Bullshit About Movies, Release Dates, and Box Office (PLEASE READ FIRST POST)

Whoa... that movie looks awesome!

Listen, I hated See No Evil as well, but that plot has all kinds of potential, plus the director (Ryuhei Kitamura) is the same guy who did Versus, which was SUPERB. If WWE had cast some wrestler for the lead role, then I would flush my expectations down the toilet, but they got a real actor to play the lead (don't know much about him, but he's a stage actor from London, so you know the guy has talent), and with this director and storyline... there's no reason not to believe that this will be the best WWE film since The Rundown.
Oh really?

I have heard from multiple people that it was a great action movie. In fact, one of my friends said that it was probably one of the best action movies of this year and that I should make a point of seeing it in 3D. Then again, perhaps they weren't looking at it with such a critical eye as you were? Still, I think I will be going to see it regardless. It seems to be one of the biggest movies of the summer and I am sure I will have a lot to say about it.

I mean I'll be honest and say that I am harsh on a lot of films and that certainly did come through while I was watching Thor but I just thought it lacked enough action. Now, that doesn't mean that the action scenes they did use weren't good. I loved the fight with the Ice people, that was very well done. But I just thought that the action was far and in between with a lot of attempted humor that really didn't work all that well. I did enjoy Thor though, not the greatest film I have ever seen, but not the worst either by any means.
This came up in the blogosphere today and I had to share because I know my fellow MMA posters would be interested and I think movie fans in general should take note as well.


The youngest son (Hardy) of an alcoholic former boxer (Nolte) returns home, where he's trained by his father for competition in a mixed martial arts tournament -- a path that puts the fighter on a collision corner with his older brother (Edgerton).

It's nothing new or creative, but I enjoy the fact that this fight film will be using MMA as a backdrop and shedding some light on that side of the fight game instead of your classic boxing scenarios. It isn't based on a true story, either. Early reviews of it are quite positive with some (obvious) comparisons to The Fighter and Million Dollar Baby. It officially comes out on September 9, but I seriously had no idea it existed until now.

If anything, you should go see this for Tom Hardy who is FINALLY getting recognized mainstream. He is incredibly talented and he looks great in the little trailer we get to see of this. You'll probably recognize him from Inception but look into seeing his previous work- I recommend Bronson, which everyone needs to see. He is amazing.

Really? Another Dick Tracy film? Warren Beatty has grown a lot older since the first Dick Tracy, and I don't think too many people are going to be anxious to see another Dick Tracy film. I don't think Dick Tracy needs another film, and there doesn't seem to be that "WE WANT ANOTHER MOVIE!!!" urge from fans. When this news becomes more known as time goes on, then maybe more people will show some excitement.

As far as Dick Tracy goes, I can't say I remember too much about this film. I watched it a bunch of times when I was a kid, but that was a long time ago, so I don't remember this movie too well. I wouldn't be opposed to another film, but I can't say I'm excited to see it.
I saw Super 8 over the weekend and absolutely loved it. It was like a mix between The Goonies, ET and Cloverfield. Just enough kiddie stuff for the kids and violence for the adults. J.J. Abrams is really beginning to find his niche in Hollywood as the monster movie guy and I love it. I thought the kids storyline was done very well, it made us care about them and what happened to them and their families. However, I did find the mother/drunk father storyline a little dull, and the fat kid love story silly. Both could have been done much better, or even omitted from the film all together.

I also wish they would have done more with the creature. Don't get me wrong, I loved it. It wasn't some cheesy ass, kid friendly creature. It was in fact a brutal, vicious, animal. That said, how am I supposed to believe that a blood thirsty monster is just going to up and leave because some kid shows it humanity? Give me a break. However, I did love the monster regardless because of its coldness to human life, something ET and The Goonies did not do. The monster is what really set this film apart from not just being another Spielberg film, but an Abrams film.

I also swear to God the monster was just a smaller version of what would become Cloverfield.

Wow. Jack Sparrow STILL draws.....

This is HUGE news. Disney has a nice set of cash cow films, and Pirates Of The Caribbean is one of their more popular franchises. I thought On Stranger Tides was decent enough. It wasn't spectacular by any means, but this wasn't a bad film. These numbers are very impressive, and these films will continue to rake in the cash over the years. These films might continue to sink in terms of quality, but moviegoers will always flock to see Johnny Depp portray the witty pirate on the big screen.
I also wish they would have done more with the creature. Don't get me wrong, I loved it. It wasn't some cheesy ass, kid friendly creature. It was in fact a brutal, vicious, animal. That said, how am I supposed to believe that a blood thirsty monster is just going to up and leave because some kid shows it humanity? Give me a break. However, I did love the monster regardless because of its coldness to human life, something ET and The Goonies did not do. The monster is what really set this film apart from not just being another Spielberg film, but an Abrams film.

I also swear to God the monster was just a smaller version of what would become Cloverfield.


And to think I thought I was the only one who felt like this!

I don't know about you Jon, but I LOVED the Cloverfield monster. The Cloverfield monster added a lot of terror and suspense to that film. I was hooked the entire time, as the creature destroyed the city during his wild rampage.

The creature in Super 8 was mysterious. His intentions were unclear, and you didn't know what his purpose was. Was he going to destroy Earth? Or was he just trying to find a way home? This is something that kept me guessing, as I watched this film, and I really did enjoy the mystery. Although, when Joe showed the creature humanity, I did shake my head a little bit. It was a pretty cheesy moment, but I still thought this was a very enjoyable film.
The latest stories off the set of the big, bloated “Men in Black III” project suggest a runaway production -- from script problems to an oversized budget to movie-star behavior to a shooting schedule from hell.

Insiders close to the Sony sequel dispute this. But they agree that the tension on the New York set has ratcheted up of late as the film heads toward the end of principal shooting.

Star Will Smith headed back to L.A. last week for two days, setting off more reports of production problems. (It’s not clear there were any.)

But more static has arisen with the filming of chase scenes that have shut down portions of streets around New York City, diverting traffic and generally pissing off the local populace.

Meanwhile, Smith has been throwing his weight around, leading to leaks off the set about demanding behavior -- ordering that a set be torn down because "it wasn't right," and that another set be rebuilt to accommodate his improvisations, TheWrap has learned.

“It’s a big, expensive movie in New York City,” said an individual involved in the production. “The last three, four weeks are a lot of chase scenes, so a lot of this gets magnified.”

And, he acknowledged, all has not been wine and roses with the movie's big star lately.

“There is a little bit of a thing going on” with Smith, he said.

Which won’t surprise anyone.

In May, tabloids had a feeding frenzy over star Smith’s oversized star trailer and gym.


The trailer was a $9,000-a-month, 53-foot behemoth -- longer than a city bus -- that the New York Post derided as “starship-sized.”

Also Read: NY Post Gets Will Smith to Move His 'Men In Black 3' Trailer

The Post wrote that “the monstrosity was choking business revenues and filling the streets with exhaust fumes. … Now the ‘I Am Legend’ actor will have to trek to the trailer to get his makeup done, confer with his personal writers and lounge in his marble-floored, 100-inch-screen film room – or walk less than a mile to his own $25,000-a-month Bond Street apartment.”

The actor also had a set rebuilt in order to accommodate an improvised scene he filmed, according to two people involved in the production.

The scene involved a telephone call between Smith’s character, Agent J and Tommy Lee Jones’s character, Agent K. Some time after Jones filmed his portion of the call, it was Smith’s turn. But Smith improvised quite a bit, and his part of the conversation no longer matched Jones’s.

Smith told producers he wanted to see Jones on camera responding to the new material -- a request that required the crew to rebuild the set, or at least a few walls of it -- so Jones could film there again.

On another occasion, early in the filming, Smith had the crew tear down a nearly completed set at Kaufman Astoria Studios because it "wasn't right," a person with knowledge of the project told TheWrap.

The individual also said that Smith had a list of more than a dozen people who were on his "must hires" list, including bodyguards and members of his personal entourage.

"It seems like he has a really big footprint," that person said.

Sony strongly denies that any sets were rebuilt at Smith's request. And an individual close to the production points out that must-hire lists are not unique to Smith -- many stars use many of the same people on their productions.

“Men in Black III” has been a slog from the start; Production was broken into two shooting segments and filmed in two separate calendar years (starting in November of last year) to take advantage of tax rebates in Manhattan. The unorthodox schedule was also meant to allow for work on the script.

It certainly didn't make the film less expensive.

A reliable individual told TheWrap that the movie will net out at a cost of about $215 million, after allowing for all the tax rebates. That’s nearly twice the cost of "Men in Black II."

Sony would not confirm the budget figure.

The tax breaks -- New York rebates 30 percent of production costs incurred in the state -- are vital for the film. Producers needed to start shooting in 2010 in order to qualify.

It seemed like a struggle to get that done.

Clearly, Sony wants to recreate the magic it found in the 1997 “Men in Black,” which had a budget estimated at $90 million and grossed $589 million worldwide. Or the second, 2002’s “Men in Black II,” which grossed $442 million on a $140 million budget.

The studio brought back Smith, Jones and director Barry Sonnenfeld in a complicated time-travel tale.

The movie was supposed to begin shooting in October. It actually started shooting in November -- and stopped around Christmas. Filmmakers announced that they’d start shooting again in mid-February.

Also Read: 'Men In Black 3' Delayed Again

Mid-February turned into March, which turned into April.

During the hiatus, filmmakers polished the script.

Sony has tackled other big projects with correspondingly big budgets (and correspondingly big problems) that turned into big successes.

The 2007 film “Spider-Man 3” had a budget estimated at $258 million. It grossed a hefty $885 million worldwide, but afterward, the studio was convinced that the franchise needed to be rebooted.

Sony has maintained that "MiB III" production is chugging along. One thing that hasn't changed: Its May 25 release date next year.


Wow. I've read rumors about Smith's ego before, but this stuff is unbelievable. I don't know if the reports in this article are entirely true, but IF they are, then Will Smith really is a giant egomaniac. Will Smith is a huge box office draw, there's no denying that. Moviegoers will flock to watch his films, but are all these demands really necessary?

As far as Men In Black III goes, I can't say I'm too excited about this film. I will always love Men In Black, because that movie is one of my childhood favorites, but I've never been too crazy about MIB II. The torch was passed to Smith's character in the first film, but Tommy Lee Jones had to regain his memory in the second film. There were times where it felt like he was trying to be "the man" again, and this drove me nuts. Also, I've always tried to laugh at MIB II, but I just can't. The humor in this film doesn't do it for me, and MIB II has killed my desire to see another film for this franchise.
Watched Punch-Drunk Love on Netflix today and thought it was a nice little flick. From the start, it creates this unpredictable, uneasy mood as you watch car flip out on the road. The main character is socially inept and can't seem to control the elements in his life. In turn he gets mad a lot and lets other people dictate his life. A very relateable charterer. It has symbolism, a nice meaning, unique cinematography, an easy plot to follow, and an interesting charterer.

YES!!!! I would love to see another Evil Dead film!

Sam Raimi won't be directing this one, but he will write the screenplay, and he is a producer, so he will play a big part in this film. I've always wanted to see another Evil Dead film, and I can't wait for this one to hit theaters. I know Bruce Campbell has grown older, and I'm not too crazy about Raimi not directing this one, but I'm hoping this Evil Dead film will be worth the wait. These films do have a nice sized cult following, so the box office numbers shouldn't be bad for this one.

I enjoy Evil Dead II more than the original film. I first saw this film earlier this year, and I was blown away. Evil Dead II packs more of a powerful punch, and there is never a dull moment in this film. I only saw Army Of Darkness (Evil Dead III) once, and that was a long time ago. I'll have to watch it again sometime in the near future, because I really don't remember that film too well.
Just watched Of Mice And Men, and feel ashamed of myself that I doubted Malkovich could pull off the role of Lennie. I always imagined Lennie as being a much bigger guy akin to a white John Coffey from Green Mile, but John absolutely nailed it. One of the best book to film adaptations I think I've seen, still heart-breaking.
I saw Super 8 over the weekend and absolutely loved it. It was like a mix between The Goonies, ET and Cloverfield. Just enough kiddie stuff for the kids and violence for the adults. J.J. Abrams is really beginning to find his niche in Hollywood as the monster movie guy and I love it. I thought the kids storyline was done very well, it made us care about them and what happened to them and their families. However, I did find the mother/drunk father storyline a little dull, and the fat kid love story silly. Both could have been done much better, or even omitted from the film all together.

I also wish they would have done more with the creature. Don't get me wrong, I loved it. It wasn't some cheesy ass, kid friendly creature. It was in fact a brutal, vicious, animal. That said, how am I supposed to believe that a blood thirsty monster is just going to up and leave because some kid shows it humanity? Give me a break. However, I did love the monster regardless because of its coldness to human life, something ET and The Goonies did not do. The monster is what really set this film apart from not just being another Spielberg film, but an Abrams film.

I also swear to God the monster was just a smaller version of what would become Cloverfield.

My thoughts exactly. Also, I had a problem "connecting" with the monster seeing as how it was going around town and killing/eating random people. But aside from that a very fun movie and well worth the 10 bucks spent to watch it in theatres.
Here's some more news on the fourth Evil Dead film: http://www.thewrap.com/movies/column-post/evil-dead-remake-snags-devilish-writer-29077

I think Cody is a good choice to write the screenplay here. Juno wasn't bad at all, and I actually enjoyed Jennifer's Body. The story for the fourth Evil Dead film will be something bizarre, and this film should have a good amount of disgusting and gruesome moments. Jennifer's Body did feature a good amount of gore, but the violence and mayhem in the upcoming Evil Dead film should surpass the stuff in Jennifer's Body by a lot.


Wow. That movie poster looks great.

I LOVE John Carpenter's 1982 version of The Thing. It was a great remake, and I've always wanted to see a prequel. The cast looks decent enough here(you can check out the entire cast here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thing_(2011_film)) and this film should feature a lot of gruesome moments, because the violence and gore in the 1982 version was unreal. I do have high expectations for this film, and I can't wait for this one to hit theaters. Ugh, waiting until October 14 is going to kill me.

I think we all knew the final Harry Potter film would make a lot of money, but The Deathly Hallows Part 2 has smashed into the box office with a powerful punch. This Potter film managed to have an enormous opening weekend, and I wouldn't be surprised if this film broke more records as time goes on. This is only the opening weekend, everybody hasn't seen this film yet, and this Potter film should spend a good amount of time at the #1 spot. Cowboys & Aliens (which opens on July 29 by the way) could knock this film out of the top spot, but I don't think it's a sure thing. I haven't seen The Deathly Hallows Part 2 yet, but the final Potter film has received some great favorable reviews, and this film should be the box office king of 2011.

The Captain Planet cartoons were a HUGE part of my childhood. I loved these cartoons as a kid, and I was real die hard fanatic for this show. I had plenty of Captain Planet toys (Yes, that does includes the power rings), shirts, and other merchandise. Also, there were times where I actually became serious about recycling and preventing air pollution! Captain Planet was an awesome cartoon show with a very positive message, and I could never get enough of this show when I was younger. Oh, and I can still remember the theme song perfectly. It was very corny and cheesy, but I still loved it.

I would like to see a Captain Planet film, but how many other people would like to see this film? Fans who grew up with the show will surely want to watch the film, but could this film draw huge crowds? I'm sure this film will be marketed towards a younger audience, because Captain Planet didn't feature any type of strong violence, most of the villains were kind of goofy, and none of the characters were that extreme. Still, when it comes to popularity, I wouldn't put Captain Planet on the same level as Scooby-Doo and The Flintstones. And it's been in long time since this show was on the air, so a lot of people might have forgotten about it.
I also wish they would have done more with the creature. Don't get me wrong, I loved it. It wasn't some cheesy ass, kid friendly creature. It was in fact a brutal, vicious, animal. That said, how am I supposed to believe that a blood thirsty monster is just going to up and leave because some kid shows it humanity? Give me a break. However, I did love the monster regardless because of its coldness to human life, something ET and The Goonies did not do. The monster is what really set this film apart from not just being another Spielberg film, but an Abrams film.

I totally agree! I thought the fact that the monster just gives up because of one kid was ridiculous and definitely could have been done better. I'm a total film nerd and I love making homemade movies, so I loved the whole story and I thought it was really well done. They were definitely parts here and there that I could have done without, but overall I liked it.

Did anyone else feel unsatisfied with the most recent Harry Potter movie or am I alone on that one?

I've recently been on a horror movie rampage in the last couple of weeks I've watched all the Saw films, the Scream movies, The Unborn, The Roommate, [REC], Orphan, and Insidious.

I loved the first two Saw movies, I thought they were really interesting and the whole reason behind the games was cool.

The Scream movies were entertaining, but nothing special.

The Unborn
A young woman fights the spirit that is slowly taking possession of her.
It had a cool story, but the writing was ehh and the acting wasn't much better. It was a bout a girl who had a twin that died in the whomb and she thinks the twin is haunting her.

The Roommate
College student Sara finds that her new roommate Rebecca has an obsession with her, which quickly turns violent.
It kind of freaked me out, probably just because I'm in college and the idea of getting stuck with a psycho roommate is chilling, but I found myself laughing more than screaming.

[REC] turns on a young TV reporter and her cameraman who cover the night shift at the local fire station. Receiving a call from an old lady trapped in her house, they reach her building to hear horrifying screams -- which begin a long nightmare and a uniquely dramatic TV report.
It's definitely one of the best horror movies I've ever seen. It's a Spanish filmed that Quaratine was based off of. The story is awesome and the scary factor is pretty high! I loved it, highly recommend you all check it out!

A husband and wife who recently lost their baby adopt a 9-year-old girl who is not nearly as innocent as she claims to be.
As with the roommate I was definitely laughing more than screaming. The main actress who plays the orphan couldn't decide which Eastern European country she was from. She was supposed to be Russian, but her accent kept changing throughout the film which was incredibly annoying. Other than that and some minor plot holes, I enjoyed this one. It was decently scary.

Insidious (from the makers of Saw)
A family looks to prevent evil spirits from trapping their comatose child in a realm called The Further.
The description makes it sound kind of dumb, but this movie is BY FAR the creepiest thing I've ever seen. I wouldn't call it a scary movie so if you want something that's going to make you jump out of your seat, this isn't it. This movie is creepy as fuck. It will leave you with an uneasy feeling when you're done watching. I would probably best classify it as a ghost/paranormal movie. A million times better than crap like Paranormal Activity and The Blair Witch Project. If you like horror movies, definitely watch this, if you scare easily definitely don't watch this :p.

Release Date: May 18, 2012


A story of an international Navy fleet engaged in a very dynamic and intense battle against an alien race known as "The Regents". The aliens come to planet Earth, on a mission to build a power source in the ocean. Upon their visit, they come in contact with a navy fleet. The film is also purported to show both sides of the story, from the aliens' perspective, as well as the humans' so the audience knows exactly where the opponent's ships are.

This could be a fun summer blockbuster, but man does this one look generic and plain. There should be some cool special affects here, and Liam Neeson should help elevate things in the acting department. Battleship should be one of the big money summer blockbusters next year, but I'm not not expecting anything great from this film. There should be a some loud and intense action scenes, and as always, Brooklyn Decker will be here for eye candy purposes.
I was actually kind of looking forward to Battleship, but that trailer looks awful.

I'm still going to give it a fair shot though. I was never really a fan of the board game, but Peter Berg is one of the most underrated filmmakers around today and I'm a huge fan of his, so my expectations aren't completely tarnished from that abomination of a trailer. Plus, Taylor Kitsch (the lead actor) is an incredible actor from perhaps my favorite television show of all time, Friday Night Lights (another Peter Berg creation). And of course, Brooklyn Decker's tits give the film another level of intrigue from me.

So yeah... I won't deny that the trailer looks dreadful, but for now I'll reserve judgment since it had everything in that paragraph above working for it.
I actually think Battleship looks like it might be pretty good. It doesn't really seem like it's anything new and t he story probably won't be great, but the action and special effects might be worth it. But like you said, jmt, Taylor Kitsch is an awesome actor (Friday Night Lights is one of my favorite shows too) and I'll definitely be seeing this movie if not just for him and Liam Neeson.

Wow. That story does sound great, and I'm sure Leo can carry this film. He has proven himself as a big time actor over the years, and I'm sure he'll do a fine job with this role, if he decides to accept it. Seeing Leo in his first western would be weird, but I'm sure the film could be entertaining.


Die Hard with a Vengeance is my favorite film in the series. Jeremy Irons was a great villain, this film did have some good suspense and drama, and there were a nice amount of twist and turns here. Also, Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson were awesome as a duo.

Although, I can't say I care about this too much, because I don't have the desire to watch another Die Hard film. Die Hard does have a nice little fan following, so this film should draw some decent numbers at the box office, when it hits theaters. Still, the "we don't have a director" problem doesn't bother me too much, because I wasn't too crazy about the fourth film, and I hope this franchise comes to an end soon.

This news isn't too surprising. Ticket prices aren't getting any cheaper, and the 3D craze won't help this problem, especially if certain films are released exclusively in 3D. People are choosing the cheaper route now a days, or they would just rather download the movie for free. And maybe the movie going experience isn't that alluring anymore? Watching a movie at a theater can be a hassle, and a lot of people probably prefer to stay home.

But there is still some time left in 2011. Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 2 should make a nice splash on DVD and Blu-Ray, and die hard fans of the Potter film franchise will probably spend the extra money for the special box sets. And the sales for Transformers: Dark Of The Moon should be pretty good.

Well, the big name franchises (Harry Potter, Transformers, Pirates Of The Caribbean) delivered at the box office this year, and as expected, The Hangover Part II made a nice splash, and Bride Maids was a nice surprise, but everything else was pretty disappointing. I actually enjoyed Thor and The Green Lantern, but I don't have that urge to see another film. Thor and Green Lantern weren't bad, but when it comes to quality, both films weren't that great. I didn't have that "I CAN WAIT TO SEE THE NEXT FILM!!!" feeling when I walked out of the theater.

Spider-Man will return in 2012, and The Avengers should draw some nice sized crowds, so the box office surge could make a comeback. And we can't forget about the two new Avatar films that will be released in the coming years. Oh, and I still can't believe On Stranger Tides made so much money. I love Johnny Depp, and I know this series has nice sized fan following, but the fourth film was average at best.

Whoa. This sounds like a pretty serious situation here.

What happened to Brian Wells was tragic, and Jean Heid is upset. She thinks this film is trying to take advantage of a real life tragedy that affected her life. She's upset for obvious reasons, but I can't believe the writers would intentionally mock a tragedy. The backlash would be unreal, and their careers would be in serious jeopardy. I just don't think the writers for this film (Michael Diliberti and Matthew Sullivan) would use this real life story for inspiration. They can't be THAT stupid.

30 Minutes Or Less is a mainstream film, so why would Columbia Pictures (a major film studio) take a chance on a film that mocks a tragedy? It just doesn't make sense to me. Also, Jesse Eisenberg is a rising star in Hollywood, and I doubt he would risk any serious scandals that could drag his career down. Also, Danny McBride has seen his fair share of spotlight over the past few years, and his popularity is on the rise. There are just too many reputations on the line in this situation, and I don't think anyone would want to take the risk of a serious scandal. Unfortunately, everyone wasn't aware of this incident, so I don't think you can place the blame on the actors and filmmakers here. This just sounds like a very weird and bizarre coincidence.



Please. Not another Resident Evil film.

I enjoyed the first Resident Evil film, I thought the second one was god awful, I didn't have too big of a problem with Extinction, and Afterlife was kind of shitty. The Resident Evil film series needs to die, because the quality of this franchise keeps sinking with each film.

Although, if this film series must continue, Milla Jovovich needs to return. She IS Alice, and it wouldn't make sense to replace her now. Jovovich has played this character for four films, and everything would feel awkward if she didn't return, because all of the storylines are centered around her character.

Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it Robert Rodriguez. Sin City 2 is expected to hit theaters in 2013, but this is just a rumored release year so far.

Frank Miller and Rodriguez keep talking about all of this progress, but nothing major has happened over the past six years. Everything has been all talk. I loved the first Sin City film, and I've been waiting on the sequel for years. Still, I won't get my hopes up just yet. I'll believe Miller and Rodriguez, when I see a teaser trailer, or some kind of photo from the film, but this movie poster should satisfy me for now:


I'm not 100% sure if this legit or not, but this poster does look damn good.

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