Which finisher would hurt the least?

The Man They Call WMD

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A thread was made earlier today about the finisher which would hurt the most. So, it made me think about which finisher would hurt the least.
(throw out gimmick wrestlers, no Cobra....)

To start off, I think some moves of the top rope would hurt least.
The Frog splash, or Starship pain to me prob would not hurt.
I think the R-trurth spinning cork screw is a week move.

What moves do you think would not be painful?
While that previous thread (http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?p=2875962#post2875962) might have inspired you, you copied the thread title almost exactly, lacking only the multiple question mark spam. -1 for Copy/Paste laziness.

-2 for spelling (week finisher? really?)

As for the thread's topic itself, I have to disagree with the frog splash. If someone was actually trying to frog splash you, it'd hurt. a 250-lb guy jumping and flopping across your chest is gonna hurt like a mother.

I'd have to go with Kozlov's headbutt to the chest, of Khali's head chop. Neither are very impressive, they look turrible, and I cant imagine that Chopping a hand on someone like HHH or John Cena's head in a real fight would do anything but piss them off.
I'd have to go with Kozlov's headbutt to the chest, of Khali's head chop. Neither are very impressive, they look turrible, and I cant imagine that Chopping a hand on someone like HHH or John Cena's head in a real fight would do anything but piss them off.

Neither of these are finishers...

I have to go with Cena's Attitude Adjustment. What a worthless finisher. The only thing even slightly impressive about it is that he sometimes lifts up 2 guys at once.

Another mention is David Otungas rock bottom rip-off move. And for that matter, Kozlovs rock bottom rip-off. And while we're at it how about ezekial jacksons? At least he's big enough to sell any move. I don't know why this style of finisher is supposed to hurt, it's basically a choke-slam from somebody not tall enough to sell it.
I always thought the most worthless finish was MVP's Play of the Day. It was just a rip off of Elix Skipper's finish who, by the way, knew how to execute the move.
While that previous thread (http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?p=2875962#post2875962) might have inspired you, you copied the thread title almost exactly, lacking only the multiple question mark spam. -1 for Copy/Paste laziness.

-2 for spelling (week finisher? really?)

Don't shit on the guy, he even claims to be mediocre what do you expect? Plus I don't think he copied and pasted, how hard is it to write that title?

As for the thread's topic itself, I have to disagree with the frog splash. If someone was actually trying to frog splash you, it'd hurt. a 250-lb guy jumping and flopping across your chest is gonna hurt like a mother.

I'd have to go with Kozlov's headbutt to the chest, of Khali's head chop. Neither are very impressive, they look turrible, and I cant imagine that Chopping a hand on someone like HHH or John Cena's head in a real fight would do anything but piss them off.

And please, if you going to go through the effort of correcting someone's spelling so emphatically, get it right yourself. That bit underlined doesn't even make sense... well not in the context you mean it to anyway. Unless you did mean actually chopping up someone's hand on someone else.

For me I've always thought of the AA is a massively weak finisher. Obviously the Cobra is pretty high on the list also. Personally the Samoan spike was massively weak, how hard would you have to jab a guy with your thumb to make it really hurt or give him trouble breathing?
I''m gonna go with the skull crushing finale. There's nothing stopping someone from just putting there hands out to block the move. The way it is delivered, there's no way to deliver it with any real impact. On top of that, there are a number of ways to counter the move. Finishers are suppose to have an element of devastation. The skull crushing finale does not provide this at all.
Personally I would have to say... the skull crushing finale, It just doesn't look effective and while it doesn't have to be per se it needs to at least look the part. Kind of like the opposite of golddust's finisher.
I've gotta say I agree with "Horace Sticklefish" but I think "CamaroIroc" never meant actually copied and pasted >.< Also I think the Samoan Spike, even though "jabbing another guy with your thumb" sounds weak when it's around your neck area.... O.O Even if it was weak most people sold it well so it looks awesome.

I also think finishers like Cena's AA or Matt Hardy's side slam look pathetic and really don't look very believable to get you a 1-2-3. Another finisher is something like Cristian's "Kill Switch" literally no one in real life would allow someone to apply it and even if they do they'll tops get a broken nose/jaw. pfft?

Another thing CamaroIroc I always though Kozlov's headbutts would hurt... I'm sorry but I'm not pleading to be heatbutted repeatedly on the chest by a Russian guy.
I would have to say R-Truths stupid spinning elbow. I can't believe they actually finished matches with that move. By the time, he landed on the ground after spinning through the air. I would have been back up on my feet ready to slap the hell out of him for doing a move so stupid.
stings scorpion death drop. ANY of the miz's past or present finishers. a frankensteiner looks like a little flip in the air, unless it has an almost ddt like effect when great wrestlers can really sell it. styles class, unless botched and someone gets their head/neck involved. without a botch it seems like a belly flop. hell wwe uses this as a diva's finisher.(michelle mccool) . zach ryder's rough rider looks like just another move to a good wrestlers move set. which he is not.
People's Elbow or Hogan's Legdrop.

Do I have to go into detail? It was an elbow, which was done by 20 other people and couldn't get a one count and a stupid Legdrop which half the time he hit poorly.
Any kind of long drawn out ground move.

ex. Hogan leg drop, People's elbow, Ballin' elbow, 5 knuckle shuffle...all so terrible.

Choke slams, Ura-nage slams, death valley drivers all look weak.

Special mention for Cena's STFU, it looks painfully weak.
The Worm is weak, i mean come on i'm suppose to believe that a guy that crawls all the way on his opponent to hit him is a finisher?:banghead: By the time Scotty 2 hotty would get to the guy he would have had at least 30 seconds to get out of the way.

Honorable mention : Rey Mysterio's 619
to LegendKiller716 and Jason Scene ( i dont know how to do that quote thing), when you mentioned that about the most electrifying move in sports entertainment ( now it's in all of entertainment ) one thing came to my mind... it may be realistically weak but it was entertainment , the rock was and still is known for that move as it was entertaining and electrifying as everyone wanted that one elbow pad, but there again, no one wants the body that r-truth hits with that hypicritical corcscrew move so it brings none of those things.:disappointed:
to LegendKiller716 and Jason Scene ( i dont know how to do that quote thing), when you mentioned that about the most electrifying move in sports entertainment ( now it's in all of entertainment ) one thing came to my mind... it may be realistically weak but it was entertainment , the rock was and still is known for that move as it was entertaining and electrifying as everyone wanted that one elbow pad, but there again, no one wants the body that r-truth hits with that hypicritical corcscrew move so it brings none of those things.:disappointed:

Peoples Elbow was a great move to watch, but realistically it looks like a weak move.

I mean, I could see that maybe it could take an affect one someone if you were hit with it. He does drive his elbow into his opponents heart with a certain amount of force, so I guess I COULD stand corrected. But either way...

Hogan's shitty Legdrop still sucks so I remain correct :lol:
I would have to say Alberto Del Rio's lame arm bar would not hurt. It's ridiculous.

The Miz could have a better finisher too.

If we're looking into the past then despite how many cheers it received, Scotty 2 Hotty's 'Worm' would not hurt in the slightest.
Easy answer... the Cobra. Who gets hurt from that? It hurts more to watch people sell that move.

Actually the Cobra is based of an actual martial arts move thats if done correctly can actually paralyze you for a small amount of time. So even though santino performs it weak it is actually powerful

My personal idea of a weak finisher is the twist of fate by both of the hardys. I mean all they are doing is pulling there opponent down it doesnt look all that painful
Ones that automatically come to my mind are the five knuckle shuffle, the 619, and the cobra

One people might argue, is the peoples elbow. I love the rock but it isnt really anything, you elbow their chest. This also goes with MVP's ballin move.

I actually think the skull crushing finale is a good move. If sold correctly, you are slamming your face into the ground at the pressure the miz is moving the person.
first of all in defense of the miz scf, im a bouncer in a nite club and have had to use the same setup(full nelson) to take people out of the club, now ive had to apply force and open a door with the dudes face from that said full nelson position. i know what that move can do from a standing postion, so yea, it would hurt dropping a dude straight down face first ala the scf. as for weak though? alot of you have already listed some great ones so im forced to look way back in order to be original. id have to say shawn micheals siato suplex he used as a finisher when he first when solo, not much more then an average side suplex done by at the time an average sized midcarder
hmm getting hit by a knee strike of even both feet(the 619),the SCF, and even the Cobra are move effective then just ur most electrifying move in all of entertainment i don't want to get kicked in the face by a 619 or get slammed face first down on the ground; and the cobra if hit on the wrong spot of ur neck can paralyze or even stop some blood flow for a short amount of time even the samoan spike is actually lethal.

the weakest finishers would be the ruff rhyder by the time he drops down i would have been out of the way already
Del Rios cross arm bar(not arm breaker) is pitiful. In reality that is a devastating move. But as long as he has it on the elbow would be hyperextended and the oponents would not be back. Also all the sleeper holds are bad. You have 8 to 10 seconds before you are unconsious trust me I lost my first MMA fight to one. The spear joke how many running backs get hit and get right back up. Actually if you really thinkk about it finishers are supposed to be spectacular looking not realistic. We all love them truth be told. Although the HBK superkick would hurt like heck if he connected.
To those who say the Attitude Adjustment go ahead and find a six foot 2 guy to throw you high off his shoulders straight onto your back and see how long it takes for your wind to come back, because you will have it knocked severly out of you. Also for the person who said ABR's cross arm breaker, that move will break your elbow in a matter of seconds if applied with real force in the proper way. The weakest finisher would definitely be the overdrive because you are landing on your opponents leg
The STF is the all time weakest finisher for me. Anyone who has done wrestling in a high school gym class can say that they have been in a hold more painful than that. The key to a submission is to have a pressure point and honestly I don't see anything with the STF. The leg isn't placed in an uncomfertable position and squeezing someones jaw is just uncomfertable, far from painful.

Another things is moves like The People's elbow or the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Dressing up dog crap is great entertainment to watch but in the end it's dog crap. Same goes for any move that is performed multiple times during a match but only become powerful after a taunt, entertaining it is, painful it is not. For me the Five Knuckle Shuffle has less pain involed as all he does is drop his fist compared to a punch which has energy thrown in.

I'm gonna call out whoever says the Scorpion Death Drop isn't painful. Any DDT is going to rattle someones brain and the fact that the victim lands on the back of the head is only going to hurt more. The skull is weakest at the back of someones head so there is even more potential for serious injury.
I mentioned this in the other thread, but The Pedigree is the most useless move, some people have named it as one of the most legit... those people have obviously never fought a day in their lives.

The Pedigree is only useful if your goal is to knock your testicles into your stomach

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