Final Words on the Religion/Homosexuality Debate

Thanks for the rep, bro. I returned the favor and gave you rep the color of that stain on your panties.
Aaaand he's still crying. I've never seen such a glutton for punishment. Wow, the gift that keeps on giving.
This argument long ago reached its typical impasse. If someone's religion tells them to marginalize a certain group for being immoral and they follow it blindly then there is little recourse for persuading them otherwise.

Even if science was to prove beyond all doubt that evolution occurred, that the Big Bang created the current universe or that God does not exist, there would still be people who would not believe it. Of course, the opposite is true as well. Science could some day prove that God exists and that everything proceeded according to His grand design as somewhat revealed in the religious texts of Jews, Christians and Muslims and yet there would still be people who would not believe it.

Unfortunately, the "faith trumps all" argument is extremely divisive with its practitioners unbending in their dogma and others fervent in their reaction to religious beliefs that they find offensive. It is particularly bad when some religious groups feel the need to go against the one encompassing rule that should be applied to all religion - it is a personal thing. Whether it is someone knocking at your front door, posting their propaganda through your letterbox, preaching in a school or in a public place, trying to find converts by demonstrating religion in a public forum only leads to mutual derision and further division.
Барбоса;2018821 said:
This argument long ago reached its typical impasse. If someone's religion tells them to marginalize a certain group for being immoral and they follow it blindly then there is little recourse for persuading them otherwise.

Even if science was to prove beyond all doubt that evolution occurred, that the Big Bang created the current universe or that God does not exist, there would still be people who would not believe it. Of course, the opposite is true as well. Science could some day prove that God exists and that everything proceeded according to His grand design as somewhat revealed in the religious texts of Jews, Christians and Muslims and yet there would still be people who would not believe it.

Unfortunately, the "faith trumps all" argument is extremely divisive with its practitioners unbending in their dogma and others fervent in their reaction to religious beliefs that they find offensive. It is particularly bad when some religious groups feel the need to go against the one encompassing rule that should be applied to all religion - it is a personal thing. Whether it is someone knocking at your front door, posting their propaganda through your letterbox, preaching in a school or in a public place, trying to find converts by demonstrating religion in a public forum only leads to mutual derision and further division.

THIS is spot on
So, in short, we should stop talking to him because he's a close-minded idiot and that's not about to change any time soon?

As long as he actually does leave, cool.
You said this prior to questioning the truth of the Bible, so my response was valid.

Again, you really should work on those reading comprehension skills. Where in that statement did I say that you believed you were perfect? Where did I even imply that statement? What I was getting at, which I thought was fairly obvious but apparently not, was that for you to not even accept the POSSIBILITY that some things in the bible could be incorrect is what makes your argument so very shit and so very centered solely around you being closed minded. Man is not infallible (as I said in that quote which you've misinterpreted about 3-4 times now), so unless you'd care to tell me that man is in fact infallible and incapable of mistake and thus the bible could not possibly be incorrect in any way about anything, well, this argument is pretty much over, and as per usual, you've come out on the losing end again.

God inspired the Bible. If you are doing nothing more than sitting here trying to insult my faith then you are as hateful and insulting as anyone else.

Never insulted your religion. Goodness you're terrible at reading.

So the Bible is somehow degraded because the lack of medical experience back then? That's just stupid. Nobody discovered the earth was flat at that time? Then nothing back then could be true, obviously.

Are you trying to set the world record for asinine statements derived from a total and complete inability to understand the points I'm trying to make to you? Never said the bible was "degraded" because of of the lack of medical experience or intelligence. No, what I said (and have explained to you I believe 3 times now) was that for you to live your life under the idea that man is infallible (which is exactly what you're doing when you refuse to even acknowledge the possibility that men could have made a mistake at one point in their drafting of the new testament) is sad and downright pitiful, especially when history and science have shown us many times the mistakes that men of that time made and thought.

Mentally evolving does require you to lower your standards because its the popular thing to do. Learning new things doesn't require accepting everything as fact.

My goodness I hope you don't actually believe that spiel of drivel you've just let escape byour keyboard. So believing in equality is now "lowering your standards because it's the popular thing to do?" Here you are, again, exposing your obvious disdain for homosexuals and your homophobia. The idea that everyone is just "lowering their standards because it's the popular thing to do" by believing in equality and equal rights for homosexuals is, again, an incredibly obvious sign that you are in fact just a hateful homophobe using religion to excuse your closed-mindedness like so many before you. Congratulations, you are a cretin.

Oh and your red rep you gave me? Come on man, atleast learn to spell correctly if you're going to attempt to insult me. Despicable isn't a very hard word to spell.

Honestly. I along with others had rebuttals to all of your points in the last thread and this one and you just won't stop or even read peoples' points. You just sit here saying the same thing over and over. Your points suck, your metaphors make no sense, you do not have a clue what you are talking about, your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries!

I hope you get raped by a disgruntled rhinoceros!!!
If someone said Hornswoggle was more valuable than John Cena to the WWE, they'd be wrong, you'd call them an idiot and move on because you know its not true, and you wouldn't feel threatened at all. If this was the case, the same thing would have happened. That DIDN'T happen. Enough said. I never tried to force anyone to accept my faith, at all. I was the one who was being accused of being hateful, and trying to be converted to change my beliefs.

See ya'll around.
Twist, just give it up. They hate you for who you are, what you are, what you believe, and do so because it's not what they believe, and nothing you say will change that or stop them from tearing you apart for standing by your beliefs.

You see, your opinion, your beliefs, your feelings, anything about you is wrong, and doesn't matter to them because only THEIR opinion counts here. You, Me, anyone who doesn't think exactly the same as them is torn down, ridiculed, hated on, and treated like shit, because that's how assholes like them handle people who don't see it their way. And if you mention God, oh no!!!! Don't go there!!!! Can't defend God here, don't want any of that. God has no home amongst these people, and as that is so neither will they with him.

Don't feel bad “For we walk by faith, not by sight.' II Corinthians 5:7” For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.

"The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me because I testify of it, that its deeds are evil. John 7:7,

John 15:18-176 (King James Version)

18If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

19If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.

20Remember the word that I said unto you, The servant is not greater than his lord. If they have persecuted me, they will also persecute you; if they have kept my saying, they will keep yours also.

21But all these things will they do unto you for my name's sake, because they know not him that sent me.

22If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloak for their sin.

23He that hateth me hateth my Father also.

24If I had not done among them the works which none other man did, they had not had sin: but now have they both seen and hated both me and my Father.

25But this cometh to pass, that the word might be fulfilled that is written in their law, They hated me without a cause.

26But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:

27And ye also shall bear witness, because ye have been with me from the beginning.
Yep, your right Game Rage and Twist, fucking damn right I don't approve of you thinking that I am an abomination to your God and that I'll be burning in hell. So yeah, fuck the both of you. It's VERY possible to be both religious and not be a fucking idiotic closed-minded hateful piece of shit, which is exactly what you are if you continue to spew this anti-gay rhetoric bullshit on here. I don't give a fuck if it's your religion, if it was someone's religion to maul children with a chainsaw would you just say "Oh let them maul that child, it's their beliefs!"? No, you'd take the fucking chainsaw away from them. Don't act like you two are Mr. and Mrs. fucking stand-up for everyone's rights when you belong to the most hateful group of fucks this planet has ever known. I HIGHLY doubt the two of you would be going around and slapping Nazis on the back and giving them high fives because they stand up for what they believe in. When what you stand up for is fucking wrong and founded on HATRED, yeah, I reserve every right to call you out on your outdated bullshit and laugh at you.

You can believe whatever you'd like. No one is saying you aren't allowed to believe what you'd like. Just that what you believe is inherently hateful and closed-minded. You don't see me going around saying all Christians are an abomination to God, pure fucking evil and will burn in hell do you? No.

So both of you, kindly, go fuck yourselves. Continue to use religion as your excuse to be homophobes. Just know that's all it is---an excuse for you to be hate-mongerers. And that is EXACTLY what you are when you go around telling people that an entire ethnic/racial or sexual group will be burning in hell forever and are abominations to God. Mongering hate. Enjoy being cretins.
X, FINALLLY gosh, I have been hollering for you for two damn days now.

Go to the Cigar lounge, and LBGT rights thread, and read it. then do your thing. PLEASE
Oh, and go chuckle at the line were Twist informed me that I need to realize the world is a bigger place than just were I live :lmao: :lmao:

thanks for that knowledge, oh wise one :lmao:
Oh, and go chuckle at the line were Twist informed me that I need to realize the world is a bigger place than just were I live :lmao: :lmao:

thanks for that knowledge, oh wise one :lmao:

:lmao: :lmao:

Wow, that's fucking classic. Did you kindly inform him of where exactly you've been and what you do?
:lmao: :lmao:

Wow, that's fucking classic. Did you kindly inform him of where exactly you've been and what you do?

Absolutely not

A. I do not speak boisterously of such things

B. I wouldnt waste the time on him, I would rather he just continued to make a total and utter ass of himself
Oh, and go chuckle at the line were Twist informed me that I need to realize the world is a bigger place than just were I live :lmao: :lmao:

thanks for that knowledge, oh wise one :lmao:

In response to a moronic comment about how things don't directly affect us should render us opinion-less. Yes, lets let kids starve in Africa, because it has no direct result on any of us. I don't care if you've been to 4 different continents, that's ignorant.

Nearly as ignorant as claiming Christianity is based on hatred, simply because it threatens you. But its close. We should base all of our faiths and beliefs on nothing more than what man says is good. If not, you're pure hate. C'mon Game Rage, you should know that :rolleyes:
Барбоса;2020290 said:
So citing a Bible passage about hate is supposed to help an argument regarding the immorality of homosexuality? That sounds somewhat ironic if not worse...

Because you are reading it out of context. Jesus is saying that he was hated for his message, and people will hate their followers for proclaiming the same message. Any body who knows Jesus' message knows it was an absolute and pure love.
In response to a moronic comment about how things don't directly affect us should render us opinion-less. Yes, lets let kids starve in Africa, because it has no direct result on any of us. I don't care if you've been to 4 different continents, that's ignorant.

Nearly as ignorant as claiming Christianity is based on hatred, simply because it threatens you. But its close. We should base all of our faiths and beliefs on nothing more than what man says is good. If not, you're pure hate. C'mon Game Rage, you should know that :rolleyes:

Something that hurts NO ONE and does not negatively effect anything in your life, no. Those kids are hurting. Ive seen them. In person. Dumbass. its an entirely unrelatable, silly comparison to make. Comparing two gay people unifying in love to children starving is about as assinighn as it gets, and shows how seriously you should be taken.

Also, pretty sure I wouldnt say something bad about Christianity, being that im a devout Christian. People who are hatefull bigots that make my religion look terrible is who i have something bad to say about, and that would be you, sir.
Why is this still going? We get it, Twist thinks being gay is immoral, even though he probably wanks it to lesbian porn, thus being a hypocrite. Doc, NorCal, and others have the tried to reason with him. He won't budge, he is close minded, moving on.

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