Entrance Music & the Effect


Dark Match Winner
First things first, Cool Entrances lead to interest, with Interest leads to investing, with investing leads to emotion.

For ages, the IWC has been complaining that nobody is getting over with the crowd, The main reason I have this pinned down to is the similarity between every entrance theme that each superstar has (Bar the already over from past or supernatural characters such as Kane & Undertaker.)

Think of as many over guys you can right now and there corresponding themes.
John Cena - Made his own theme song with rapping. (But my later point contradicts this)
CM Punk - Popular rock song from a non WWE Band.
Chris Jericho- Pretty sure its fozzy, Feel free to correct me but I know for certain it isn't something WWE came up with.
Stone Cold Steve Austin - Popular Rock Band Disturbed made his most popular theme
The Rock - Has him saying hes catch phrase at the beginning.
A mid card example of somebodys who were over were:
The Dudley Boyz - These were very over with Powerman 5000 - Bombshell and pyro that matches it.
Kane(Put him here due to lack of title reins and consistency in Mid Card) If you watch live crowd videos, he got over huge with Slow Chemical by Finger 11 because it suited him well.. Everybody was singing it as he came out

My point is, If all the themes sound the same. There is nothing special about that particular wrestler. You can't tell me Otungas theme doesn't sound like Wade Barretts new one (Which by the way, is atrocious) and you can't tell me Cody Rhodes theme doesn't sound like Ziggler's.

An example for tonight, John Cena is having Machine Gun Kelly perform for his entrance, I can't stand MGK. But im 100% sure Cena (even though we are in Miami) will get less boos because the song sounds less generic than the stuff we hear every Monday and Friday night, it has both a Male rapper and a Female singer. Which you hear of much for a male wrestler.

I think somebody who could benefit hugely from a change of theme to a popular one would be Daniel Bryan, He is sorta over now as a heel, (Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!) But I think he should get a song that gives him more of a dark side (Pun on his current theme) or a menacing side.

Additionally, What are your thoughts on the WWE only using Male singers/rappers for Male superstars and Females for Divas. I think this is a missed opportunity.Anyone remember Christians theme sang by Bullet Proof Blonde? With the female singer? I think it suited him alot better and made people invest in him more, Because it was different.

Do You Think WWE Should Invest Less In Home Made Songs and Invest More in Popular Songs That People have Heard Of And Can Relate To?
Who Do You Think Would Benefit From A Song Change? If So, What Song Do You Recommend?
Do You Think They Should Have A More Variety Of Superstars With Opposite Gender Singers?

Thanks for reading, Feel free to tip me to shreds if you feel differently.
I think that face to heel change and visaversa is a great oppurtunity to change music, just as punk did, gives us fanes a bit of a change
Yes, I always get all excited when I hear "If ya smell, what the Rock is cooking", Undertaker's gong, CM Punk's tape scratch sound(whatever its supposed to be called), The Miz's "Awesome", etc.

I think more superstars need much better and less generic themes that everyone can pinpoint who is coming out, one that has a strong opening like Batista, Triple H, etc.
I have touched on today's theme music a lot in these threads, and you hit it right on the head in every possible way. They are generic and all sound the same. Think about last year's mania when For Whom the Bell Tolls hit for HHH. Every hair on my body was standing, and was covered in goosebumps. Now to answer the questions, I am not quite sold on using a vast amount of popular songs. It will take away from the effect when they do use one. However I do think they should get popular bands to do some of the songs. It would be better than whoever they are using now. The fact is the songs are lacking creativity. Think back to the days of Hogan and Savage. All the themes are immediately associated with the stars and Savage came out to pomp and circumstance for God's sake. Its a graduation song, and I guarantee when 90 percent of the people hear it they think of the Macho Man. The other problem with using popular songs and bands is Vince doesn't seem to like to pay them royalties on Dvds. HHH and Takers from Mania were both edited for Best PPV matches of 2011.
Most of the up and coming stars could benefit from a song change. Wade Barrett I think would be the one that sticks out the most. I can't think of a specific song, but I think a good metal song would work. Something that sounds like he means business. On the other hand I will use ADR as an example of a good one. It is essentially a mariachi band, and after he won the 2011 Royal Rumble I had his song stuck it my head for 3 days. It was annoying, but shows its effectiveness. I can't even remember how to hum Barrett's.
I loved Christian's theme so yes I think opposite gender theme songs are good. It is something different, and really sets them apart. I thought it was a shame when he got the updated male sang version of the song. All in all great thead, and I really hope the themes change for the better soon.
Actually I'm pretty sure WWE did "Break the Walls down". Fozzy sounds nothing like that. I'm almost positive the great Jim Johnson (does a lot of themes including Rocks) is the guy.

I don't think a problem with guys getting over is entrance music. That's pretty silly honestly. If a guy doesn't bring a character to life, no one cares. Why is it on the music to get a guy over?

Not only that, but if you look at all the top guys, they have pretty good themes. People sing "Voices" when orton comes out, Cena's gets a huge reaction, "AWESOME" is a good intro, Punk's is good.

Why would they put time and effort and MONEY (don't forget that you can't just throw shit in there) to guys who aren't over? You want them to have a decent theme to get over but you're not going to spend a lot of money and time and energy for a guy who isn't getting over now and will be out of the company in 2 years. It just doesn't make any business sense. If a guy NEEDS a great theme to get over, he's probably not very good.

Also, lol @ "give Daniel Bryan a more menacing theme". Do you not understand his character? He's a chicken shit lucky heel. There is NOTHING menacing about him. Why would you give him that? I think his current theme is great, a rock version of a classic song? Maybe add "YES YES YES" at the beginning or something for a better intro pop but that's it.
What I look for in an entrance theme is whether or not it fits with the wrestler's character. Look at Da.ngr for the Great Khali or Lambeg for Finlay, they fit their characters. And there are guys (Hardyz, Hollys) that got over with incredibly generic themes. What drives me insane is when you get someone who's theme really doesn't match the type of character that they are. Jack Swagger is a great example of it. I expect someone with that "All-American" character to come out with something a little more...almost want to say like the Patriot/Kurt Angle's "Medal" theme.
OMG Burrows I totally agree with you. In fact I've been wanting to start a thread recently on this very issue. I also want to add that the newer wrestle should have some awesome pyro to accompany their entrances.

Here are the wrestlers who I think deserve a better theme/entrance:
Barrett: As stated before I also didn't even remember how his new theme went. When I heard it (the new theme) again on youtube it was absolutely boring.

Sheamus: Needs some kind of pyro (green preferably :p) I believe, as he is depicted as a beast.

Mason Ryan: If he will be used at some point in the future he needs a better theme. His current theme is too generic.

Cody Rhodes: I'm not a fan of his WHOOOAA theme. He needs something better.

Justin Gabriel: Needs a modified version of his current theme - again this is if WWE are going to use him well.

Primo and Epico: They need a name and a new theme. I absolutely despise the current one.

Ezekiel Jackson: Needs a new theme if he is to be used more.

Good Entrances/themes:
Air Boom/Kofi Kingston: They had an awesome entrance but I am not optimistic about whether they will get back together again. Kofi Kingston has a good solo entrance I think.

Masked Kane: Speaks for itself. Although I think the writers should make as dominant as his theme lol.

Drew McIntyre: AWESOME THEME!!! imagine him coming through some smoke though - that would rock! Also what a waste of talent though...wish they book him properly today.

Alex Riley: Another good theme!

Mark Henry: Lol..somebody gonna get their as* kicked!

Hunico: Nice with the low bike.

Sin Cara: Sweet as long as he doesnt botch the trampoline bit.

There are more but I'll leave it for another time. Onto wrestlemania baby!!!
What I look for in an entrance theme is whether or not it fits with the wrestler's character. Look at Da.ngr for the Great Khali or Lambeg for Finlay, they fit their characters. And there are guys (Hardyz, Hollys) that got over with incredibly generic themes. What drives me insane is when you get someone who's theme really doesn't match the type of character that they are. Jack Swagger is a great example of it. I expect someone with that "All-American" character to come out with something a little more...almost want to say like the Patriot/Kurt Angle's "Medal" theme.
Other than a nickname how much is it really his gimmick? He's more of a heel who's not an all american american who says he is. His gimmick isn't like Angle's or Patriot's, he's just an arrogant douche who went to Oklahoma and wrestled.

The themes today really aren't that bad at all. the undercard's aren't good but they have never been very good. The top guys' all have memorable themes that fit them. If you don't like the music, it's probably because you're a 20 and your taste is still something that would be suitable for a show 5-10 years ago.
I always thought Break the walls down - was a song by the same people who did D-generation x.....and I thought that sounded like Rage against the Machine, but ofcourse never looked it up so im probably completely wrong.

Daniel bryan could do with a new theme song but the one he has is so HEEL like anyway that I like it on him.
Wade Barrett has gotten over/heat so much with a crap theme tune, imagine what he could do if they gave him something catchy? He is my pick for a new tune.

Mark Henry's fits so well.
And CmPunk has that innitial Noise like Stonecolds Glass breaking that is just awesome to get the crowd going before the song has even started.....thats what people need. An awesome beginning to the song.
Its like a wake up call and the crowd goes crazy.
I always thought Break the walls down - was a song by the same people who did D-generation x.....and I thought that sounded like Rage against the Machine, but ofcourse never looked it up so im probably completely wrong.

Daniel bryan could do with a new theme song but the one he has is so HEEL like anyway that I like it on him.
Wade Barrett has gotten over/heat so much with a crap theme tune, imagine what he could do if they gave him something catchy? He is my pick for a new tune.

Mark Henry's fits so well.
And CmPunk has that innitial Noise like Stonecolds Glass breaking that is just awesome to get the crowd going before the song has even started.....thats what people need. An awesome beginning to the song.
Its like a wake up call and the crowd goes crazy.
the instruments for Break the Walls were done by Jim Johnson, someone else sang the song and the WWE edited to speed it up slightly and make his voice pitch higher. That's why it sounds like that.

I like the Rage-sounding band, I think they do Swaggers (another pretty good one really).

I agree that the beginning of the song as to be good. Cena's with the slower beginning immediately followed by a mixed reaction is so classic that it sounds weird to me to hear the song without the reaction.
Chris Jericho's theme isn't by Fozzy. It's written by Jim Johnston and then they had Adam Morenoff do the vocals. It's just like they do with every wrestlers theme. Triple H's, written by Johnston, they had Motorhead come in to perform it. Steve Austin's Disturbed theme, again, written by Johnston, they just had Disturb come in and record it. Now for Cena's, I think it's time for Cena to change his theme. The lyrics say, "my time is now." I'd say his time as been here, time for lyrics to reflect his current gimmick. Most of the theme you hear in WWE are written by Johnston, they just get hold of big named rock bands or rappers to record the songs.

And no, I want more Johnston written stuff. Not just some big named song they choose and have someone use, like CM Punk's current one, Cult of Personality. I like the song, but I'd prefer it if he used something that was written for him. He hasn't had one yet. His previous theme, This Fire Burns was actually written for Randy Orton, he used it once. I guess it didn't fit him or Orton hated it and they gave it to Punk to use. :)
First of all, Great thread!
I agree with what you said, entrance themes DO have a contribution in getting a wrestler over (or against him if the theme is bad). Let us take the example of Nexus from 2010. One of the major catch for them was their theme "We are one" by 12 stones- It defined what they were- One. Similarly, Evan Bourne's "Bourne to fly" also defined the high-flying style of wrestling. Another example we can take is of Motor City Machine Guns- Their themes "1967", "Party with the MCMG" and "Motor City" all related to them hailing from Detroit, and its always an added bonus to have the wrestler/team's name featured in the song (insert RVD here); The songs blended really well with their characters and helped them getting over.
On the other hand, there are wrestlers, that despite being good workers and having remarkable charisma, failed to garner much reaction from the crowd, thus taking them a step closer to their burial. Ted Dibiase for example, is a great worker, we all know that. Got massive reaction from the crowd when he was with Legacy, but when he adopted that god-awful theme, his attraction dipped. Another example would be of Natalya or Tyson Kidd. Bret Hart's theme alone did wonders for them, their cheers were just below Cena and no one else on Monday Nights. Look what's happened now. Need yet another example? Dolph Ziggler. Compare his reactions then and now, and you'll see. That's all.
As a fan of the production side of the business and someone who works in advertising/PR/marketing, I think this is a great thread.

A wrestler's entrance theme is a very important part to the overall package. You associate so much with a wrestler - entrance them, visual character, mic work, catch phrases, moves, associations, etc. It all comes together to build that character, and that's how fans perceive that character in their minds most of the time. So entrance music is very important in driving how a character is perceived. Those first few notes or sounds that you hear when that character hits the entrance ramp and triggers your response. Shattered glass = Stone Cold. "If ya smeeeeel...." = Rock. "Weeeeeeellll..." = Big Show. Every time I hear the "2001: A Space Odyssey" theme, I think of Ric Flair, not the movie. Same with "Pomp and Circumstances" for Randy Savage. It's a psychological trigger effect, which is a powerful tool in marketing.

As said earlier, a lot of the theme songs do sound the same nowadays. Mainstream rock and roll or rap or whatever. Why? Because they are in the style of music that's en vogue in today's pop culture. Also, because a lot of wrestlers LOOK and ACT the same nowadays. Long gone are the days of the outlandish characters who had specific theme songs that fit their unique look and style. Now, pretty much everyone wears black tights and walks out to rock music (as a rock music fan, I'm not complaining about that aspect). There's no individuality anymore. Showing my age here, but back in the 70s and 80s, wrestling was more of a fantasy, "larger than life" style of production that included theme songs to accentuate the character. Now, all the characters are pretty much the same and rooted more in real life kayfabe style. I have an older post on the topic of "old school" vs. "new school" characters where I go into much more detail about that.

While WWE has been having Jim Johnson write the wrestlers' music (and, in some cases, bringing in bands in to record those songs), I agree that bringing in songs not created by WWE is pretty nice. It harkens back to the indy days where wrestlers picked their music to run out to while wrestling in high school gyms and bingo halls. Seeing C.M. Punk coming out to "Cult of Personality" again is great, because he used it prior to WWE. I like that Daniel Bryan uses "Ride of the Valkyries" with a new twist, especially with his current character. Unfortunately, with the business side of things coming into play more and more, you have to pay royalties for using other people's intellectual merchandise with a company the scale of WWE. Vince doesn't want to do that, so he has his own guy create music and either record it in-house, or bring a band in and pay them something to record that theme so WWE can keep intellectual property rights to the music. Plus, as was brought out in the C.M. Punk rebellion angle, Vince likes to be the one to "create" a character... mainly because he wants to own it and make money off of it. He wants that wrestler's total package to have "made by WWE" all over it. So, when they get to the big time, they either get totally repackaged or at least get a Johnson theme song. At least Vince seems to be relaxing a bit by allowing Punk to use "Cult of Personality" again. But I'm sure there was something behind that decision that brings Vince more money.

There are a lot of wrestlers that could benefit from a change in music. Too many to list here. Personally, I think they should have a new theme most of the time when they flip heel/face, come back after being away for an extended time or just re-brand the current character. But, as I said earlier, it's more difficult to do when people associate that song with that person for a long time. I hate John Cena's theme. But, it's now engrained and associated with him, so it may be harder to change it. People don't like change most of the time, and they hate drastic change even more. It scares them. So you have to do it in a way that makes it easy for them to accept.

Long story short (well, shorter), because the characters themselves have become less fantasy and more real-life, there's less of a designation to them and their characters which, in turn, leads to monotony in terms of character. Add that to the business of professional wrestling, and that's how you get where you are today.
I'm of the opinion that Codies new theme is really helping him get put over... it's fast, catchy and hooky but has some urgency to it. A case of a theme doing the reverse would be Wades new theme which seems to have sucked the heat right out of him, his old theme did an okay job but the current one always seems to be greeted with silence despite Wade doing his best work during this themes run.
I think theme songs can really help the wrestlers get over but one of the things that I think really helps them is the start of their entrance.
Austin had the class smash.
Mankind had the car crash.
Rock had his catchphrase.
Punk has the cd scratch.
The Dudleyz had the bomb noise.
Road Dogg and the Oh you didn't know bit.

All these things really pumped you up for when the music hit and I think that is one thing that is missing from themes today

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