U.S. title is being WASTED. Defend the dang belt instead of this trash.

Build: D. Match Quality: F. Match Potential: F.
My prediction: Santino Marella.

Diva's Title: Diva's Champ Layla vs Beth Phoenix- They never build these. I wish they would.

Build: F. Match Quality: C-. Match Potential: D+.
My prediction: Layla (although I hope Kharma comes back)

Intercontinental Title: Intercontinental Champ Christian vs Cody Rhodes- This is a good potential match. The build isn't the greatest, but I think this could be a solid mid-card match.

Build: C+. Match Quality: B-. Match Potential: C.
My prediction: Christian.

World Heavyweight Title: World Champ Sheamus vs Dolph Ziggler- I think this match, for what it's worth, was well-built for what time they had. I liked the finish to the tag team match, and it's likely it could happen again on Sunday. But what I see as more likely is Swagger screwing Ziggler, causing a Ziggler face turn (yes please).

Build: B. Match Quality: B+. Match Potential: B.
My prediction: Sheamus via screwjob.

John Cena vs Big Show- SuperCena, nuff said. I think this match was built very well, for what it's worth.

Build: A-. Match Quality: C. Match Potential: B.
My prediction: John Cena, no way Cena gets fired.

WWE Title: WWE Champ CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan vs Kane, with AJ at ringside- This match is going to be a classic. This rivalry has already been awesome. The build for this match is the best I've personally ever seen. Smackdown left you wondering what the hell will happen next. This is an extremely hard match to predict.

Build: A++. Match Quality: A+. Match Potential: A++.
My prediction: I gotta go with Kane here, because he was promised one more title reign, and he deserves it too.

What do you guys think?
I have decided to start a 'Buy or Sell' threads right here on WrestleZone Forums.

It's pretty simple stuff, I will list some statements based around this weekend's pay-per-view, if you agree with my statement, you BUY, or you disagree with my statement, you SELL. I'm not looking for one word answers here, please explain your reasons behind buying and selling an idea.

My first edition will obviously be tomorrows PPV..



1. Cody Rhodes will lose against Christian and go on to be Sheamus' next opponent after this ppv.

2. John Cena vs. Big Show should end in a draw.

3. There is no need for a comedy match between Santino and Ricardo. Instead Santino should have built a short term feud with a superstar and defend the US title at No Way Out.

4. CM Punk shouldn't lose the WWE title so he can go on with a year long WWE title run.

5. Dolph Ziggler will lose against Sheamus and fall back in to the mix.

6. We will see the start of the real build up for Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam.

7. Cena vs. Show should obviously close the show because it's the main storyline in the WWE today.
1. Cody Rhodes will lose against Christian and go on to be Sheamus' next opponent after this ppv- Sell Ziggler, will continue his feud with Sheamus for a few months.

2. John Cena vs. Big Show should end in a draw.- Buy, no one will like this but Johnny needs to stay on raw and honestly no one will be happy with another "OMG CENA'S FIRED' storyline. Very few time do I think a draw should be considered this is one of those.

3. There is no need for a comedy match between Santino and Ricardo. Instead Santino should have built a short term feud with a superstar and defend the US title at No Way Out- Buy, if it wasn't for the US title I wouldn't care but he should have a little bit better match considering he is the champ.

4. CM Punk shouldn't lose the WWE title so he can go on with a year long WWE title run- Sell Kind of, he shouldn't lose because he's on an amazing roll with some great matches and interesting storylines. The year long thing doesn't mean anything to me.

5. Dolph Ziggler will lose against Sheamus and fall back in to the mix- Sell, he'll be feuding with Sheamus for the next two months at the very least in my opinion.

6. We will see the start of the real build up for Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam.- Buy, Brock will be at NWO imo.

7. Cena vs. Show should obviously close the show because it's the main storyline in the WWE today- Sell, the WWE championship should because of how all three men have advanced the storyline and have worked so well together.
1. Cody Rhodes will lose against Christian and go on to be Sheamus' next opponent after this ppv.
I will buy this simply because there's not many other decent options. It seems Sheamus is going to hold the title for awhile and it won't hurt Cody Rhodes' first real feud in the main event to end in a loss. At least he'll finally get pushed up there.

2. John Cena vs. Big Show should end in a draw.

I'm going to sell this. There is going to be some kind of funny business though. Possibly a draw, but I doubt it. But I also don't see either person getting fired. I'm seeing more of Vince McMahon having issues firing JL due to his "concussion."

3. There is no need for a comedy match between Santino and Ricardo. Instead Santino should have built a short term feud with a superstar and defend the US title at No Way Out.

I will sell this. The comedy match is fine. Santino still having the US Title is not fine. I had no problem with him winning it, but they haven't done anything with it since. If they're going to do this stuff with Santino, drop the belt first.

4. CM Punk shouldn't lose the WWE title so he can go on with a year long WWE title run.

I guess I'll buy this. Truthfully, the most interesting part of this storyline is AJ's role and I'm curious to see how everything plays out. I have no problem with CM Punk keeping the belt, but I could see him possibly dropping it tomorrow.

5. Dolph Ziggler will lose against Sheamus and fall back in to the mix.

I'll buy this if there's no development with his character. He's been at the same exact spot for well over a year now. Do something with his character already.

6. We will see the start of the real build up for Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam.

I'll buy this. HHH is advertised to be on the show. There's no way he's not going to address Brock Lesnar or the situation.

7. Cena vs. Show should obviously close the show because it's the main storyline in the WWE today.

I'll sell should. I'll buy will. It's not that interesting of a storyline whatsoever. And Big Show's heel turn makes no sense to me whatsoever so it's hard for me to buy into it at all. However, with the added "firing" stipulations, this will no doubt close the show.
1. Cody Rhodes will lose against Christian and go on to be Sheamus' next opponent after this ppv.

SELL! Cody Rhodes will lose to Christian, but he will not go on to fight Sheamus after this pay per view. Del Rio will finally get his one on one match at Money In The Bank with Sheamus, while Rhodes is involved with the "Smackdown Money In The Bank Ladder Match".

2. John Cena vs. Big Show should end in a draw.

SELL if this match is the last match on the card (which is highly likely.) Pay Per Views that end in draws are bad taste in my opinion. So i dont think they will do that.
BUY if this is not the last match. Since you arent leaving the fans with a draw to end the night, this would be a perfect way to get around the two stupid stipulations that wont happen even if Show or Cena loses. Plus it makes them both look strong, if done correctly.

3. There is no need for a comedy match between Santino and Ricardo. Instead Santino should have built a short term feud with a superstar and defend the US title at No Way Out.

BUY! This is pretty obvious. I dont think i have to explain why Santino should defend his title rather than strip a mexican announcer.

4. CM Punk shouldn't lose the WWE title so he can go on with a year long WWE title run.

SELL! CM Punks not holding the belt for a year. As much as i love Punk he has to drop it by the latest Summerslam. Not saying he has to lose it tomorrow because i actually hope he wins, but if Bryan or Kane win there wont be a negative outcome in that match.

5. Dolph Ziggler will lose against Sheamus and fall back in to the mix.

SELL! Ziggler will not beat Sheamus but he will be the Raw Money In The Bank winner next month so he isnt falling back to the position he was in any time soon.

6. We will see the start of the real build up for Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar at SummerSlam.

SELL! With the limited appearances of Lesnar, they cant afford to build their match more than two months before Summerslam. We may get a few elements but no match will be discussed at No Way Out.

7. Cena vs. Show should obviously close the show because it's the main storyline in the WWE today.

SELL! Cena and Show should not close the show despite WWE forcing it to us as the "main story". The WWE Championship should close the show EVERY SINGLE PAY PER VIEW. There are some cases where there is such a high profile match it has to go on last (Cena vs Rock) but every time a stupid main event (see Over The Limit) it makes the titles look less prestigious and the pay per view in general feels weaker. This will be the last match though and it is a shame that it is.

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