Second Round: Vancouver - Hulk Hogan vs. HHH

Who Wins This Matchup?

  • Hulk Hogan

  • HHH

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a second round matchup in the Vanouver Subregion. The ring and arena are universal throughout the first round and the organization is not a factor. There is a 20 minute time limit. Vote using any criteria you like. Most votes in the poll at the end of the time period wins. In the case of a tie we will go off of the number of written votes. In the case of a second tie, both are eliminated. Assume one week has passed since the first match.

Location: BC Place, Vancouver, Canada.


Hulk Hogan





Voting is open for 4 days.
Lets be real here: in their primes, Hogan wins. Hogan is better in just about every way other then workrate from a non-kayfabe perspective. Hogan has more charisma, matters more historically, cuts a better promo, and was a much bigger draw. HHH's best work is as a heel, and kayfabe wise, Hogan would definitely win that match up. Hogan just almost never loses, and certainly not to wrestlers like HHH. Not to mention Hogan gave HHH all he wanted (and beat him, but with help, so I'm just focusing on the competitiveness of the match) when HHH was still in the tail end of his prime while Hogan was well past his. Just all over, this match up belongs to Hulk Hogan.

Vote Hogan.
Hmm, tough one really, these two talents have both done so incredibly much for the business, shaping it to what it is today.

Hulk Hogan, while he's definitely the bigger draw, and the bigger influence to the business, seeing as WWE probably wouldn't be as big as it is today without Hulk Hogan, but on the other side Triple H was one of the guys to build the Attitude Era to what it is, alongside Shawn, launching it's beginning, and taking it to new heights as some of the top talents alongside The Rock and Stone Cold (while not as much, but still, a part of it)

Triple H is by far the superior wrestler although, that's nothing you could even argue, and having won many more titles, one of the current corner stones of WWE, and will continue to have an impact on this business.

In the end, I'm probably gonna have go to with Triple H, purely for the fact that he is the better wrestler, the one with more accomplishments through titles, and the less overrated of the two.

Shit!!!!!....... The Game just would have to go up against Hogan in this match up. As much as I admire Triple H, I'm going to have give the vote to Hogan here. Although there was interference from Chris Jericho, and The Undertaker during their match for the Undisputed title at Backlash 2002(which Hogan won), Hogan was doing fine holding his own all by himself before both men decided to get involved.

Triple H has stepped in the ring with just about every big name in pro wrestling, but so has Hogan, and Hogan was more dominant during his time than Triple H. It kills me to do this, but I'm going to have to vote for Hogan.
Hmm, tough one really, these two talents have both done so incredibly much for the business, shaping it to what it is today.

Hulk Hogan, while he's definitely the bigger draw, and the bigger influence to the business, seeing as WWE probably wouldn't be as big as it is today without Hulk Hogan, but on the other side Triple H was one of the guys to build the Attitude Era to what it is, alongside Shawn, launching it's beginning, and taking it to new heights as some of the top talents alongside The Rock and Stone Cold (while not as much, but still, a part of it)

Triple H is by far the superior wrestler although, that's nothing you could even argue, and having won many more titles, one of the current corner stones of WWE, and will continue to have an impact on this business.

In the end, I'm probably gonna have go to with Triple H, purely for the fact that he is the better wrestler, the one with more accomplishments through titles, and the less overrated of the two.


I believe that is something that you can definitely argue. Hogan was a major draw in two companies and HHH was barely a draw in one. HHH's popularity from 1999-2000 was mainly a result of Stone Cold taking time off for surgery. HHH was a awful drawing champion from 2003-2005 and it took a good year-long reign from Cena for us to recover from that. Hogan will always have a lasting impact on the business and I have no idea what HHH's impact would be. I always felt he was kind of there and it took till 2001 for Austin to put him over somewhat.
If we're going non-kayfabe, Hogan wins it easily. 80's WWF and 90's WCW are the houses that Hogan built. When Hogan left WCW, the company died. When Hogan left WWF (the first time) it took them 6 years to recover, and they only did so because of Austin. Triple H, meanwhile, brought the WWE to it's knees in 2003-2005 by taking the title and hogging it, making himself the top guy, until the sweet release of Cena and Batista came alone.

Kayfabe, Hogan takes it even easier. Hogan beat Triple H in 2002, 12 years past his first prime and 5 years past his second prime. No matter what stable Triple has to back him up, Evolution, DX, the Mcmahons, Hogan would beat him. Vote teh Hogan.
I believe that is something that you can definitely argue. Hogan was a major draw in two companies and HHH was barely a draw in one. HHH's popularity from 1999-2000 was mainly a result of Stone Cold taking time off for surgery. HHH was a awful drawing champion from 2003-2005 and it took a good year-long reign from Cena for us to recover from that. Hogan will always have a lasting impact on the business and I have no idea what HHH's impact would be. I always felt he was kind of there and it took till 2001 for Austin to put him over somewhat.

I'm guessing you're talking about the whole fact "we can't argue that Triple H was the superior wrestler?" I'm not talking about drawing abilities, cause that's a clean Hulk Hogan win, I'm talking purely in-ring ability, where Hulk Hogan was incredibly limited, perhaps even worse than John Cena, who's constantly being belittled for his abilities in the ring, where as Triple H, while he's not the perfect in-ring wrestler, his move set exceeds Hulk Hogan's.

Triple H's impact on the business would, as I said, helping the business into the attitude era, and carrying a part of the company on his back (at least to my considerations, carrying RAW while the stars of Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar was Smackdown material during the 2002 - 2005 time, Kurt Angle could've been on RAW during that time, I can't really remember, but matter is that Brock and Kurt was carrying Smackdown, Triple H in my eyes, carrying RAW) just like Shawn Michaels had to when talent was declining and moving to WCW.

Triple H on the other hand, has helped build some incredible stars that will prove to function very well in the business of tomorrow in Wrestling, guy's like John Cena, and Randy Orton, Randy mostly, and he's helped us move into a new era of new main eventers battling the 3 arguably biggest stars in the company, and now having battled Sheamus, a future star.

On the other hand, while Hogan certainly did build some stars here and there, he was ultimately from what I heard, a guy to put his own success over others, complaining about jobbing to wrestlers etc. that''s not the kind of impact I would want to have on my resume.

Triple H was put over just fine during the 99's and 2000's wrestling Mick Foley, wrestling The Rock, wrestling Austin, especially wrestling Foley proved that he could hang with the main eventers that wasn't Austin or The Rock, who they previously had paired him with for the sake of trying to build him, which I feel proved to be quite successful, Triple H was incredibly over as a heel back then, and we have to remember his incredible title defense at Wrestlemania 2000 (I believe that's the 16th? right?) which had him defeating two solid over the top beloved main eventers, and one giant who's proved himself to be a competition back then, before that, and after that.
Triple H's biggest prime was when he returned from injury in 2002 and beat Jeritron for the Undisputed Title at Mania X-8. Next month, he dropped the strap to a Hogan who was well out of his prime.

Pretty simple...Hogan wins.
This one is a marquee matchup with the potential to be one of the most entertaining(if not technically sound) matchups in this whole tournament. It's really a shame that one of these guys has to go out this early, as this is the kind of matchup that you'd like to see near the end of this whole thing. That being said, I have to vote Hogan here. He is simply the single most important performer ever to set foot inside a ring in this business, puting pro wretling on the map. Kayfabe wise, I again think this would be an extremely entertaining matchup. HHH and Hogan engage in test of strength early on w/ Hogan exhibiting a slight advantage. He'd rough up HHH early on, with whips into the corners followed up with a clotheline, bodyslams, maybe a couple of basic suplexes, but then HHH would take over, attacking Hogans' back and neck area with Race's high knee, elbows and forearms to the neck, probably an Anderson spinebuster. Towards the end of the match, he'd catch Hogan with a kick to the midsection followed up by a pedigree. However, when HHH covers him for the pin he gets a 1-2...and a kickout from Hogan who then rises to his feet. After no selling some HHH shots to the head, he proceeds to nail him with his customary 3 shots to the head, a big boot, legdrop and then the three count to the hysterical screams of the fans.
Don't misunderstand, I take absolutely NOTHING away from HHH who is now one of the most important performers in this business, but he's up against the greatest pro wrestler of all time. Looking at this from a kayfabe standpoint, if we're taking an in prime Hogan vs. an in prime HHH, I can't see that Hogan would put over HHH. He only did it once during the height of Hulkamania(UW, of course), but other than that , I think it'll take someone else to eliminate Hogan from this tournament.

What'cha gonna do, when Hulkamania runs wild on you???
What indeed.Vote Hogan
If everyone is going to base this matchup on drawing power, and impact on the business alone..then of course, it's Hogan in a walk. But I am judging every matchup in this tournament simply on in-ring ability alone.

HHH could wrestle circles around Hogan. He is an avid student of the wrestling business, watching and learning from the best. He is a mixture of some of the greatest technicians in wrestling history...Harley Race, Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, and several others. Have him trap Hogan in the Indian Deathlock, and Hogan's knees, one of his weak points, are done.

But them again, Hogan is Hogan. He has overcome the odds against some very bad dudes, time and time again. There is no question of that. I'm voting The Game, but I'm not surprised if The Hulkster wins this bout.
This shouldn't be close at all. Triple H has proven his worth overall, but the fact is Hulk Hogan in his prime flat out did not lose. Not to Stan Hansen, not to Randy savage, and not to Andre the Giant. And if we recall, a Hulk Hogan 10-15 years past his prime BEAT HHH for the WWE Undisputed Title.

Face it, all wrestlers have an Achilles' Heel as far as opponents are concerned, and Hulk Hogan is an Achilles' Heel for many of them. Including HHH.

Hogan in a 15 minute win with the Big Boot, or HHH refuses to lay down and gets DQ'd. Either way, it's GAME OVER for HHH in this tourney.
I'm gonna give the win to HHH - I think him in his McMahon-Helmsley era cerebral assasin prime would be too much, even for Hogan. This guy held his own against the likes of Stone Cold and The Rock - the frankly twisted lengths that HHH would go to to pick up a win are too much for a saint like Hulk Hogan. Plus guys from the Attitude era get no love here unless their name is Stone Cold Steve Austin, which is wrong!
Terrible draw for HHH in an absolutely stacked region. It's a shame too, because although HHH has gotten bad press over his career, he is truly one of the most passionate people in the business and has given us many many great matches to remember over the past 15 years or so.

Hogan is the greatest pro wrestler evaaa, he had the biggest impact ever, he never lost etc etc. The arguments need not be made. I'm voting for HHH not because he would win, but because he is genuinely one of my favourite wrestlers. If I had been around in Hogans prime, perhaps my meaningless vote would have been different, but HHH from 2000/2001 was just awesome, and based on those memories alone, I'll give him my vote.
I like Triple H, but Hogan beat him for the world title when Triple H was as hot as he has ever been and when Hogan was 49 years old. In his prime, it would be no contest. We've seen Cena and Batista, the charismatic faces du jour, beat Triple H when he was the most dominant he has ever been, so I don't think that the best big face of all time would have any trouble.
I'm gonna give the win to HHH - I think him in his McMahon-Helmsley era cerebral assasin prime would be too much, even for Hogan. This guy held his own against the likes of Stone Cold and The Rock - the frankly twisted lengths that HHH would go to to pick up a win are too much for a saint like Hulk Hogan. Plus guys from the Attitude era get no love here unless their name is Stone Cold Steve Austin, which is wrong!

oh wow hhh held his own against the rock and stone cold, hogan has no chance. is that your best argument for trips against hogan. id even be willing to let it slide if you just daid you like hhh more or you think hes better in the ring, i mean ive voted for a couple of people that probabley wouldnt have won because i like them more. but holding your own aginst rock and stone cold is nothing compared to hogans accomplishments.

from 1984 through 1991 the COMBINED time that hogan was NOT champ was barley over a year. the amount of legends that hogan beat is unbelievable, and i may sound like a broken record as many posters have said this before me but he beat hhh for the title far after his prime. and that makes it hard to believe hhh would beat hogan in his prime
Triple H's biggest prime was when he returned from injury in 2002 and beat Jeritron for the Undisputed Title at Mania X-8. Next month, he dropped the strap to a Hogan who was well out of his prime.

Pretty simple...Hogan wins.

This says it all. Interference or not, Triple H lost to Hogan which H was in his prime and Hogan was far past his.

No brainer. Hogan wins.
This says it all. Interference or not, Triple H lost to Hogan which H was in his prime and Hogan was far past his.

No brainer. Hogan wins.

Triple H beat Hogan to become the #1 contender for Undertaker's championship at King of the Ring. How about that?
I'm voting Hogan here after a brief think. Here is why.

Hogan, as far as I can recollect, has one of the greatest records ever against heels. In big matches, on big stages, against big heels when he plays a big face, is near unbeatable.

Since this is the wrestlers fighting at their peaks, Hogan is in the late 80's and dominating the entire company. HHH is either in 2000 or 2003 depending on whether you are going by quality of work or dominance and amount of victories. Either way, he was a heel.

Simply put, I don't think that Hogan jobs to an underhanded heel on a big stage during his absolute peak. Therefore he goes through. Nothing to do with talent, as I prefer the game.
Triple H beat Hogan to become the #1 contender for Undertaker's championship at King of the Ring. How about that?

That's what probably SHOULD have happened when Hogan beat Triple H for the title. After all, Trips was in his prime and Hogan was far out of his.

Trips is caught in a bad situation. If he won against Hogan at Backlash, he would've beaten an old legend. By losing, he proved that Hogan still had it. And if Triple H is 1 and 1 against a past-prime Hogan, a primed Hogan would pound him into oblivion.
Triple H beat Hogan to become the #1 contender for Undertaker's championship at King of the Ring. How about that?

so hes only got a fifty percent win percentage against a man faaaaaaar past his prime. thats not convincing me that he could handle hogan in the peak of hulkamania, in fact it wouldnt be close

my bad d-man beat me to it, guess my post was kinda pointless
I've been voting pretty fairly and giving good reason's for my choices in this tournament thus far, but this will be the only time in this tournament that I do not do that.

I am voting Triple H. Why? Personal preference. I have come to terms with the fact that Hogan is probably going to win this match up, and I agree, Hogan accomplished more and drew more in this business then Triple H ever did.

But I just can not bring myself to vote for Hogan. In my view, the guy did more to hurt the business then help it. He became the top draw in history, refused to put anyone over cleanly (with the exception of the Warrior) and proceeded to drive the WWE from 80s prominence to early 90s decline because of his unwillingness to help create new stars. And just when the WWE reached rock bottom, he jumped ship to WCW. For WWE, that was a blessing in disguise because it forced them to put the wheels in motion to eventually evolve into the "Attitude" era of wrestling, the first true change of guard that would bring them back in prominence.

Then in WCW, it was almost the same thing. He went to WCW, thanks to a revolutionary idea he became the biggest star in the company, and then he (along with a number of the established main eventers this time around) refused to put others over cleanly and create new stars. WCW begins to decline, boom, after a half assed attempt at putting over Billy Kidman, he is gone.

Hogan has always been a virus in any company he competes in. He is as successful as possible for himself but in the long run, the company he works for suffers, and when they are down, Hogan just leaves. And now, he took the reigns in TNA, made the bone headed decision to move the Mondays prematurely, lost half of the viewing audience and now they are back on Thursdays.

Out of principle, this is the only match that I am not voting kayfabe. It is a moot point, but Hogan's detriments to this business outweighs he contributions in my mind.
My vote goes to Hulk Hogan here like posters said above. Triple h in his prime lost to a out of prime Hogan if he can do that once I think he can do it again. Hulk hogan wins here with the leg drop.
I voted for HHH but I have to point out the sheer hypocrisy in voting for either of these guys because of the other ones backstage shit, seriously HHH is the one guy who's probably held down more guys than Hogan, the only difference being Hogan deserved far more leverage than HHH in that regard.
I'm not even looking at this as a match. I'm looking at this as a backstage politcal bitching-fest. And in that regard, Hogan wins. Hogan goes over in this match, telling anyone who would listen that he would no-show the event if HHH went over him. HHH wouldn't no-show an event, so he'd be backed into a corner and forced to job.

Vote Hogan.

(For the sake of commitment to my sarcasm, I actually did vote Hogan, though as a disclaimer, I wildly support HHH over Hogan any day of the week, I just knew he wasn't going to win this one)
Hogan. Easily. He's the first thing that comes to mind when you talk about pro wrestling. In reality, he should probably win this whole thing. When it comes to kayfabe and drawing power he's probably unmatched. Certainly would go over HHH, who can be seen and Hogan-lite in a way. They're both very similar, but Hogan is a level or 3 above.

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