What Video Game Are You Currently Playing?

I still haven't fully completed Arkham Knight yet. For what system do you have it? Maybe you can help me compete it one day.
Bought good joystick so trying Skyrim for 10th time but now with weapons of console peasants. I got used to keyboard+mouse and its better for aim and navigation. But some things like crafting and even inventory are far more easier with joystick.
I am Currently playing True crime Streets of New york on the PS2, its a great game i wish they would make a new one.
Cod WW2 for Xbox One. Having a blast with Search and Destroy. My only complaint is the severe lack of maps. Hope they pump out a bunch more in the coming weeks. Give us some more Call of Duty 1 maps. Really love what they did with Carentan.

Will crack open the new Assassins Creed (Gift, probably would never have picked it up) game on the PS4 tonight. For whatever reason I always seem to have an Assassins Creed title hitting me every once in awhile. This one looks better than the one before even though they all seem pretty much the same.
I am around 63 hours into Persona 5 and am not even halfway through the game yet. This might be in my top 10 favorite games of all time list. It started very slow and was quite a learning curve but my goodness it picks up like no other after around the end of the 1st palace. Just an exceptional game in every way imaginable.
Cod WW2 for Xbox One. Having a blast with Search and Destroy. My only complaint is the severe lack of maps. Hope they pump out a bunch more in the coming weeks. Give us some more Call of Duty 1 maps. Really love what they did with Carentan.

Will crack open the new Assassins Creed (Gift, probably would never have picked it up) game on the PS4 tonight. For whatever reason I always seem to have an Assassins Creed title hitting me every once in awhile. This one looks better than the one before even though they all seem pretty much the same.

Assassin's Creed: Origins is easily the best looking game that I've played on PS4. EASILY!! More than that, though, IMO, it's the best Assassin's Creed title ever!!! Well, maybe tied with Assassin's Creed 2. It's really really good though.
Currently playing assassin's creed origins and South park on ps4, and mario odyssey on switch
Currently playing Witcher 3. I've finished the main story and Heart of Stone. I'm on Blood and Wine now. Just started it too. I have 180 hours total on the game so far and I still have all of Blood and Wine to play and well over 200 ?s left to explore in various regions. Also, I still have some Gwent cards to find and Witcher Gear from the Cat and Griffin schools to create. As well as the Grandmaster builds for all the Witcher Gear. I still have a while to go huh?

I can't believe I've not played this game until now. It blows my mind.
Also back into Witcher 3. I'm only about 10 hours in, I don't put in long sessions with it, should last me until the second half of 2019 until I complete it on Xbox One. Just past the bathhouse brawl part.

NHL 18 PS4 and Smite (Both) take up most of the remaining time. COD WW2, Metal Gear Phantom Pain and a few others I'll play for small doses.
Also back into Witcher 3. I'm only about 10 hours in, I don't put in long sessions with it, should last me until the second half of 2019 until I complete it on Xbox One. Just past the bathhouse brawl part.

What kind of ability build do you use for Geralt? I've been told I'm doing it wrong. I use all signs except for one column where I use melee skills. The only melee skills I use are the quick one, the second in the quick line that ups the critical and the whirl. Is there a better way? I could respec with that potion.
What kind of ability build do you use for Geralt? I've been told I'm doing it wrong. I use all signs except for one column where I use melee skills. The only melee skills I use are the quick one, the second in the quick line that ups the critical and the whirl. Is there a better way? I could respec with that potion.

I'm trying everything, I tend to use his sheild magic the most though, that's a free hit you can deflect and it comes in handy when taking on more than one enemy. I don't even see the point in magic trap, I've used it a few times and it looks like it doesn't do anything. I use the fire magic second most. When it comes to putting things in slots, I'm pretty sure I don't know what the hell I'm doing as I just fill the six slots and have at it.
I'm trying everything, I tend to use his sheild magic the most though, that's a free hit you can deflect and it comes in handy when taking on more than one enemy. I don't even see the point in magic trap, I've used it a few times and it looks like it doesn't do anything. I use the fire magic second most. When it comes to putting things in slots, I'm pretty sure I don't know what the hell I'm doing as I just fill the six slots and have at it.

I love using Queen too. Especially the sustained shield. That's cheesing at it's best, though. It literally turns whatever damage it takes into health. Sure, it can only take so much before it breaks, but usually by the time it breaks, health is fully restored. I don't even use potions because of Quen. It's almost like cheating, but I love it.
I have been playing SSX 3 on my PS2 again lately. I forgot how awesome the game was. Great open mountain setting, the always fun SSX physics and a damn good soundtrack.
What kind of ability build do you use for Geralt? I've been told I'm doing it wrong. I use all signs except for one column where I use melee skills. The only melee skills I use are the quick one, the second in the quick line that ups the critical and the whirl. Is there a better way? I could respec with that potion.

I have been doing little signs and lots of quick melee(whirlwind one)


Think if you have one potion that gives you 0,5 sec immortality with each hit you can be indestructible for like 30 sec with no problem but didnt find that one, just whirlwinded through everyone. Also signs build


With few alchemy one and signs intensity you can literally kill those pesky guards that you couldnt touch before because they are way above your level.

Also equipment helps. Do cat set with whirlwind or griffin set with signs and you are golden even without that OP build. If you want to change something buy that potion and reset points to try something else.
Hello everyone, guy who has played 300 hours of Witcher 3 here.

If you would like to give me your email I'll send you a picture of a god build I found. One were you can easily wreck enemies ten levels higher than you.

The basics are maxing out most of the alchemy trees, buffing all the adreniline trees, and using the bear armour. You will be able to roll two decotions and another potion along with making your blade oil 50% stronger. I'll have to sit down and look at what exactly it was I did and the specific names but in general, alch-adrenaline builds make you a fucking monster. Poison blades and refreshment are the first two you need maxed
I usually focus on signs and just the quick attacks. It works well enough for a lot of things, but they generally have to be close to my level. Anything to far above me and my quen shield will break with one hit and I do little damage with my melee attacks. Everyone on YouTube tells me I'm doing it wrong cause I've been playing the game on my channel.
I mean if it's working I can't see how anyone can call it wrong. My first play through I did mostly strong and quick attacks along with signs. It was a challenge but I still rolled through the game..

It just depends on what kind of experience you want. For my second play through I wanted a more skyrim-like experience were I could just wreck anyone i came across with very little regard.

I know somewere I saw a viper build built on quick attacks, some alchemy, and the viper armour. Maybe go check that out.
I'm at the part where Geralt and Triss infiltrate the Menge witch hunters base by Triss posing as a captured witch. Geralt is talking with Menge while you hear Triss getting tortured in the very next room (Kind of disturbing). The conversation basically boiled down to fuck it, let's fight. They fight everyone and burn the place to the ground. Super curious, was there any other way out of that situation?
I'm trying to remember....I think the end result is always the same but there are various routes to get to it. The decision making there is more about the Triss romance storyline than the Menge situation.
I'm at the part where Geralt and Triss infiltrate the Menge witch hunters base by Triss posing as a captured witch. Geralt is talking with Menge while you hear Triss getting tortured in the very next room (Kind of disturbing). The conversation basically boiled down to fuck it, let's fight. They fight everyone and burn the place to the ground. Super curious, was there any other way out of that situation?

Only thing optional is to have Triss tortured(by her request) then her to kill guards Boss you talk to when he goes to torture room. You find info and score some points with her this way(dunno if it counts if you want to romance her later). If you try to save her, she scolds you because you didnt go with the plan. Other then that, yeah, basically you burn the place to the ground in every scenario.
That's why I'm in love with this game. There are different outcomes to different situations and many many different endings. After I finish my current play through, then it's time for new game plus and every decision I made in my first run I'll make the opposite in the new game plus. I'm gonna be busy for a long time with this game.
That's why I'm in love with this game. There are different outcomes to different situations and many many different endings. After I finish my current play through, then it's time for new game plus and every decision I made in my first run I'll make the opposite in the new game plus. I'm gonna be busy for a long time with this game.

I did just this and it was...many interesting things occurring :lmao:

Ill probably do one last play through to try and get the ending I want. I feel like someone would have to go out of their way to get it though, because the decisions that have to be made don't seem like ones that ANYONE would make naturally.

The one were Ciri ends up as empress and everyone lives happily ever after

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