All Future Wrestlemania Discussion (Matches, Gimmicks, Angles.... KEEP IT IN HERE!)

Who will Lesnar face at Mania

  • Rock

  • HHH

  • CM Punk

  • Orton

  • Undertaker

  • Cena

  • Other

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My dream card

WWE Champion The Rock v World Champion John Cena
The Rock is the WWE Champion having won the belt at Elimination Chamber (Punk wins at Rumble). Cena wins the Royal Rumble and declares he will fight the WWE Champion at Mania. However Dolph Ziggler becomes World Champion at the Royal Rumble after cashing in on Sheamus who has just defeated Big Show. Ziggler then states he wants to fight for the WWE title at Wrestlemania so at Elimination Chamber it is John Cena's WWE Title shot v Dolph Zigglers World title, which Cena wins (don't worry, after mania Dolph gets revenge). Rock and Cena fight at Mania, Cena wins to unify the gold.

Brock Lesnar v Undertaker
Brock Lesnar pretty much owned Undertaker when they initially feuded (don't think Undertaker scored a PPV or 1 on 1 victory). Lesnar uses this to challenge Taker, Taker wins, goes 21-0 (but a loss won't hurt Lesnar against Taker due to past success).

CM Punk v Triple H
Triple H beat Punk at Night Of Champions 2011 and never returned the favour. Punk wants to be the best in the world and keeps trying to get in the Cena/Roc match. Triple H says that isn't happening, and their match builds from there. Punk wins to gain revenge for NOC.

Sheamus v Randy Orton v Dolph Ziggler for Number 1 Contendership for WWE Title
Orton is now heel, all three want to be WWE champion. Ziggler wins to face and defeat Cena at Extreme Rules (told you Ziggler would be okay).

Big Show v Ryback
just for WM moment of Ryback marching round the ring with Big Show on his shoulders to pick up the win.

Intercontinental Title - Kofi Kingston v Wade Barrett v Alberto Del Rio v The Miz
With the WWE & World title unified, the IC title will start to step up. Former WWE Champions like Miz and Del Rio would be fine going for the IC title. Barrett scores the win and starts a long IC title reign.

Tag Titles - Team Hell No v The Shield
Any combination of The Shield here and they pick up the win for the Tag Team Gold.

US Title - Antonio Cesaro v Jack Swagger
A face Jack Swagger returns and wins the US title, quite simple really.

Cruiserweight Title battle royal
The Cruiserweight title is brought back, all Crusierweights not in matches take part. Last two are Rey Mysterio v Sin Cara, I would have them eliminate each other at same time, then restart the match but have it as a 1 on 1 match with Sin Cara winning. Great way the re-start the division.

There would be a divas match and other filler but I can't be bothered to go into those. But I have set up the main matches, and I would be happy suggesting this card to Vince.
SO By now, we have all seen Seth and Y2J going at it on twitter, and an idea sparked in my head.

Keep the Shield together, but toward WM, have each of them in their own Feud.

Rollins with a returning Y2J

Ambrose with D-Bry

Roman with Ryback (If Ryback isnt doing something more important by then, I dont see where he would be.)

Have Kane and D-Bry lose the tag titles soon, the shield attacks, Kane is "Sidelined" and cant even compete at Wrestlemania. This enables Bryan to enter a Feud with them for revenge for his friend.

Ryback is already established as wanting to take them out.

And Y2J can come in after seth and make the Twitter issue "Real" as far as wwe goes again..

Let each of them Build their own personality on with these feuds, Own attires, Music, entrances everything!

Now we dunno the whole card for WM, but 5 matches are up no matter what.

WWE Title
World Title
Divas Gimmick match
Undertaker Match
US title/IC Title/Tag Title (I dont know which but One of these will be on the Preshow im sure)

Adding the 3 of them, thats 8 matches.

Roman vs Ryback can be the Fast, Hard hitting match.

Rollins vs Y2J / Ambrose vs Bryan Can be the long, technical, match of the night type deal.

Y2J will Lose his match as he has nothing to really gain from winning anyway. Bryan can Win his match and avenge a fallen Kane. Ryback and Roman can just beat the hell out of each other and maybe have a big spot.

After WM, The Shield will be back together, Trying to attack all three men yet again, leading to a 3 on 3 match at the Next PPV.

Goodness no, those three have no business in singles competition for WM. A 6-man against some mid-carders maybe or something for tag gold tops but no way you put them in singles competition. The rest of the non-main event roster may as well quit. Don't get me wrong there may be potential in any of these guys but people are blowing their ability and standing way out of proportion.

Plus with the fire power it looks like WWE has going in to this WM I don't see there being enough time for Jericho to get in his long drawn out promos. It's not worth it if it is going to take away from Punk, Cena, Rock, UT, Ryback, Bryan, HHH and others who can make WM more money.
They either need to be in a three on three or have ambrose face someone with the others at ringside. I would love a ambrose vs cena match at wrestlemania. They haven't fought yet and it would be ambrose who feels wwe is full of injustice vs cena who is the posterboy for wwe.
I second the notion that there's no way they'll appear in singles matches. The Wrestlemania card isn't nearly large enough to sacrifice 3 matches for the Shield guys, especially considering you'll still have the 2 World Title matches and the Undertaker match. That's still assuming the Rock match will be for the title. So that's 6 places on the card wrapped up!

I can definitely see some sort of an 6-man or 8-man tag team match going down. I suspect by then that the Shield will have some sort ally or, if not, they'll randomly throw in another heel to combat a face-only faction. I guess its fair to say that Ryback could lead the opposing team, perhaps with Team Hell No or a guy like Randy Orton.
I can't see them taking up 3 matches at mania.

You left out the fact that WWE want HHH vs Brock and Sin Cara vs Rey then you have CM Punk, Rock, Cena, Taker, Big Show, Sheamus, Del Rio, Rhodes Scholars, Cesaro, Wade, Kofi, Orton, Y2J (maybe), Miz, AJ, Eve, Ziggler, Ryback and whoever else I'm forgetting to fit into the card. Until after the Rumble I don't think we'll know what's happening with Punk, Cena, Rock, Taker and Ryback. I do suspect Orton won't be in the WHC title picture as being reported due to his lack of appearances in 2012 (others have done well to take that spot) and I see Ziggler, Del Rio, Ryback and Big Show filling that match in some way. I still think they'll go for Kane vs Daniel Bryan at mania too

So to the question: since The Shield are being portrayed as a strong unit then put them into a match as a unit. You can still follow indivdual feuds but they have to come together for mania. I would put Orton in here as he's a ig name to help get them over and is already in the feud. Y2J sticking his nose in excites me so we just need one more and I'd probably go for Miz simply cause I don't know what else he could be doing.

So WM29: The Shield vs Orton, Y2J and The Miz may be best given where WWE seem to be heading with other talents
If they are ever going to end the Streak, then it makes a lot of sense for them to put The Shield vs Taker in some kind of match, be it a 6 man or Handicap scenario, perhaps teaming with Kane or Ric Flair AND Shawn Michaels.

Ambrose is the obvious member who would benefit from the streak ending at his hands.

My favourite idea would be to have Ric offer to back up Taker, if Shawn OK's it and for Shawn to offer the same if Taker allows it. The match is then set as a 6 man. From there either a pissed off Triple H (that he wasn't asked) or a defecting Shawn (great manager for the Shield) cost team Taker the match and thus the streak.
They've taken out Orton and attacked Flair so get them involved with HHH and you've got Shield V Evolution. Otherwise, Shield V HHH & New Age Outlaws would be fine too.
a match at mania for shield. i think about the reuniting of new age outlaws. maybe with triple h or even x-pac. so i say a shield vs dx. or maybe shield vs old school wwe. theres even nash and with xpac and maybe scott hall we get nwo. and with the 20 anniversay coming up who knows who will return. hell we can get a new 4 horseman. any new of old faction can come. saying the same as person above must have writing while i was
SO By now, we have all seen Seth and Y2J going at it on twitter, and an idea sparked in my head.

Keep the Shield together, but toward WM, have each of them in their own Feud.

Rollins with a returning Y2J

Ambrose with D-Bry

Roman with Ryback (If Ryback isnt doing something more important by then, I dont see where he would be.)

Have Kane and D-Bry lose the tag titles soon, the shield attacks, Kane is "Sidelined" and cant even compete at Wrestlemania. This enables Bryan to enter a Feud with them for revenge for his friend.

Ryback is already established as wanting to take them out.

And Y2J can come in after seth and make the Twitter issue "Real" as far as wwe goes again..

Let each of them Build their own personality on with these feuds, Own attires, Music, entrances everything!

Now we dunno the whole card for WM, but 5 matches are up no matter what.

WWE Title
World Title
Divas Gimmick match
Undertaker Match
US title/IC Title/Tag Title (I dont know which but One of these will be on the Preshow im sure)

Adding the 3 of them, thats 8 matches.

Roman vs Ryback can be the Fast, Hard hitting match.

Rollins vs Y2J / Ambrose vs Bryan Can be the long, technical, match of the night type deal.

Y2J will Lose his match as he has nothing to really gain from winning anyway. Bryan can Win his match and avenge a fallen Kane. Ryback and Roman can just beat the hell out of each other and maybe have a big spot.

After WM, The Shield will be back together, Trying to attack all three men yet again, leading to a 3 on 3 match at the Next PPV.


I see you're really high on these guys to even consider allowing them to have single competition at freaking wrestlemania.

Anyway NO! Who is seth rollin? who is roman regin? who is ambrose? They are known as a unit as of now. Period. The shield is green as hell and could easily go south and flop like the nexus for all we know it. How about build them up as a successful stable before doing anything insane later?

From now to mania, there isnt even enough time to build the respective member as credible single competitor. WWE is gonna devote all their time to rock, cena, punk, taker, brock, hhh, y2j, orton, sheamus etc.

If they are ever going to end the Streak, then it makes a lot of sense for them to put The Shield vs Taker in some kind of match, be it a 6 man or Handicap scenario, perhaps teaming with Kane or Ric Flair AND Shawn Michaels.

Ambrose is the obvious member who would benefit from the streak ending at his hands.

My favourite idea would be to have Ric offer to back up Taker, if Shawn OK's it and for Shawn to offer the same if Taker allows it. The match is then set as a 6 man. From there either a pissed off Triple H (that he wasn't asked) or a defecting Shawn (great manager for the Shield) cost team Taker the match and thus the streak.

If this 6 man tag match was to take place 5 years ago, i wouldve agree with the idea. However, taker probably has 2 more matches IN TOTAL left with the 20-0 streak on the line. And its not gonna be used on tag match.

Taker had fought multiple classic battles against hbk and hhh, and only to have the streak lost in a 6man tag to unknown group is scary think about. Taker either lose cleanly to a worthy individual or dont lose it, simple as that.

Ric is retire for good in the E and vince aint gonna let a 63 year old competing at mania only to risk duplicating the same incident with lawler.

Same as HBK, he stated in past he retires permanently. If he was to come out of retirement for one more match, vince sure as hell gonna capitalize on a hbk/punk or hbk/rock or even hbk/ziggler instead.
i was thinking about this scenario this morning and had a great idea of The Shield facing one of the greatest factions of all time in a 3v3 tag team match. The faction in question would be D-Generation X

The 3 members of D-X would be X-Pac and The New Age Outlaws (Billy Gunn and the Road Dogg). We know The New Age Outlaws themselves are physically fit to be in the ring as they wrestled recently at MSG. But i wouldnt be so sure about X-Pac. I didnt choose HHH as we likely have a match against Lesnar. Also HBK's in ring career is over.

This match which has to be won by The Shield and will be the rub off they need by defeating possibly the greatest faction of all time on the grandest stage of them all and boosting the careers of Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns. in the process.

I would start this rivalry by having the Shield attack The new age outlaws at the 20th anniversairy of RAW, but make it their most brutal attack yet. They explain their actions on RAW the week after or on youtube by saying something along the lines of how they watched DX members cheat their way to the top unfairly when they were younger and this was their first view of unfairness, but DX never got the punishment they deserved.... until now.
The New Age outlaws come back a couple of weeks later and agree to a match at elimination chamber with the shield either 3v2 or 2v2 but cant match the shield so lose and the match should be short but with a few good spots. The shield continue their beatdown after the match then you hear "Make some noise!!! X-Pac" ring through out the arena and X-Pac charges down to the ring to even the odds.
Then the weeks leading up to wrestlemania their could be 1v1 matches or promos on who is the better faction, this would also give the shield more mic time to develop themselves more.

Thanks for reading this reply as it is my first on wrestlezone and feedback would be appreciated :)
follow me on twitter @Jam_Hart
It's been a very long time since I've made a thread but I'm ending my hiatus to see what you guys want to see at WrestleMania 29!

The idea is simple, just list your dream WM29 card with the winners, an explanation of backstory/reasoning behind the match and please try to keep the roster limited to people contracted to WWE (Kurt Angle vs Daniel Bryan clearly can't happen this year)

I know you guys won't like it but here's mine:

Rey Mysterio def Sin Cara
This has been talked about since Cara joined the company so let's get it over with. Apparently they're turning Cara heel so let's give the face the win to start off WrestleMania.

Tag Team Championship Turmoil Match - The Shield (Roman Reigns & Seth Rollins) def. Team Hell No (c) vs. Team Rhodes Scholars vs. The New Age Outlaws
This is the perfect way to get 8 great wrestlers onto a stacked WrestleMania card in a memorable fashion. Kane and Daniel Bryan are two of the best but this storyline is getting old I think losing the title and finally separating is the way to go. The NAO have been impressing people backstage so why not give them one last performance on the grandest stage of them all? One last 'Shake Rattle n Roll' for nostalgic purpose while we pass the torch to the future simultaneously with a Shield win.

Wade Barrett def. Sheamus
I know they wanted Sheamus to become a top face and dominate the SD brand but it simply isn't happening and I don't think he deserves a prominent role in this year's WrestleMania. Barrett is a guy who should've held the belt when he was the leader of Nexus and definitely is talented enough to hold the belt today. He's the complete combination of size, ability, and charisma and I think seeing him beat Sheamus and elevate to main event to feud with Ryback would be very interesting to see especially with their past in Nexus!

Intercontinental Championship Match - Dean Ambrose def. Kofi Kingston (c) vs. Alberto Del Rio
I don't really care much for Kofi or Del Rio but they have both proven to be solid midcard pieces to the WWE puzzle. I am, however, a huge fan of stables, especially The Shield. The Shield wants justice and wants to turn WWE upside down so with Reigns & Rollins winning the belts earlier in the night it would be the perfect trifecta to give Ambrose a belt of his own to not only save the IC title from irrelevance but also further establish the Shield as a dominant force in the WWE.

Triple H w/ Stephanie def. Big E Langston w/ AJ Lee
Triple H needs a match at this show and AJ certainly deserves more exposure after her brilliant work in 2012 so this match really kills 2 birds with one stone. Either one could win this match but I'll give it to Triple H because he's lost his last 2 and Langston has a whole career ahead of him. Stephanie can help Triple H win so that Langston doesn't look weak.

World Heavyweight Championship Match - Ryback def. Big Show vs Dolph Ziggler(c)
I absolutely hate Big Show and have little respect for his title reign. That being said, it'd be hard to believe him losing it to anyone smaller than Sheamus, who plowed through Smackdown until Show got his push. That would leave Ryback, who could easily come to SD through some loophole in logic (how many loopholes in logic do we see in WWE these days) and finally become a World Champion until Dolph finally cashes in MitB and leaves all three men wanting the gold.

Brock Lesnar def CM Punk
CM Punk effectively dominated WWE in 2012 as its champion and definitely deserves a prominent role at WM. Since he most likely will lose his belt at RR, why not put him in a high profile feud much like his one with Orton at WM27? Let this be the battle of the "Paul Heyman guys" and we'll have Heyman turn on Punk and re-align with Brock like the way it should be.

Undertaker def. John Cena
It's been a long time since we've seen the Undertaker protect his streak against someone who isn't a sure-fire WWE hall of famer. Why not keep that trend going? John Cena doesn't need the belt, but he does need the spotlight so let's put him in the biggest possible non-title match at WrestleMania! "Super-Cena" vs the Streak, something has to give!

WWE Championship Match - Royal Rumble Winner Randy Orton def. The Rock (c)
With all the suspensions, injuries, and irrelvant feuds plaguing Randy Orton's 2012, people have seem to forgotten that from 2009-2011 he was easily the 2nd guy in the company. He is still extremely over and I think his in-ring style meshes well with the Brahma Bull's, so why not have the two most successful 3rd generation stars in the history of WWE battle for its greatest prize at the grandest stage of them all? The IWC wants Orton heel? Let's bring in one of the biggest faces ever to solidify the turn!
I see you're really high on these guys to even consider allowing them to have single competition at freaking wrestlemania.

Anyway NO! Who is seth rollin? who is roman regin? who is ambrose? They are known as a unit as of now. Period. The shield is green as hell and could easily go south and flop like the nexus for all we know it. How about build them up as a successful stable before doing anything insane later?

From now to mania, there isnt even enough time to build the respective member as credible single competitor. WWE is gonna devote all their time to rock, cena, punk, taker, brock, hhh, y2j, orton, sheamus etc.

Well I agree that from Now till Mania with everything going on there wouldnt be time to build them. But they Will be there. They are such a big part of the story lines going on If they arent in Some sort of match ill be very surprised.
So lately I've been doing some thinking about Dolph Ziggler and his potential cash in opportunities. Right now the champion is the Big Show and since I really don't see him dropping it to Del Rio at the rumble or Del Rio putting enough of a beating on him that Ziggler would want to cash it in I'm not expecting him to cash it in then.

If he was to wait until the elimination chamber, like Edge did his first cash in, it would make more sense but also be rather expected at this point and time and I really don't see it setting up that great of a wrestlemania match with Ziggler vs Big Show or a triple threat with Ziggler vs Big Show vs Elimination chamber winner, and if you add the Royal Rumble winner to the mix it gets even more convoluted.

This got me thinking of Wrestlemania as a damn good chance for him to cash it and then a rather crazy idea hit me. Now don't stone me for this as I'm aware what I am about to say will probably piss some people off.

What if we had Big Show vs The Undertaker at Wrestlemania with The Undertaker winning in a brutal match only for Ziggler to come out and cash in to pin Taker at Wrestlemania for the title? It's safe to say the amount of heat Ziggler would get from such a cash in would be huge, probably more than any other heel has gotten in recent memory. It would set him up for a strong title run allow him to brag that he stole the show by breaking Taker streak, although many fans would be in arms that it shouldn't/doesn't count. It could also work as a factor in so many of his fueds as people like Sheamus/Orton/hell really any one of the roster could come after him not only for the title but also because of what he did to Taker.

As I said crazy thought, I'm aware simply mentioning it is more than likely going to get me a ton of hate from people, but could you really see a more epic way for a heel to create a wrestlemania moment while giving the ultimate middle finger to the fans and one of the greatest legends the business will ever see? All hating aside what do you guys think of something like this? Could it happen, do you think it should ever happen, or do you feel the streak is something that must end in a clean way if it ever ends?
There is a thread somewhere else about "What would it take for you to stop watching wrestling?" ... well you just gave me that scenario right there.

If oompa-loompa Ziggler beats Undertaker in ANY WAY at WrestleMania I'm getting the hell away from watching WWE!
Its an interesting idea. I am a huge Undertaker fan and wouldnt want to see the streak end but that is a clever idea that I kinda like.
I cant wait to see who he faces as Ill be at Mania this year. I just dont want to see HHH face him.
As to what would it take me to stop watching was when the Taker faced Mark Henry. If he would have defeated the Undertaker, I wouldnt be writing this now
Great idea. I actually think its perfect. The ONLY thing that I dont see happening is Big Show facing Taker. If Show lost it at EC to someone that could face Taker at Mania, then this could come into fruition. Nice thread, though.
While I have a tough time putting together a complete card this far out from Mania, I have a good idea of what I want my main event picture to look like. Specifically I would book a quadruple main event that would look like this:

Ryback v Brock Lesnar

We know Brock has a match at Mania per his contract and this would be a great place to give Ryback a high profile match as he is not ready for a title match at Mania. The buildup would be pretty simple. Since we last saw Brock he proclaimed himself the best and went on his way. He would be drawn back by the dominance of Ryback as he would see it as another oppertunity to showcase his dominance.

As for the outcome, this one can go anyway. If Brock is done with the WWE after Mania than he can help continue putting over Ryback and help return some of what he has lost in his soon to be third defeat at the hands of Punk. However, if Brock resigns than the match can go either way. If Brock resigns and for more apperances the WWE might have big plans for Brock in 2013 and have Brock win, propelling him to the title while keeping Ryback down for some more time to better work on his skills for a future push. Or under this scenario, Ryback could win at Mania, but Brock could take him out afterwords still leading to Brock's title assention while keeping Ryback looking strong.

World Heavyweight Championship Match: Dolph Ziggler (C) v John Cena

No need to explain the fued as the two have been/are invovled in an ongoing fued. This match comes to pass as Cena has either won the Rumble or a a EC #1 contender match. Ziggler would cash in his briefcase at some point in the new year no later than Elimination Chamber. So for the final road to WrestleMania, these two can pick up their fued with Big E and AJ involved as well.

As for the outcome, as much as Dolph needed the win at TLC, he needs this one even more. If he were to win the title only to lose it shortly thereafter (like his first reign) than his character would take a step back. As long as the WWE has big plans for Ziggler, a title victory over Cena at Mania to continue his reign would be one of the best ways to add legitimicy to his character.

The Rock v Triple H

While this has the slightest chance of happening, this was my favorite fued during the Attitude Era and would love to see it get some closure. Another reason I like this is because it would also help set up my WWE Title match and connecting storylines are something that worked during the Attitude Era that we are lacking today. So the story would go that during Rock's title match against Punk at the Rumble as it looks like Rock is ready to win, we have HHH come out and either physically interject in the match or just flat out screw Rock and help Punk retain the title. Afterwords, HHH would explain that he did what he did for the buisness. He would explain that he can't have a part timer hold the title hostage no matter how great or popular he is. Of course this would not be good enough for Rock and he would want revenge against HHH which would get us to Mania. Along the way we could relive the past with some great promos from both men detailing their past and what is going to happen at Mania.

There really is only one outcome here and it would be Rock winning. This could be some sort of gimmick match as well but the ending would be the same. Rock would win.

WWE Title Match Streak v Streak: CM Punk (C) v Undertaker

I'm sure I will get flack for this but I'm one of the guys who wants the streak to end. Either way, this is the biggest match the WWE can put on at this years Mania. Now Taker could either win the Rumble or the EC #1 contenders match, or is the WWE doesn't want Taker to compete on tv until Mania, than after Punk retains at the Rumble they could introduce some sort of storyline where Punk having held the title as long as he has gets to choose his opponent for Mania. Either way he gets Taker. The build is evident as the two biggest entities in the WWE would be on the line. Takers Mania streak and Punks WWE Title streak. Not only can Punk deliver promos with the best of them but he can get on Takers level with various mind games leading into Mania.

If I had it my way I would have Punk win and end Takers streak. Especially if this is going to be Takers last Mania. He hit a nice round number in 20 and WWE already released the streak blu-ray. While I can understand most peoples opinion of keeping the streak as it is something the cherish, I am on the opposite end and feel that records are made to be broken. WWE has gotten all they can out of the streak and once Takers gone the only thing left to get out of the streak is to have someone emulate and ultimately surpass the streak by doing what Taker couldn't and win 21 without losing.

Outside of the streak, this is also improtant for Punk. During his long reign he has played second fiddle for the most part to Cena. And while Punk is mega over he is not in Cena territory. He is close, but what can help put him there is ending the streak. WWE should use the streak as a means to get another superstar on that Cena level. You can't use it with an up and comer because of the risk that he falls flat and you wasted it for nothing. You also don't want to use it on a Rock, Cena, HHH or Shawn because they don't need it. Punk is in that perfect zone where he is already big but can be huge. Also he recently re-signed so he is in the long term plans because of his contract and love of the buisness.

Now even if the outcome had to be Taker winning I would still want this match to happen. Because Taker is at a point where we don't know what match is his last and as such he deserves the main event for any Mania match he's in where the streak is on the line. This would also be a great way to give him the WWE Title one last time as the last few title runs he has had have been with the World Title and if he is to win, he also deserves it to be for the main belt. With Taker being not only part time but for the most part Mania exclusive, I'm sure WWE can figure out a way to get the title off of him within a month or 2.

So while I don't want to speculate on the entire card, the layout of the card would look like this:

IC/US/Tag Title bout to open the show
Match Two
Match Three IC/US/Tag Title
Match Four IC/US/Tag Title
Brock v Ryback
Ziggler v Cena
Match 7 involving the Diva's
Rock v HHH
Punk v Undertaker
Bear with me for a second while I go through this....

We all know Dolph Ziggler is the current holder of the World Heavyweight Championship MITB. But what if he also won the Royal Rumble this year and held both at the same time. He could come out on Raw and announce that he would be going after the WWE title (this assuming Punk beats the Rock) and making Ziggler vs Punk for the WWE title at Wrestlemania.

Skip a few months to Wrestlemania....

World Heavyweight Title match somewhere in the beginning or middle of the card, Triple Threat, Show vs Sheamus vs Orton. Orton wins after a battle between these superstars, Show seemingly mad because he would be screwed over for the title then KO's Orton during the celebration. Cue Ziggler's music and he cashes in MITB on Orton, wins the title and heads off to the back.

Main Event....

The now World Heavyweight Champion Dolph Ziggler vs the WWE Champion CM Punk for the WWE title. Long story short Dolph wins and becomes the Undisputed Champion.

Seems like a long shot as I don't think the WWE has any interest in making one title for a long time. But what do you guys think of the idea? and would it interest anyone to see another Undisputed Championship?
It's not out of the realm of possibility, but I just don't see it happening right now.

Based on what I've read, if accurate, the primary reason that there are two World Championships in WWE right now is that WWE likes having an additional main event title to field at house shows. Personally, I think WWE would do equally well at house shows without a second World Championship by really and heavily hyping the IC or US title to be the strongest title used for SD! house shows. That's just my opinion and I'm sure there'd have to be considerable restructuring done. It sounds strange in some ways, but it's really not. For instance, before Jim Crockett essentially gained control and damn near ownership of the NWA World Heavyweight Championship back in the 80s, it was his territory's version of the NWA United States Heavyweight Championship, which is the title the WWE's title is connected to via lineage, that was the top title in the company and was used at house shows and on their tv programs as the top strap.

While I do think there will be one World Championship in WWE again at some point, I don't believe it will happen as long as Vince McMahon is still in charge. There's no guarantee that Triple H would merge the titles or retire them both & create a brand spanking new title, it's a possibility because I don't see Trips being content with ultimately living in Vince's shadow. I just don't see Trips running Vince's left overs, so broad changes in WWE under Triple H is a legitimate possibility. Going back to a single World Championship would be a pretty significant change to the main event picture in WWE as a whole.
Why have an undisputed champ? The WWE can run two shows on the same day with
two main titles on the line.
I've thought about this a lot too and personally would love to see it happen. It would put a bigger emphasis on the main title and would shoot Dolph up to main event status big time. With that said I don't see it happening. Mostly because I fully expect rock the win the WWE title at rumble and lose it to cena at mania in a triple threat match (punk vs. rock vs. cena), It's just the most logical series of events in my mind. Throwing Dolph into the mix wouldn't make any sense if my prediction plays out.
I really don't see it happening. If WWE wanted to make a undisputed championship there are much stronger people to give it to. Let's be honest, WWE doesn't think Ziggler can truly get over on his own. There is a reason why Vicki was used to put him over, and now AJ is being used to put him over with the fans. Ziggler is talented and isn't bad at what he does, but the powers that be don't seem to have much faith in him.
I really don't see it happening. If WWE wanted to make a undisputed championship there are much stronger people to give it to. Let's be honest, WWE doesn't think Ziggler can truly get over leon his own. There is a reason why Vicki was used, to put him over, and now AJ is being used to put him over with the fans. Ziggler is talented and isn't bad at what he does, but the powers that be don't seem to have much faith in him.

Sadly, I think this person speaks the truth. Honestly, if WWE truly had faith in Ziggler, they've had ample opportunity for him to cash in his MITB and win, yet they've failed to pull the trigger.

I like Ziggler a lot, but I can't see him holding both major titles at the same time. At this rate, I'd be surprised if he cashed in and didn't lose.
I honestly don't think we are going to see Rock Cena 2 like everyone keeps saying. It makes no sense to do that match for the title. The Rock is a big draw, Cena is a big draw,the wwe title is a big draw so putting them all together would potentially hurt the buyrate, thats the reason it wasn't for the belt last year. Seriously think about this people...when was the wwe title match last used as the clear number 1 biggest drawing force for Wrestlemania? IDK maybe 27 or maybe 25 but even then The streak overshadowed those. I think we will see Cena Taker this year. I dont know where that leaves the rest of the card but I dont see the wwe doing the same main event two years in a row.

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