Which finisher would hurt the least?

Actually the Cobra is based of an actual martial arts move thats if done correctly can actually paralyze you for a small amount of time. So even though santino performs it weak it is actually powerful

My personal idea of a weak finisher is the twist of fate by both of the hardys. I mean all they are doing is pulling there opponent down it doesnt look all that painful

the twist of fate is like a headloch in to jumping cutter its a kool finisher & looks pretty painfull hurting youre nexk & landing on youre face
I would have to say Alberto Del Rio's lame arm bar would not hurt. It's ridiculous.

The Miz could have a better finisher too.

If we're looking into the past then despite how many cheers it received, Scotty 2 Hotty's 'Worm' would not hurt in the slightest.

I really hope you're joking with the armbar thing. Have you seen armbars in real life? I mean sure Alberto does it slightly wrong, but armbars are some of the most painful things to do to someones arm, and sometimes there's ones that break the persons arms.

I would have to say the skull crushing finale. Doesn't look like it would hurt at all, especially with the possibility of putting your hands down.
Hogan's leg drop for me, even as a 7 year old kid i found it totally unrealistic that it would put anyone never mind a well built, full-grown man down for a 3 count
This one is easy for me. I definitely think Morrison's Star Ship Pain hurts the least.

It looks effective occasionally, when he lands it perfect. But even then, it doesn't look like it hurts much.

Also, half the time he doesn't hit it perfectly.

I think Morrison is the main guy in WWE that needs a new finisher. I have said many, MANY times that a finisher is probably all he is missing to fully be over with the crowd. I know he is getting more over by the week. But I think with an exciting, high impact finisher, he could really be pushed to the stars.
Wait...are we referring to just finishers, or signature moves as well?

Moves like The People's Elbow, Five Knuckle Shuffle, etc. aren't meant to be actual finishing moves, but more of a lead-in to them.

In my opinion, the weakest looking finisher is probably Otunga's slam. I just can't buy into that move actually finishing someone off.

Good thread!
Hogan's leg drop, definitely. Mysterio's 619 (although to be fair that's not necessarily his finisher).

And perhaps this doesn't count since they are not currently in WWE matches, but carlito's backstabber, or jericho's code breaker. I'm not saying the backstabber wouldn't hurt some, but plenty of "regular" moves end up with impact to a guy's back on the mat with more force than that. The code breaker is probably more painful than the backstabber but that one never really looked that painful, probably because it was easy to miss or mess up on.
There's two finishers to me that look like they wouldn't hurt and they are.

The Wasteland by Wade Barrett:
The move never looks like it hurts all he does is drop somebody on their back, if he were to drop them on their face{with a reverse AA type move kind of what Tyler Reks does} then maybe it would look more impactful, but the move he has now just looks sloppy and weak.

Zig Zag by Dolph Ziggler:
Even though I'm a huge fan of his I believe he needs a new finisher to establish himself as a main event superstar. The Zig Zag just like the Wasteland, looks sloppy and weak all their doing is driving the other superstar on their back and maybe the back of the head, but it's never hard enough to like like it hurts.
Everyone who says ADR's Armbar wouldnt hurt get someone to put you in one.I've been in armbar countless times and they are extremely painful even breaking my arm twice.

Any drawn out ground move also goes here.In a real fight while doing this stupid ass thing they most likely would've gotten up.You wouldve been better stomping the shit out of them.

R-Truths spinning arm thing thats shit ass.Your better off just jumping and hoping for the best.

CM Punks GTS would hurt if it connected but you would have enough time to get out of it though.

On a completely unrelated side note and im the only one who thinks RVD's 5 star frog splash hurts him more then it hurts his opponent?
The Attitude Adjustment is just Cena flipping an opponent from his shoulders to the mat, it would definitely not keep someone down, and his STFU is appalling, he clearly puts so little pressure on his opponent. Someone as popular as Cena really should know how to apply his moves correctly.

To those people who say the Samoan Spike would not hurt???? Jab your thumb into your neck...it hurts. Imagine a crazed savage with a taped up thumb (so it will not bend) ramming that thumb into your throat...that will stop you breathing straight away, it is a devastating move.

Another move I think would not really hurt that much would be the Styles Clash. With the size of AJ's moveset, I have always been surprised he has not created a more devastating looking finisher, the Clash has always looked his weakest move.
It depends on what OP meant, as to whether it goes on how they're applied on screen or whether it's their real world application.
Del Rios cross arm bar(not arm breaker) is pitiful. In reality that is a devastating move. But as long as he has it on the elbow would be hyperextended and the oponents would not be back. Also all the sleeper holds are bad. You have 8 to 10 seconds before you are unconsious trust me I lost my first MMA fight to one. The spear joke how many running backs get hit and get right back up. Actually if you really thinkk about it finishers are supposed to be spectacular looking not realistic. We all love them truth be told. Although the HBK superkick would hurt like heck if he connected.
The arm bar is excruciatingly painful, you will be in pain the instant it's locked in. As far as real world application, it's hard to find the right situation where you can successfully apply it but once you do, your opponent's fucked. Moves like the sleeper hold and the triangle choke as well are instant pressure. If you're in a triangle choke with full pressure for even a second or two, you'll be lightheaded.

The STF is the all time weakest finisher for me. Anyone who has done wrestling in a high school gym class can say that they have been in a hold more painful than that. The key to a submission is to have a pressure point and honestly I don't see anything with the STF. The leg isn't placed in an uncomfertable position and squeezing someones jaw is just uncomfertable, far from painful.
With the STF, the leg is locked, which decreases your opponent's mobility while they're essentially being choked. During the first few seconds of flailing around if they're unable to escape the pressure will rise and they'll be choked out.

I'm going with real world application minus the realistic element such as moving out of the way of the 5 knuckle shuffle. The Attitude Adjustment would hurt because they get some air when Cena tosses them, land awkwardly and you could screw your back and it'd definitely wind you regardless.

Also, moves such as the rock bottom and the bookend wouldn't be too painful. The upper back can take a pretty good pounding and you're not being slammed from a great distance, with that said there's also the risk of whipping the back of your head on the landing. So there's the risk in those moves.

For me it'd be a tie between MVP's Playmaker and The People's Elbow. The playmaker because unless you have impeccable balance, it'd be hard to get a decent amount of momentum to cause any serious damage. And the people's elbow because, at best, it might leave a bruise and you'd likely hurt your back more than you would their chest.
Rey's roll up lol

No, I would have to say Wade Barretts wasteland finisher, it just doesn't look painfull at all. You know when there is usually a crowd reaction to a finisher, whenever Wade does wasteland there is just silence.
619 would have to be pretty high up there on the weakest, the setup would almost be impossible if in a actual fight and Rey barely ever hits the dude in the face, plus its so easy to escape lol cause what are the odds of falling into postion on the ropes, you could easily duck or roll. R-Truth is a obvious one as well since nobody can get hurt from someone jumping and spinning at you lol. And to throw in one more i know its not his finisher but a setup for it, Kofis BOOM DROP, pretty weak since he just jumps in the air where he stands, now if it were always off the top rope then it may be a little more serious but then it may be counted as a finisher so i guess that was pointless to say
619 would have to be pretty high up there on the weakest, the setup would almost be impossible if in a actual fight and Rey barely ever hits the dude in the face, plus its so easy to escape lol cause what are the odds of falling into postion on the ropes, you could easily duck or roll.

Why do you think Rey wouldn't go full out with the 619 all the time? A two footed kick to the face, with the speed Rey generates going to the ropes would be super nasty, look what he did to Taker awhile back, messed up his face with the 619 (and the senton afterwards). I most definitely wouldn't want to be hit with the 619.
The least painful finisher has to go to R-Truth with his spinning elbow, dubbed the "Lie Detector". It just looks really bad, and with little impact, I'm sure it wouldn't be too sore in a real fight, but this move is all about the flare and not power. Other finisher's up there would be the spear by Edge, yes, the spear. It's basically a rugby tackle, and 9 times out of ten, you get up straight away from a good rugby tackle, and Edge doesn't deliver huge spears, only once in awhile does he hit a huge spear, so I'd be fairly confident I'd get up from a spear by Edge with relative ease, now a spear in the hands of Goldberg would be a different story.
Stone Cold's Stunner How can you hurt a guy by pulling his head (mind you not pushing, only pulling)? You would hurt yourself by jumping on the floor, but the guys head never touches the mat, he just bends himself with his head on the guys shoulder. As I said because you are pulling the head you can't get your opponent feel any pain
Cobra - I have to say Santino's Cobra because it's just a jab to the throught and most of the times it doesent connect
Curt Hawkin's Heat Seeking Elbow It is just an elbow drop and it kinda looks weak

Khali's GIant Chop seems very weak too
Wow. There have been so many great finisher moves, and there have been so many stupid ones (or just less effective). I find R-Truth's spinning corkscrew move to be a really lame finisher. How the Heck is that supposed to finish someone off? The Worm, which was used by Scotty 2 Hotty was a horrible move. Rey Mysterio's 619 is pretty dumb. I know that it looks cool every blue moon, but how the heck could that finish off someone? Most of the time it does not even appear that Rey pulled it off correctly! And even thought The Rock is awesome, the people's elbow was not the best finisher to say the least.
Stone Cold's Stunner How can you hurt a guy by pulling his head (mind you not pushing, only pulling)? You would hurt yourself by jumping on the floor, but the guys head never touches the mat, he just bends himself with his head on the guys shoulder. As I said because you are pulling the head you can't get your opponent feel any pain

They would still feel the pain because they're face would be on your shoulder.Get someone to stunner you.Then come back and say if it hurts or not.
Stone Cold's Stunner How can you hurt a guy by pulling his head (mind you not pushing, only pulling)? You would hurt yourself by jumping on the floor, but the guys head never touches the mat, he just bends himself with his head on the guys shoulder. As I said because you are pulling the head you can't get your opponent feel any pain

If the only stopping your downward momentum is your head resting on someone's shoulder, when that person stops moving when they hit the ground, you would certainly feel something when your head tried to keep moving. Just because the head doesn't hit the mat, doesn't mean there is no impact.
I'm going to have to say the Masterlock, like really a full nelson? Doesn't hurt that much. Now honestly people how does a chop to the throat not hurt, all you cobra haters should go ask someone to chop you in the throat then come back here and tell me it doesn't hurt
The first is Del Rio's armbar, coming from a guy who practices mixed martial arts, first when you execute that armbar, you are never supposed to cross your feet, which if you notice Del Rio does, second if you look closely enough it seems like Del Rio puts his opponents' arm on an angle which im not familiar seeing in mma. Also, Del Rio obviously doesn't squeeze his knees causing little-to no pressure at all. Also again with the knees, they are not supposed to be such a huge arch on you knees when you execute it. Del Rio obviously needs a knew one because anyone that knows little mma at all can see that he puts little-to no pressure at all, I would find myself escaping that easily.

Also, I would have to go with James Storm's eye of the storm. He puts you in the razor's edge position than just throws you, it seems like he puts no force in his throws, and if you know how to fall like that it wouldn't hurt at all.

Edit: Also I hate how Michael Cole calls it(Del Rio's armbar) a cross-arm breaker, for some reason it just really ticks me off.
I'm going to have to say the Masterlock, like really a full nelson? Doesn't hurt that much. Now honestly people how does a chop to the throat not hurt, all you cobra haters should go ask someone to chop you in the throat then come back here and tell me it doesn't hurt

Well it depends on who is doing it. Imagine the Masterlock being done by Batista or Brock Lesnar or Rob Terry i guess it would hurt.
stings scorpion death drop. ANY of the miz's past or present finishers. a frankensteiner looks like a little flip in the air, unless it has an almost ddt like effect when great wrestlers can really sell it. styles class, unless botched and someone gets their head/neck involved. without a botch it seems like a belly flop. hell wwe uses this as a diva's finisher.(michelle mccool) . zach ryder's rough rider looks like just another move to a good wrestlers move set. which he is not.

I don't know if he does it differently now or not because I haven't watched the guy in years, but have you ever been dropped on the back of your head? Wrong surface and it will kill you.

The Skull Crushing Finale looks hella weak to me. Someone earlier said that it could be easily counter. Watch how most people sell the move- they basically counter it themself by putting there hands down and softening the blow. It's hilarious.

Also The Cross-Roads, or any variation thereof- always looked silly as fuck to me. I don't even know what they're supposed to be injuring during the move.

They would still feel the pain because they're face would be on your shoulder.Get someone to stunner you.Then come back and say if it hurts or not.

I've been Stunnered (?) It hurt... a lot. LOL.
If the only stopping your downward momentum is your head resting on someone's shoulder, when that person stops moving when they hit the ground, you would certainly feel something when your head tried to keep moving. Just because the head doesn't hit the mat, doesn't mean there is no impact.

I understand what you mean, but because it's human body, i think it will absorb most of the shock caused by stopping immediately. I mean if your head was resting on an iron block it's different but its a human shoulder. Your a$$ won't reflect the whole shock to the shoulder, because your body would bend. And that shoulder won't reflect the whole to a head, because the head is getting pulled, and opponents body would automatically tend to pull the head pack up while you try to pull it down. Never had a Stone Cold Stunner though, so this is my guess of course :)

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