WWE Money In The Bank 2013 - General Discussion & Aftermath

But a bit wishful thinking is Drew McIntyre turn's on 3MB and wins a briefcase. One can wish can't they ?

You can bet it's what I'm wishing for. Even while Drew is effectively nowhere right now, he's still better off than a couple years ago. Imagine what he must have felt like when left off the European tour. While his buddies were playing Glasgow, he was sitting home in the U.S.

What the above poster is suggesting would be a way to get people interested in Drew, turning a double trick by going against his heel team while simultaneously winning the MITB.

Yes, 3MB is finished as a force, but Drew's work in past weeks has been exceptional (in my admittedly biased opinion). When a 6'5 wrestler stands on the top rope and dropkicks Ryback, who was standing the center of the ring, it's time for Triple H to wake up and realize what he's got right under his great big nose.

Do I think this scenario might actually happen?.....Nah.

But hope springs eternal.
You can bet it's what I'm wishing for. Even while Drew is effectively nowhere right now, he's still better off than a couple years ago. Imagine what he must have felt like when left off the European tour. While his buddies were playing Glasgow, he was sitting home in the U.S.

What the above poster is suggesting would be a way to get people interested in Drew, turning a double trick by going against his heel team while simultaneously winning the MITB.

Drew WAS on the European tour as i was in Glasgow and the pop he got when he came out albeit with Jinder Mahal was amazing. When he comes home to Scotland he always gets a good match and pop. I mean last year he teamed with Booker T in Glasgow. Just shows you WWE have got a heart lol. Anyway everything else you say is correct he should get his push again, WWE have punished him enough :banghead: and MitB would be perfect for him and his character. He could say he was the chosen one but turned into the forgotten one and build a great story out of that.

Anyway at least there is someone that agrees with me when in comes to Mr. Galloway :)
Drew WAS on the European tour as i was in Glasgow and the pop he got when he came out albeit with Jinder Mahal was amazing. When he comes home to Scotland he always gets a good match and pop. I mean last year he teamed with Booker T in Glasgow. Just shows you WWE have got a heart lol. Anyway everything else you say is correct he should get his push again, WWE have punished him enough :banghead: and MitB would be perfect for him and his character. He could say he was the chosen one but turned into the forgotten one and build a great story out of that.

Anyway at least there is someone that agrees with me when in comes to Mr. Galloway :)

You're right; Drew was on the last two tours..... but the year before that, he wasn't. It had to have hurt him, no?

And yes, we agree about him. A couple months ago, when he stood in the ring and told us he was still the Chosen One, I jumped to my feet, shouting: "Yes, you are! Yes, you are!"

Someday, when he's mine, you'll all be begging me for tickets.:rolleyes:
I personally would like to see one MITB match with the stipulation that you could cash in on either the WWE or World Champion. This would add to the excitement on both shows in the fact you would never know when or who the MITB winner was going to cash in on.

As far as the who? I think under my proposal, Daniel Bryan would make the most sense. He's already on both shows. He's character is flexible enough that he could cash in on either a face or heel champion. Plus he's over with the WWE universe and the IWC so he would be a popular champion with EVERYONE. Plus the timing of MITB (ppv before Summer Slam) times out well with the rumored Kane/Taker vs. Shield match at SS that this will give DB a storyline after Hell No breaks up.

Jericho is also a great choice in that he "invented" the match but has never won it. I think one more title run for Jericho would nice. Also for the same reasons as Bryan, he offers flexibility as a heel or face champ. Also with Jericho going a way for tours and other commitments. He could disappear with the briefcase for a little while and it would add to the surprise of him showing up to cash in out of the blue.

I have no interest in Barrett winning this. He is a jobber to the stars and to me has nothing interesting about him. If his character was tweaked a little bit I might be more interested but I don't think anybody cares about Barrett.
Barrett would be my pick and go with the "defending the IC title AND the Briefcase" in every match. Personally I think the way to get him over and into the main event long term would be to win the World title while still IC champion, if they decided to have him cash in the same night and win I would also see that working.

The problem is the formula for the wins are pretty well set now it's always champ wins tough match and gets cashed in on or big name wins it and sets a date. No one has cashed in the same night and that is somewhat silly, that no one has cashed themselves into the main event of Mania is also a glaring omission.

One match would be better but have both belts be on the line. They can then bring back King Of The Ring to get the 2nd contender selected.
I say Big E Langston wins the WHC briefcase and creates a realllly interesting dynamic between he and Dolph Ziggler, similar to Batista-HHH after Batista won the Royal Rumble

As for the WWE Championship briefcase I'm going to go with Brock Lesnar. It would give him a chance to sort of explain the "mystery" as to why he's gone in kayfabe. So it will make a BIG impact when he finally does come back to cash in on most likely John Cena
Raw MITB briefcase-CM Punk

Of course he wouldn't cash it in during 2013, but 2014? That's another story. I don't see a face turn coming for Punk anytime soon, and WWE can always add another notch in Punk's belt as the first and only man to win three MITB briefcases. Just think of the reaction when Punk's music hits for a cash-in, and he actually scores a pinfall. Punk is going to work his way back into the WWE Championship picture, but Cena will have his very lengthy WWE title reign first.

I'm TEMPTED to put Ryback up here, but a hulking man of his size winning the MITB briefcase defies all logic. Even as a whiny coward heel, with Ryback's size and brute strength, it doesn't make sense for him to need help by taking a short cut to winning the WWE Championship.

Smackdown MITB briefcase- Dean Ambrose

After wrestling against Undertaker one on one, you have to believe WWE has high hopes and big plans for Ambrose. The Shield has become a formidable threat in WWE, and someone in the group has to win gold this year.
Until the belts are unified, I'm going with the 2-title setup from last year. One MitB briefcase for either title is an interesting idea, but it kills the unpredictability of having both titleholders on notice.

WWE Championship: Daniel Bryan
To me, there's no one else you can put this on. First, Bryan is the most over babyface in the entire company. He's come into his own in the last 2 years, and him winning a MitB briefcase now would get him back into the main event picture. He's teased holding it until 'Mania and fans would definitely love to see it happen. Whether he plays face or heel is unknown, but he can do either one perfectly.

World Heavyweight Championship: Jack Swagger
I think Swagger's done great since returning and a MitB briefcase win would be a truly awesome way to establish Swagger as a serious threat. Ideally he'd cash in almost immediately on a weakened champion, making them tap with the Patriot Lock. Swagger deserves a shot as a powerful Smackdown champion who can do great title defenses against Del Rio, Orton, or Sheamus.
I think there are a lot of potential candidates. Some will be more mid-card and tag team guys but I think WWE will put a few main eventers in the running, or at least into the MITB matches themselves, to add some star power to them. In no particular order:

Randy Orton
Cody Rhodes
Antonio Cesaro
Damien Sandow
Daniel Bryan
Chris Jericho
Dean Ambrose
Seth Rollins
Mark Henry
Wade Barrett
Kofi Kingston

When it comes to the SD! MITB case, it's pretty wide open. I don't see Orton or Sheamus picking up the WHC MITB briefcase. I could see them in the WWE Championship MITB match easily. If Ryback winds up winning the title in the near future, I can easily see WWE building Orton or Sheamus as top contenders for the strap.

I don't think Fandango is a realistic possibility at this time, but it'll surprise me if he's not at least in the WHC MITB match. He's getting good responses and Vince is said to really like the character.

Chris Jericho probably isn't a likely candidate either but he can add a lot of quality to any match he's in. Jericho is known to be extremely unselfish and it seems that he's enjoying himself putting over young talent at the moment. Given his part time schedule and various other interests he has going outside of wrestling, it's a great use for his ability and star power.

Cody Rhodes seems like someone who is ready to be elevated. He's been in the mid-card & tag team scenes for several years and it just seems like he's in a right spot to get the briefcase.

Wade Barrett is a guy that probably would already be WHC if he hadn't gotten injured last year. Instead of WWE building him back up with a strong mid-card title run, unfortunately, he's been pretty much buried over the course of the past 3 or 4 months. Still, it wouldn't surprise me to see Barrett get the spot. He's got the ability, he just needs to be given a consistent push without Vince losing interest smack in the middle of it.

Daniel Bryan is a real possibility as well to win MITB in my opinion. He's consistently shown himself to be one of the most over wrestlers on the roster and is able to get fans rallying behind him. If he doesn't go into the hunt for either the IC or US titles, in which case I hope & pray that he gets a strong run, I see him in the WHC hunt either as a direct challenger to Dolph Ziggler or as a strong candidate to win MITB.

Ambrose & Rollins are both on a major push as part of The Shield right now. I don't think either of them will be Mr. Money in the Bank this year, but I can honestly see one of them in either the WHC or WWE Championship MITB match. Personally though, I see Rollins & Reigns as tag champs and Ambrose as US champ before long. As Ambrose has gotten the singles matches thus far, I think he'll definitely be in one of the MITB matches at least.

Antonio Cesaro is extremely talented and another solid candidate for Mr. Money in the Bank. Cesaro did a good job as US champ when you take into account how limited his character was. Like Barrett, it's a shame that he was buried during WM season. He's tied with Shelton Benjamin as the 7th longest reigning US champ in the history of the title. The past couple of weeks on Main Event, Cesaro has looked like a true star when putting on two killer, ppv worth matches against Kofi Kingston & Randy Orton. I'm not sure that he'll win it, but he's someone that should be considered.

Damien Sandow is a great all around package. He has a decent look, he's great on the mic, he's very comfortable in his character and can go in the ring. I think there's still a lot of untapped potential in Damien Sandow and I hope that WWE simply doesn't waste the guy. I don't think he's too likely to win MITB, but I do see him in the WHC MITB match at least.

Mark Henry is someone that seems to be an almost different wrestler. Two summers ago, I'd have laughed at anyone who said that Mark Henry had what it took. However, Henry has been constantly entertaining since the summer of 2011. He's been extremely believable as a monster heel and he's gotten the best booking of his career. Henry is someone that's been in several MITB matches and he's there to be the human juggernaut. I see him being in one of the matches, but I don't see him winning.

Kofi Kingston is someone that, in my opinion, has a lot of potential that remains untapped. He's a great mid-card babyface that has always gotten solid responses from the fans and his matches are often among the best on the card. I honestly do think that Kofi has ability that we haven't fully seen yet and MITB could be what gets him over the hump.

As of right now, I think it's just too close to call. I'd say my favorites for being Mr. Money in the Bank at this point are Cody Rhodes, Wade Barrett and Daniel Bryan.
I would like to see only one MITB match, but that's not going to happen so I am going to go along with the other who said Barrett wins the Smackdown case. I think he is ready to take the next step, and he could hold onto the case for a while building himself up before cashing in. On the Raw side of things I would like to see Jericho win it. I think Jericho should get one last run with the title, and this would be a good way of doing it.
Personally I would get rid of the gimmick as it has run it's course.

If they have too though I would have a member of The Shield win both cases (Ambrose & Rollins) and both cash in at Summerslam. It would give Cena a new feud help turn Ziggler face, and if both are running about as World Champs, it could lead to a split of The Shield as the jealousy could cause descention in the ranks.

Of everyone else I think Barrett is the best choice- which could also lead to a Ziggler face turn.

Just wanted to say that. But I do think the new Paul Heyman guy after recent weeks has to be a favourite for what has to be the most exciting match of summer. Before recent weeks of the rise of Curtis Axel I would have to have said Wade Barrett but with the way things are right now and if I had to pick someone today I would have to pick Dean Ambrose to be the favourite.
MITB - Raw: I think you go with Dean Ambrose here for almost obvious reasons. He's probably the best heel in the company right now, and a feud with Cena is almost inevitable. Cash in at Summer Slam and let the Shield reign supreme to kick off the feud of the year!

MITB - Smackdown: Daniel Bryan. Bryan would be great to keep playing up the "Weak Link" angle. He uses the MITB to cash in on Ziggler in a high profile match. To keep playing the "weak link" card, I'd have him lose the match, again possibly at Summer Slam or Survivor Series. Keep playing the underdog status all the way to the Royal Rumble, and let the guy go the full 60 to win the thing and get back into one of the main events at WrestleMania (where he caps it off by winning the gold).
I'd say Bryan for WHC MITB, Brock for WWE MITB. Brock winning would change the element of surprise by with him having limited dates he could easily pop up and win and add a even more unpredictable factor to him
For the World Heavyweight Championship briefcase for the Smackdown briefcase I would love to see Captain Charisma Christian make his long-awaited return and have him win the Smackdown briefcase in his return because by doing that you pretty much propel Christian right back into the main event scene on Smackdown and for the RAW briefcase for the WWE Championship I would love to see Bryan win that so that way Bryan would become a 2-time Money in the Bank briefcase winner since Bryan won a Smackdown briefcase went on to cash it in to become World Heavyweight Champion, with a RAW briefcase Bryan can do it again but this time to become WWE Champion which would be even better for him but for Christian with a MITB briefcase he can cash it in at any time and not to mention his best friend Edge knows all about Money in the Bank winning it twice and going on to cash it in both times to become champion
As of last night, the first match for MITB is official with Cena defending the WWE Championship against Mark Henry. As for further speculation & discussion on what will make up the rest of the MITB card, let's keep it here.
I genuinely think that THIS will be the year that they introduce a TAG TEAM Money In The Bank match. You'd have to restrict it to 4 teams (8 people in the ring), this year you could easily do it:

Tons Of Funk (face)
Rhodes Scholars (heel)
The Uso's (face)
Prime Time Players (heel)

So you have a good mix there. Rumours are that The Uso's are getting a push, maybe this is the way to do it
The Mark Henry/Cena match should be good, as long as Henry doesn't tap out to that atrocious STFU..I see the Cena/Henry program as nothing more than a mini-feud to kill time until the build-up for the Cena/Danielson WWE Title match with a Bella Twin in each corner at Summerslam...

Now as long as Ziggler gets his rematch against Del Rio instead of pointlessly winning another MITB Ladder Match, I'm happy..Even though Ziggler's been horribly booked as World Champion, I expect his rematch with Alberto will be another back and forth show-stealing match...I do like this feud and hope it continues past Summerslam

I hope this Orton/Danielson feud ends by MITB, which could lead to positive things for both of them..Danielson could have more momentum for his feud with Super Cena at Summerslam and Orton has one more reason by losing this match to Danielson for his own heel turn..

Since their match on Raw was stopped due to Danielson being legit hurt, they should work that into their feud...Danielson should perpetually target Orton's left shoulder(which has been legit hurt numerous times before) on every episode of Smackdown and Raw leading up to MITB, relentlessly trying to sinch in the No! Lock, or interfering in Orton's matches and going after his left shoulder with steel chairs, kendo sticks, smashing Orton's shoulder into the steel steps, etc, until their match at MITB...It'd be a very intense match, with Danielson using some of his old ROH suplexes on Orton to ground him for the No! Lock, which Orton keeps on escaping from...Finally, Danielson can't stand it anymore, realizing that the No! Lock won't work on Orton, he puts Randy in the Cattle Mutilation and the ref stops the match..The fall-out from the Orton/Danielson feud would be Danielson has brought back another one of his old submission moves (Cattle Mutilation) and he also will have enough momentum for his upcoming Super Cena feud. Orton could say that when he showed compassion for Danielson on Raw, that was the last time you'll ever see him show compassion and from there becoming a vicious heel again, hopefully punting a few more people in their skulls..

This could be a great finish for the Orton/Danielson MITB match..Armbar takedown off the top rope into the Cattle Mutilation

Really hope there's only one ladder match. It adds so much more intrigue.

Would love for someone new to win it too, someone who has never had a one-on-one world title match. Could be Kofi, Cesaro, Ambrose, Rhodes, Axel. They need more competition at main-event level and this is how to do it.

And if not someone new someone like Ziggler or Bryan or Barrett. Use it to help someone on the edge of Main Event status.
WWE Championship: John Cena (c) vs. Mark Henry

World Heavyweight Championship: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Dolph Ziggler

Brock Lesnar vs. CM Punk

Intercontinental Championship: Curtis Axel (c) vs. The Miz

Cena vs. Henry is confirmed and the other three, though not confirmed, are obvious at this point.

The Shield vs. Triple H, Randy Orton & ???

I have a feeling that we'll see this after Triple H told Vickie on RAW to take action on The Shield if they ever got out of line. I think The Shield will continue defying authority and cause chaos on RAW every week, with Vickie too scared to do anything because of Vince liking The Shield, so Triple H will step in and decide to take care of it himself, only for The Shield to end up taking him out. I could then see Triple H calling out The Shield the next week, only to end up getting beat down by them again, until HHH's old chum from Evolution runs out to make the save for Triple H, setting this match up. I don't know who could be HHH & Orton's partner though (please don't say Batista) and how they could insert that person into the feud, but I'm sure they could find a suitable 3rd partner. Or they could go it alone against The Shield, 2-on-3. I dunno.

Divas Championship: AJ (c) vs. Kaitlyn vs. Layla vs. Tamina vs. Natalya vs. Alicia Fox

After last night's segment between Stephanie & AJ, and all the divas coming out on the stage after AJ said there was no one who could challenge her, I'm thinking that segment may be a set-up for a 6 Diva match or something. Or maybe there might be a Battle Royal on RAW, with the winner challenging AJ for the title at Money in the Bank, but I think this 6 Diva match might be better and might get people to actually care since you have all 6 talented divas in the WWE right now, in one match.

And finally, assuming there's only one Money in the Bank match as reported on the main page.

Money in the Bank Match: Daniel Bryan vs. Kane vs. Ryback vs. Sheamus vs. Damien Sandow vs. Wade Barrett vs. Christian vs. Chris Jericho

Pre-Show: Antonio Cesaro vs. William Regal

EDIT: I don't think we'll get Orton vs. Bryan at Money in the Bank BTW. The original plan for Orton & Bryan on RAW was for Bryan to win to build momentum as he goes for the WWE Championship. I think we'll get Bryan vs. Orton again next week on RAW, with Bryan winning as originally planned, and then going on to win the Money in the Bank match.
I'm not 100% sure Punk VS Lesnar will happen at MITB. WWE could draw things out until Summerslam for the big main event. But considering Punk's big return and his momentum as a face, WWE can't leave Punk off the card altogether, because on a pay per view, Lesnar is the only logical opponent for him. Summerslam or MITB, you know a high profiled match like Punk VS Lesnar will main event. With the exception of Wrestlemania 29, Lesnar has main evented every pay per view he wrestled on since his return last year. If Lesnar VS Punk doesn't happen, then of course Cena VS Henry will go on last.

I have no doubt we'll see the rematch between Ziggler and Del Rio, with Del Rio retaining the WHC. Kind of hard to predict the rest of the card, or the participants in both MITB matches now, but you could pencil in the Kaitlyn VS AJ rematch, with the possibility of Kaitlyn regaining the title for revenge on AJ.
WWE Title Match
John Cena (c) vs Mark Henry
- I don't see Henry winning this, as much as I'd like him to. Cena will win it then go on to feud with Bryan, which I'm looking foward to.
Triple H vs Dean Ambrose - I'd prefer to see Ambrose take on Triple H one on one instead of Triple H and two others against The Shield. Ambrose should win but it's obivously not going to be a clean victory. Vince should have something to do with the win. This will make sense as both have different feelings towards The Shield and it will also help the progress of the storyline between Vince and Triple H.
WHC Match
ADR (c) vs Dolph Ziggler
- Well, I don't know whether Dolph wins at MITB or SummerSlam but it'll probably be at SummerSlam. So I see ADR winning this match in a heel fashion, this will help him build up the heel character, then they'll go onto face at SummerSlam where Dolph will win.
MITB (WWE Title)
Bryan vs Punk vs Axel vs RVD vs Kane vs Ryback vs Miz vs Barrett

With the guys in this match, I seeing it being immense. I see Brock screwing Punk and Bryan taking advantage then you can play on the fact that Bryan won it in this fashion, carrying on the storyline that Bryan wanting to prove he's not weak.
MITB (World Title)
Sheamus vs Orton vs Sandow vs Rhodes vs Cara vs Christian vs Ryder vs Jericho
- Sandow wins this match, out thinking his oponents. But the other option is for Orton to win the match in a way that teases his heel turn. Either way it should build up either wrestler so they can go on to feud with a face Dolph.
Tag Team Title Match
The Shield (c) vs PTP vs The Usos vs Tons of Funk
- Apparently WWE want to give The Usos a push, so an easy way to do this is have The Usos have one of the other teams beat then have The Shield steal the win. This will then make for a feud between The Usos and The Shield.
Divas Title Match
AJ (c) vs Kaitlyn
- Hopefully they don't drop the ball with the divas before this match. What I want to happen is Steph try to screw AJ, with AJ overcoming the odds and defeating Kaitlyn. Kind of like the Punk vs Cena match a couple of years ago at MITB. This leading to a AJ and Steph storyline.
Dark Match
Antonio Cesaro vs William Regal
- I wouldn't put Cesaro in a MITB match because I think he needs to win at MITB to gain momentum as a Colter guy. Would be a good dark match.

If MITB is done correctly it can be very entertaining and really help build SummerSlam to be amazing.
According to the latest report regarding Daniel Bryan's push, put forth by F4WOnline.com, allegedly, it's looking like WWE might have Daniel Bryan win the WWE Championship MITB match and announce, at some point, that he intends to cash in his title opportunity at SummerSlam.

Personally, I like the idea of WWE putting off Bryan's push to the WWE Championship scene for a few months. It'll give them more time to build him up as a contender and I'm assuming they'll book him into singles matches against big stars. It was announced on Main Event Wednesday that Bryan would have a return match against Orton on SmackDown!. I haven't read the spoilers for the show, I never do though I'm sorely tempted at times, but I think there'll be one more match between the two after Friday, depending upon what happens. If I had to guess, I think Bryan will come out with some sort of victory over Orton this Friday and it'll set up a rubber match between the two. Allegedly, Bryan was scheduled to already go over Orton this past Monday before the match was stopped over concern for Bryan. If this latest bit of news is accurate and stays as planned, then I'm thinking they'll have a 3rd match on Raw this Monday rather than at the MITB ppv.
I hope they only have 6 wrestlers in each MITB match, it's more than enough IMO. I'd also like to see Bryan vs Orton on the card but my guess is that WWE will want the Raw MITB to be full of legit Cena contenders so they'll be in that.

Raw MITB match:

Punk vs Bryan vs Orton vs Kane vs Ambrose vs Ryback

I'll hold off on the SD side of the card until after tonights SD due to having read spoilers.

Two other matches I can see happening are AJ vs Kaitlyn in a street fight or some other kind of brawl match, and Curtis Axel vs The Miz for the IC title.

I think RVD will be in a singles match for his return unless WWE decide not to have qualifying matches for the MITB spots.

Personally I think RVD should return to a win and he wont win the briefcase for either brand IMO. The best route would be someone like Cody issuing the challenge on Raw and then Cole just tells viewers RVD has accepted.
My card and notes-

WWE Championship:
John Cena vs. Mark Henry
- Henry really deserves the win even if he has the title for just a month but knowing WWE Cena will probably get the win I just hope it's not by submission.
Alberto Del Rio w/ Ricardo vs. Dolph Ziggler
- I liked Ziggler better as champ but it's too soon to give the belt right back to him so Del Rio should win in a cheap way to further the feud.
Money in the Bank Ladder Match:
Dean Ambrose vs. Wade Barrett vs. Rob Van Dam vs. CM Punk vs. Kane vs. Kofi
- There should really only be one MITB match this year and Wade Barrett should get the win. During the match Punk should be taken out by Lesnar to set them up for Summerslam. Also it would be cool if the other 2 members of the Shield came out during the match and they did the triple powerbomb to Kane through a ladder!
Singles Match:
Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton
- These guys can put on an awesome & very physical match. Bryan should get the win to get him ready for his WWE Championship push later this summer.
Tag Team Championship:
The Shield vs. Chris Jericho and Christian
- The Shield attacked Christian on Smackdown so he should start a mini feud with them and get Chris Jericho to be his partner and challenge for the titles. During this match I would have Y2J get "injured" to put him out of action since he won't be around for Summerslam and eventually make a big return like usual.
Intercontinental Championship:
Curtis Axel w/ Paul Heyman vs. The Miz
- I see this match 100% happening and Axel will retain.
Divas Championship Street Fight:
AJ w/ Big E Langston vs. Kaitlyn
- The guy above me said the street fight idea and I loved it. Hopefully this can make them top their match at Payback which I also loved.

Those are my main matches but 2 fillers would be Sheamus vs. Sandow and Antonio Cesaro vs. anyone important that I forgot. I believe this is a very realistic and enjoyable card. What do you guys think? Thanks.

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