Money In The Bank ladder match returing at WM

Martin Gabriel

Pre-Show Stalwart
As of this week, WWE is planning on bringing back the Money In The Bank ladder match to the WrestleMania 28 card according to

The match was not featured at the last WrestleMania after a Money In The Bank pay-per-view in July was created.

Awesome! MITB belongs at WrestleMania, IMO.
Now, I don't remember, but was Money In The Bank listed in the 2012 PPV line up? I would much prefer them going back to the one winner a year format. Black briefcase, both titles viable. I would love to see them give it to Christian this year, if he's back in time for Wrestlemania.
Why? All this means is guys like Ziggler, Rhodes, Barrett, etc. won't get a chance to stand out on their own at mania. Instead they'll just be lost in the shuffle that is MITB. I hate MITB at mania because it basically says you're not good enough to be in your own program at mania but we'll throw you a bone and give you a spot on the card.
Now, I don't remember, but was Money In The Bank listed in the 2012 PPV line up? I would much prefer them going back to the one winner a year format. Black briefcase, both titles viable. I would love to see them give it to Christian this year, if he's back in time for Wrestlemania.

It's scheduled for July.

I honestly don't know what to think of this report
One winner a year makes it mean more I think, you have to work harder for it. Also, on the "Grandest Stage of Them All", it can work. Plus, WM28 is looking to be really good next year, so this might help it out.
Why? All this means is guys like Ziggler, Rhodes, Barrett, etc. won't get a chance to stand out on their own at mania. Instead they'll just be lost in the shuffle that is MITB. I hate MITB at mania because it basically says you're not good enough to be in your own program at mania but we'll throw you a bone and give you a spot on the card.

What's wrong with saying that? Alot of guys aren't good enough for their own Mania program, but letting them be shown on the biggest show of the year is hardly a bad thing. A guy like Shelton Benjamin would have never been seen at Mania after his split from Team Angle had it not been for MITB, and he usually took advantage by doing some crazy shit.
What's wrong with saying that? Alot of guys aren't good enough for their own Mania program, but letting them be shown on the biggest show of the year is hardly a bad thing. A guy like Shelton Benjamin would have never been seen at Mania after his split from Team Angle had it not been for MITB, and he usually took advantage by doing some crazy shit.

What's wrong with it is they are not showing any confidence in their mid card talent. Why not come up with some individual programs for these guys instead of throwing them into a clusterfuck match that is painfully choreographed even for a wrestling match? If a guy isn't good enough to be on mania then leave him off. If creative feels he is good enough then find something for him to do besides get lost in the shuffle.

You brought up Shelton Benjamin. All MITB showed me about Benjamin is how he made zero progress in his career. He did the same thing every year. MITB is lazy booking. It was ok for the first year or two but enough is enough. I have always been a WrestleMania geek. I could name every mania match without having to look it up but even I can't tell you all the guys who were in the WM25 MITB and I was at the event. If I was in WWE I'd take the match because I was told to and it would be a good pay day but I'd feel a little insulted if I were put in MITB every year. It's one step up from being a lumberjack or being in the dark match battle royal.
Why? All this means is guys like Ziggler, Rhodes, Barrett, etc. won't get a chance to stand out on their own at mania. Instead they'll just be lost in the shuffle that is MITB. I hate MITB at mania because it basically says you're not good enough to be in your own program at mania but we'll throw you a bone and give you a spot on the card.

Last year was the same and they didn't have the MITB match. The one match where that was potentially true (DBD vs. Sheamus) was dropped. Everyone else was shoe-horned into the 8 Man and 6 Man tags or didn't even make the card.

Mania will always follow the same formula every year at this stage in the game:

The Special Attraction
The Streak
RAW Title Match
SD Title Match
Secondary RAW Feud
Secondary SD Feud
Mid-Card Feud (x2)
Multi-Man Cluster-Fuck

Or a slight variation there of. That's how it's worked in essence the last three-four years.
Mania will always follow the same formula every year at this stage in the game:

The Special Attraction
The Streak
RAW Title Match
SD Title Match
Secondary RAW Feud
Secondary SD Feud
Mid-Card Feud (x2)
Multi-Man Cluster-Fuck

Or a slight variation there of. That's how it's worked in essence the last three-four years.

Ya know i never noticed it but this is so true in every way.
The money in the bank ladder matches at their own pay per view are in my mind of better quality than the ones at Wrestlemania. More time, more focus on it, and better action are given to the 2 at the MITB PPV. Now mid-card guys will be thwarted out of their own programs and thrown into the ladder match. That is if they don't retract their decision before WM.
They probably will be keeping the PPV also. It could be a deal where the WM one is ten man with 5 from each brand competing for a biefcase that isn't restricted to one title then BAM! We get a good multiman match at WM and keep one of the best PPV's of the year.
What's wrong with it is they are not showing any confidence in their mid card talent. Why not come up with some individual programs for these guys instead of throwing them into a clusterfuck match that is painfully choreographed even for a wrestling match? If a guy isn't good enough to be on mania then leave him off. If creative feels he is good enough then find something for him to do besides get lost in the shuffle.

But does WWE ever show confidence in the midcard? They're never really given much even on weekly shows. Perhaps it's just slipping my mind but is there any good midcard feuds going on right now? Is Dolph/Ryder a good feud?
Although I loved MITB at WM and has produced some great WM MITB matches. I don't like the idea that a ladder match will never take place at WM, other than MITB.

I'd much rather have a WM battle royale and the winner gets a shot at a world title. It keeps in the spirit of WM more.

I would get rid of extreme rules and leave MITB as a stand alone PPV with only one briefcase. 8 guys, four from each brand. Make it the main event (end the show). 2 briefcases is overkill.

Bring back KOTR as a stand alone PPV in June and let the winner get a guaranteed world title shot at Summerslam.
Hooray! Let's throw all of the solid mid to upper mid card talent into one match as opposed to filling the show with a half dozen solid matches.
I have to disagree about mitb matches at wrestlemania being good. WM 26 ladder match was god awful. No good spots were even in it which is kind of the primary focus of the match.
But does WWE ever show confidence in the midcard? They're never really given much even on weekly shows. Perhaps it's just slipping my mind but is there any good midcard feuds going on right now? Is Dolph/Ryder a good feud?

They should show confidence in their midcard. How are the fans ever supposed to take them seriously if management and creative don't? Not to mention MITB is its own ppv now. Do we really need three of these matches per year? MITB has provided some shocking moments but enough with the cheap title victories already. Is it any wonder the titles don't mean as much as they used to?
They should show confidence in their midcard. How are the fans ever supposed to take them seriously if management and creative don't? Not to mention MITB is its own ppv now. Do we really need three of these matches per year? MITB has provided some shocking moments but enough with the cheap title victories already. Is it any wonder the titles don't mean as much as they used to?

I absolutely agree they should, my point was they don't. One of the glories of the Attitude Era was that the undercard was given valuable tv time every week.
I absolutely agree they should, my point was they don't. One of the glories of the Attitude Era was that the undercard was given valuable tv time every week.

And that's how guys like Rock and Triple H became main event stars. It was even better in the Hulkamania era. Seeing Hogan or Savage on tv was a treat. The whole show used to be midcard guys. I was fine with that because we got to appreciate more than just main event guys and when the main event guys were on tv it was really special.

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