Who Is Better II - The Rock Vs Stone Cold Steve Austin

Who Is Better?

  • Stone Cold Steve Austin

  • The Rock

  • Tie

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Dark Match Winner
I created a new series called Who Is Better. The first episode was John Cena vs Randy Orton and now it is The Rock vs Stone Cold!

There are 5 categories, mic skills, in ring skills, charisma, accomplishments, and louder reaction.

Who is better? The Rock? Or Stone Cold?

Mic skills - The Rock has better promos, so The Rock

In ring skills - Stone Cold, his stunner looks very good on anyone

Charisma - A tie

Accomplishments - Stone Cold because he is Vince's main enemy and he is the host of Tough Enough

Louder Reaction I just started watching wrestling in 2009, so I don't know much about these men. But I do know that The Rock got a wayyy louder reaction for his return in 2011 than Stone Cold interrupting JBL in 2011.

Overall - Stone Cold Steve Austin
Mic Skills - The Rock's promos and segments for the most part have always been great/good. Whether or not hes been good in the past few weeks he was still very entertaining back in the day.

In Ring Skills - Stone Cold by a lot. He was a pretty good wrestler before his neck injury and even afterwards he was still alright.

Charisma - A tie definitely.

Accomplishments Since winning titles is scripted I don't see how I could include that in accomplishments. I'm going by skills and whatnot so i'd have to say Stone Cold. Good wrestler, entertaining all around, had good feuds and matches and for the most part is more credible then the rock.

Louder Reaction I think even as a heel Stone Cold had the better crowd reaction. Mixed cheers with boo's and when he came back to (for tough enough) the crowd went crazy as opposed to the rock who had a mixed reaction since some fans really don't like the guy. Stone Cold has more entertaining and funny memories then the rock, IMO.

Overall Stone Cold by a good amount.
Mic Skills - Stone Cold is good but The Rock surpasses him. No one can beat his promos and still and chances are always will be the best on the mic of all time.

In Ring Skills - This one is closer as opposed to the previous Mic Skills category. I'd say tie. Rock is faster but being faster then someone doesn't make a better wrestler tie.

Charisma - In ring charisma? The Rock. Overall charisma? Tie.

Accomplishments -IF you go by titles then Rock.

Louder Reaction - When Rock first became Rock Stone Cold has this when the Rock really took off for the first time it was a tie. Presently The Rock has it.

Overall - Very close but The Rock.
I would have to give the final nod to Stone Cold. The only thing on the previous posts that I differ slightly with is the comparison of the "return pops" of Rock and SC. SCSA has been around off and on since he retired from active ring work. The Rock has never appeared at a WWE event since he quietly retired 7 years ago so being announced as the host for WM27 was the first time Rock has been seen since he left the company. It's pretty close but I still have to give the final nod to SCSA.
Mic Skills The Rock is in my opinion, the greatest ever on a mic, so he will be better than Stone Cold, although Austin has coined the more noticeable catchphrases whilst be on the stick. ''Austin 3:16'' and ''What'' are examples. But yeah The Rock without a doubt.

In Ring Skills Before his injury with Owen Hart, Austin. Afterwards, The Rock seemed the more athletic not to knock Austin's abilities however. Hasn't Austin been involved in two official five star matches? Overall throughout their careers, I'd give this one to Austin. One all.

Charisma Not to agree for the hell of it, but I'd have to say a tie without a doubt. It's way too close to call, and both have shown more than enough charisma over the years to hail them as two of the greatest of all time.

Stone Cold:- King of the Ring, ONLY three-time Royal Rumble winner, as well as countless titles, such as 6 time WWE champion.

The Rock:- 1 time Royal Rumble winner, countless titles including 7 time heavyweight champion. HOWEVER, one title reign occured when there were TWO heavyweight titles at the time.

Therefore, Steve Austin. Including achievements such as merchandise sales, the man runs away with it in this department. Two-One Austin.

Louder Reactions A lot of people my predicate this on todays reactions. I still deem one of the loudest pop's in wrestling < (Sorry WWE :p) history was when Steve Austin interferred in the Rock/Mankind WWF title match, giving Foley his first title reign (The Infamous WCW commentary blunder). Overall though, I'd say a tie, simply as both can work the crowd unbelievably.

Overall Stone Cold Steve Austin. For most of the above reasons.
Mic skills- Although Stone Cold Steve Austin is one of the best ever on the mic for me The Rock edges it

In Ring Skills- Stone Cold is a far better wrestler than The Rock not even close if you watch Austins matches against Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit, then watch The Rocks matches against them 2 i think people will agree

Charisma- Stone Cold again for me he had like a John Wayne like presence which captivated the audience

Achievements- Id have to say The Rock achieved more e.g he became a World Champion Austin never held that belt Austin held the WWE Title and also his match with Hulk Hogan was something Austin never did unfortunately

Louder Reaction- Stone Cold hands down. Ive been to 45 live events with Austin and The Rock in attendance both as babyfaces and Austins ovations made my hair stand up on end plus i never heard boos during austins whereas the rocks had a few boos in his or rocky sucks chants

Overall- Both men are iconic and always will be but austin is on hogans level if not better whereas the rock is not near hogan iconically imo
Mic Skills is Rock, he is the best, not arguably, jut the best

In ring- Rock is electrifying in the ring as well as the mic, Austin's good in ring too, but for electrifying the fans etc and always being creative in his matches in various ways others werent I'm going with Rock. You always had to watch to see what he'd do next

Charisma- tie, they are both the best two wrestlers ever anywhere and this is a major reason why

Achievements- Rock has more titles etc and I think that matters more on a general fighting standpoint, but I'll give it to Austin for merch and leading The Attitude Era initially in the soon victory over WCW

Louder Reaction- The Rock, late 90's Austin had it over him, by 2000 it was close, but Rock was the face and then eventually Rock had more louder crowd reactions especially today, despite Austin coming back he hasnt been around forever, he is still a rare thing too, Rock just gets a bigger reaction ANYWAY and it started in 2000 to build to the shift you see today.

The Rock is better even without this ratings system though

The Rock is the best on the mic ever, that automatically puts him in the top 2 greatest of all time and the greatest wrestler of all time would be in there too, whoever you'd say that to be, Bret, Shawn, take your pick. But being that this business is entertainment first, The Rock is the best of ALL time because he is simply the best entertainer of all time in the business
This is probably the closet possible debate you could have. Scale time. 1-10.

Mic skills: The Rock 10. Steve Austin 9.5. I know Austin was entertaining on the mic and he's had many classic promos but I really don't think he has the range to be entertaining at anything he does the way Rock, Flair, Piper, Jericho and a few others.

In Ring skills: The Rock 7. Steve Austin 7. Steve Austin was definitely a 9 before 1997 but after Owen broke his neck his entire moveset was basically a bunch of punches and stomps combined with trash talking and chair shots. The Rock has always been an athlete but not really a wrestler so he gets the 7.

Charisma: The Rock 10. Steve Austin 10. These guys' charisma is only paralleled by Hulk Hogan. NOT Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, or anyone else in the history of wrestling. These guys were so charismatic they connected with not only the WWE fans but the casual fans and mainstream media like Hogan did before them.

Accomplishments: The Rock 10. Stone Cold 10. The Rock was the youngest WWE Champion ever, the only man to ever win the WWE title 7 times, and the guy who cleanly beat Hogan (twice) by his official retirement in 2003. Despite these astonishing accolades, Stone Cold was the face of WWE and has won more Royal Rumbles than anyone in history, was undefeated at WrestleMania (until Rock beat him in 03) and is a 6-time World Champion

Louder Reaction: The Rock 9.5. Stone Cold 10. Stone Cold was the face of the company, no matter if he got cheered or booed he was getting the loudest reactions of the night (much like John Cena does now). The Rock was just ultra popular so he was always welcomed with loud pops but they didn't beat Austin's (just like Orton is to Cena now).

Overall: The Rock 46.5. Stone Cold Steve Austin 46.5. These guys are too iconic to debate over I tried to rate them and they are equal all the way to the decimal.
This is probably the closet possible debate you could have. Scale time. 1-10.

Mic skills: The Rock 10. Steve Austin 9.5. I know Austin was entertaining on the mic and he's had many classic promos but I really don't think he has the range to be entertaining at anything he does the way Rock, Flair, Piper, Jericho and a few others.

In Ring skills: The Rock 7. Steve Austin 7. Steve Austin was definitely a 9 before 1997 but after Owen broke his neck his entire moveset was basically a bunch of punches and stomps combined with trash talking and chair shots. The Rock has always been an athlete but not really a wrestler so he gets the 7.

Charisma: The Rock 10. Steve Austin 10. These guys' charisma is only paralleled by Hulk Hogan. NOT Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Ric Flair, or anyone else in the history of wrestling. These guys were so charismatic they connected with not only the WWE fans but the casual fans and mainstream media like Hogan did before them.

Accomplishments: The Rock 10. Stone Cold 10. The Rock was the youngest WWE Champion ever, the only man to ever win the WWE title 7 times, and the guy who cleanly beat Hogan (twice) by his official retirement in 2003. Despite these astonishing accolades, Stone Cold was the face of WWE and has won more Royal Rumbles than anyone in history, was undefeated at WrestleMania (until Rock beat him in 03) and is a 6-time World Champion

Louder Reaction: The Rock 9.5. Stone Cold 10. Stone Cold was the face of the company, no matter if he got cheered or booed he was getting the loudest reactions of the night (much like John Cena does now). The Rock was just ultra popular so he was always welcomed with loud pops but they didn't beat Austin's (just like Orton is to Cena now).

Overall: The Rock 46.5. Stone Cold Steve Austin 46.5. These guys are too iconic to debate over I tried to rate them and they are equal all the way to the decimal.

I agree w/everything you said & this is pretty much how I feel spot on so its no point in me posting the samething. I really believe a lot of ppl pick between these two based on who was there favorite & not really judging them on there overall talent. I think if most would take the bias-ness out there judgment then they would also agree that they both where equal overall. The only problem w/your post is that Austin lost twice at Mania once to Bret & the 2nd time to The Rock.
"believe a lot of ppl pick between these two based on who was there favorite & not really
judging them on there overall talent"

1+!! Rock had millions of catchprases and entertain the crowd but when comes to mic work of Verbal Battle-Serious promos Austin above Rock. as you can see clearly Rock had more charisma than austin ability to get over with those catchprases so quick. if you go back watch his promos in 1999 60% of his mic work contain catchprases use over and over agian which i find lame and stupid but it's funny/entertaining. alot of times he just went out do his catchprases routine and left. Rock had charisma that got him over which you find not lame or consider best mic worker. look at miz one catchprases they call lame. for that reason charisma Rock is so sucessfull in Hollywood and only Wrestler turn acting got that sucessfull more than Hogan-Austin. Rock said himself in his one of interview, it's a challenge for him doing promo with Austin.

look at other mic worker/promo artist like Dusty-Jake the snake-Piper...they don't use and have millions catchphrases like the rock. Rock is more entertain/funny on mic than those guys but comes to mic work rock below them.
I created a new series called Who Is Better. The first episode was John Cena vs Randy Orton and now it is The Rock vs Stone Cold!

There are 5 categories, mic skills, in ring skills, charisma, accomplishments, and louder reaction.

Who is better? The Rock? Or Stone Cold?

Mic skills - The Rock has better promos, so The Rock

In ring skills - Stone Cold, his stunner looks very good on anyone

Charisma - A tie

Accomplishments - Stone Cold because he is Vince's main enemy and he is the host of Tough Enough

Louder Reaction I just started watching wrestling in 2009, so I don't know much about these men. But I do know that The Rock got a wayyy louder reaction for his return in 2011 than Stone Cold interrupting JBL in 2011.

Overall - Stone Cold Steve Austin

Here we go again!

Just like I said in the last thread(rock or austin), most of the posters here don't have any idea what they're talking about, when it comes to rock vs austin, and that is because they didn't follow the wwf at that time(Good example:You, sir). The wwe been building austin as the biggest star in wwe for like...I don't know, since his last run with the company, and they're doing it as a reward for coming back, and giving back to the company, after "taking his ball and going home", IMO. On the other hand, we got the rock, who left the company 7yrs ago to make movies, and ever since, the wwe been bashing him big time for that, they tried everything just to get him back. They claimed that he never gave anything back to the company that made him, which is IMO the biggest BS I have ever heared. 1st he put lesnar(rookie) over, cleanly(something austin refused to do) even though he was the face of the company at that time, and then he did the same goldberg, and after that he jobbed to flair, batista, and orton, never gave anything back?
Back to the topic, "Austin is bigger because the wwe and everybody else said so" That's what those wagoners will say, but I think this comparison is alot closer than we think.

The categories above are favouring rock, I think you need to add alittle bit more(Impact on the company, draw power, greatest matches, greatest moments, longivety,popularity..etc)

Here is my answers:

Mic Skills: The Rock. No need to explain.

In-Ring Skills: Austin, the stunner looks more painfull than the people's elbow :p...kidding. I think it depend on which way you look at it. Technically, austin is better, athletically rock is better, story telling...mmm..austin(rock vs bret WM 13 says it all), showmanship rock, ring generalship austin.....Overall: I'll go with austin.

Charisma: The Rock, I believe it's a big reason why rock made it into hollywood.

Accomplishments: Rock, because he's the host of wrestlema....:rolleyes:.....
Tag Team Champion:Austin 4, Rock 5.
WWE Champion: Austin 6(IMO The greatest WWE champion ever -He beat rock twice to win the belt-), Rock 7(The 1st 6 times, and 7 times wwe champion).
IC Champion: Austin 2, Rock 2.
WCW Champion: Austin 0, Rock 2.
Million Dollar Champion: Austin 1, Rock 0.
KOTR: Austin 1, Rock 0.
Royal Rumble: Austin 3(Holding a record), Rock 1.
Undisputed Champion: Austin 0, Rock 1
I believe rock win this one.

Louder Reaction: There is no wwe superstar in history that got bigger reactions than austin during 1997-1999, even though rock was really hot from mid 1999 to 2000. I'll go with austin.

As I said these 5 cat' favours rock, but when you add all the stuff I listed above, it would be another story. You see austin made a HUGE impact on the world of wrestling, he changed the whole system.

It's hard to pick one of them over the other, so to me it's a TIE.
Rock was better IMO when he was doing promos like this:


Austin was better when Rock was doing promos like this:

Very boring IMO, not really destroying his opponents, just making jokes.
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