Final Words on the Religion/Homosexuality Debate


The Legend Killer himself
This is clearly going nowhere. I will always stick to my guns when I believe I am right. Why I'm electing to drop it (and whether or not you do is your decision) is because its become nothing but bickering and name-calling.

If it is wrong to proclaim other religions as false, and I'm wrong to believe that my faith is best, then what exactly is calling my religion false? I'm not trying to make anyone agree with me, but seriously, what I'm "wrong" for doing, nearly everyone else has done.

For the record, I do NOT hate homosexuals. I believe it is immoral, agree with it or not. Any immorality without forgiveness, according to my faith, is enough to send you to Hell. I believe homosexuals can go to Heaven, I believe murders can go to Heaven, anyone can go to Heaven as long as they ask Jesus for forgiveness. Whether you agree or not, that's my stance. It's not bigoted, it's not hateful, it's pre-set and un-adaptive to what man deems acceptable or un-acceptable, because morality should never really change.

I've been accused numerous times of being a homophobe and wanting to send gays to Hell without passing go, which is completely incorrect. I've been accused of being ignorant, when putting all anti-homosexual marriage believers into the category of hating everyone, wanting them to go to Hell is ignorant in of itself. I'm accepting to hearing opposing viewpoints, whether I agree or not, and I would expect the same from another educated poster without being called names just because we disagree on something subjective.

I'm not whining, I'm not going to go around attacking those who disagreed with me in other topics. I just feel its a waste of everyone's time to go into circles when everyone is starting the same argument, and (apparently) I am too.

I don't care if you agree, but this is my position. I don't care if you like me or not, really. I'm just going on the record now, because I'm not going to spend more time arguing the same pre-conceived assumptions everyone else has, with the same pre-conceived assumptions I apparently have.
Dude, no one cares. Really. Believe whatever you want. You're no different from the other millions of homophobic people out there. Not a big deal. Move on.
Oh geez. He believes homosexuals are just as immoral as murderers. How sweet, and incredibly homophobic. :blush:
I dont judge gay people

religion is based on your own beliefs, no need to preach religion to other poeple because everyone has different views on god, thats why theres a bagiliion different forms a christianity, also jsut lots of religions in general.

this is WRESTLEzone fourms, i repeat WRESTLE. lets talk about wrestling not bulshit...
Oh geez. He believes homosexuals are just as immoral as murderers. How sweet, and incredibly homophobic. :blush:

Well now that's just fucking stupid, regardless of religious views.
It's what it looks like to me. Of course, I don't read homophobic very well.
Would you say your faith is something you were born with, or something you chose?

Not something you're born with. Definitely not biologically, obviously, but many people raised in a household emphasizing a particular faith or religion don't end up practicing or believing in it.
Not something you're born with. Definitely not biologically, obviously, but many people raised in a household emphasizing a particular faith or religion don't end up practicing or believing in it.

How long before he figures it out, do you think?
I compared it to an extreme everybody can agree being wrong.

Maybe you just plain can't read? :shrug:

Right, and said that they are both morally reprehensible. That therefore implied their equivalence. You could have compared it to, say, another sex based immorality. At least then the comparison would have made sense.
This is clearly going nowhere. Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Homosexuals are immoral so are murderers blah blah blah my religion #1 blah blah blah.

That's how I read that. Dude, your opinion is your opinion, but as a strong christian I can tell you that my opinion differs, and to say my religion is wrong is offensive beyond belief.

Oh geez. He believes homosexuals are just as immoral as murderers. How sweet, and incredibly homophobic. :blush:

I dont judge gay people

religion is based on your own beliefs, no need to preach religion to other poeple because everyone has different views on god, thats why theres a bagiliion different forms a christianity, also jsut lots of religions in general.
This guy is right. 100%.

this is WRESTLEzone fourms, i repeat WRESTLE. lets talk about wrestling not bulshit...

This is the BAR ROOM, where you spam about whatever the hell you want that ISN'T wrestling.

Also, am I the only person who finds it incredibly ironic that the "Final Words" on this issue sparked yet another argument? Final words don't need to be announced, just stop talking about it and it will go away, and you can go back to being ridiculed for thinking Kurt Warner is better then Brett Favre, Twist.
Not something you're born with. Definitely not biologically, obviously, but many people raised in a household emphasizing a particular faith or religion don't end up practicing or believing in it.

Lulz. Yeah, and the Bible Belt is totally there simply because every Southerner just hears the voice of God as soon as they are expelled from the womb.
Homophobic. I really hate that word. If I see a homosexual the last thing I'd do is to be scarred of them. I have to work with 3 and are all good people. One of them does piss me off though.

As for religion, I won't even bother. You learn. You perceive. And you choose what to believe. That's pretty much it.
Right, and said that they are both morally reprehensible. That therefore implied their equivalence. You could have compared it to, say, another sex based immorality. At least then the comparison would have made sense.
I went to a different extreme. If you mis-understood, or I mis-said it, the issue is taken care of now. Re-hashing the exact same thing over again is pointless.

That's how I read that. Dude, your opinion is your opinion, but as a strong christian I can tell you that my opinion differs, and to say my religion is wrong is offensive beyond belief.
Which is what I was told over and over. Utter hypocrisy.

Also, am I the only person who finds it incredibly ironic that the "Final Words" on this issue sparked yet another argument? Final words don't need to be announced, just stop talking about it and it will go away, and you can go back to being ridiculed for thinking Kurt Warner is better then Brett Favre, Twist.

I've stopped posting in the Twist thread, and the other two in the Cigar lounge, so we can end it here.

Favre was a better TV draw, and more consistent, while Warner played nearly half as long, netting the same amount of Super Bowl rings and more appearances, with traditionally bad teams, while being far greater in the clutch.

Yeah, Warner is better.
What I think the title of this thread is supposed to say is "I was completely destroyed in the other thread and now that I realize it I'm going to try and save face by playing the different strokes for different folks and it's my faith cards".

It just didn't fit.
What I think the title of this thread is supposed to say is "I was completely destroyed in the other thread and now that I realize it I'm going to try and save face by playing the different strokes for different folks and it's my faith cards".

It just didn't fit.

Far from the truth. Especially seeing as people are still playing the "He's homophobic and hates everyone" card.
So you're saying that gays are immoral and are going to burn in hell...but you don't mind their company? You said you don't approve of homosexuality. Are we missing something here? You don't like gays. We get it. Stop trying to defend your hatred dude. Be a real born again Christian and tell us how much you hate the gays, isn't that what you guys are supposed to do? Aren't you God warriors reborn to spread the true and only message of the lord?

You were right about everyone running around in circles. The only reason for that is because you were constantly ignoring what we told you because clearly you can't grasp the facts. No matter the valid points that were brought up, you couldn't understand it so you repeated yourself over and over again.

If you're going to use your ''faith'' as a shield against people hating you, then really do it. Don't try to justify your hatred of homosexuals.
Not something you're born with. Definitely not biologically, obviously, but many people raised in a household emphasizing a particular faith or religion don't end up practicing or believing in it.

Ah, you crack me up Twat. You really do. The best part about you is that you will never ever see how ridiculous you are living a double standard.

So thank you for the lulz, from being picked apart over football and religion and human rights, to this sad little departure.
So you're saying that gays are immoral and are going to burn in hell...but you don't mind their company? You said you don't approve of homosexuality. Are we missing something here? You don't like gays. We get it. Stop trying to defend your hatred dude. Be a real born again Christian and tell us how much you hate the gays, isn't that what you guys are supposed to do? Aren't you God warriors reborn to spread the true and only message of the lord?

You were right about everyone running around in circles. The only reason for that is because you were constantly ignoring what we told you because clearly you can't grasp the facts. No matter the valid points that were brought up, you couldn't understand it so you repeated yourself over and over again.

If you're going to use your ''faith'' as a shield against people hating you, then really do it. Don't try to justify your hatred of homosexuals.

Ah, you crack me up Twat. You really do. The best part about you is that you will never ever see how ridiculous you are living a double standard.

So thank you for the lulz, from being picked apart over football and religion and human rights, to this sad little departure.


Two of the WORST posts I've ever seen, on any forum

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