Bullshit About Movies, Release Dates, and Box Office (PLEASE READ FIRST POST)

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
With the relaxed spam rules, I have decided to put this thread in the Movies and Television section. If you've seen this thread's predecessor in The Bar Room, then you know the drill. In addition to talking about movies, I will update this thread with monthly theatrical and DVD release dates and weekly American box office estimates.

Although most of the posts made in the Bullshit About Movies thread in The Bar Room are not spam, there are still many posts in that thread that are. So, please read the rules before posting in this thread. On a more positive note, if you have read the rules, then you should know that non-spam posts can be as short as a sentence; here is a perfect example of an extremely short, non-spam post:

If only for the brilliance and (underappreciated) talent of Andy Kauffman, I'm voting Taxi.

If you're not in the mood to write a proper review, then this is the perfect thread to voice you opinion about any films that you've seen. Again, I will give an example of an extremely short, non-spam post:

Save for the hotness that is Megan Fox, Transformers 2 was a horrible, horrible film. It's your typical Michael Bay outing: contrived eye candy with horrible writing and acting. I wish Hollywood would blacklist this man.

Finally, I will allow posters to ask for recommendations in here, as long as they are somewhat detailed. Example:

Hey guys, I'm really in the mood for an extremely gory film tonight. Could you please recommend one? It doesn't have to have much of a plot, but I'd prefer that it have decent production values (so, nothing from Andreas Schnaas or Olaf Ittenbach, please). Thank you in advance.

All right, happy posting!
Is Black Dynamite out yet, or has it been given a limited release? On the website it says it's out but it hasn't come to my closest movie theater yet.

I'm really looking forward to seeing it. I like blaxploitation films as I find the protagonists extremely cool and interesting, and as this is a parody I hope there will be some humor and playing with the concept of blaxploitation.
To tell you the truth, I haven't even heard of Black Dynamite until you mentioned it. Although at the Wal-Mart in my town, they have a couple of movies call Blacula and Blackenstien. I want to see them but I really don't wanna pay 5$ for them when I could get the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
My enjoyment from the Saw video game, which I beat btw, compelled me to watch the films. I'm going to watch them in chronological order, and I started with the original. I enjoyed it a lot, hence the sig. I thought it was a truly brilliant film with a clever storyline. I give massive props to whoever thought of the concept, because it is pretty cool; Jigsaw wants corrupt and unhappy people to cherish life, so he puts them in different qualms in hopes to cure them and consequently help them gain an appreciation for their life. It's just witty, to me. The cast was fine, and the scenery and cinematography had a pretty unique style. It's not just a gory, grotesque horror move, it's actually deep. I'm a saw mark now. Anyone else a huge fan of this franchise?
Is Black Dynamite out yet, or has it been given a limited release? On the website it says it's out but it hasn't come to my closest movie theater yet.

It comes out on DVD on February 16th, and yes... it looks awesome. Pretty much anything starring Michael Jai White turns out to be awesome, though. If you haven't seen Blood and Bone yet, please do yourself a favor and do so immediately.

Anyway, last night on MSN, Tdigs asked me what I thought about the movie Memories of Murder, and it reminded me that my mom needed to see that film asap. Well I watched it with her earlier today, and of course... she loved it. But after that it hit me that I should seriously check out some more South Korean films. The only ones I've seen are Old Boy and Memories of Murder. Right now I'm definitely going to pick up Lady Vengeance and Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance. But Tdigs, could you please share your thoughts on these films for me and tell me if it's worth the $$$?

Memento Mori
A Bittersweet Life
My Sassy Girl
Yeah, I just looked it up again and I guess I missed it's theatrical release. I'm upset about that, because I really wanted to see it in theaters. Such a shame. However, I'll definitely rent the DVD.

I will have to look up Blood And Bone.
So, I watched Up yesterday, and I highly enjoyed it. The effectiveness with which it was able to communicate such emotion in the opening scene was amazing, and it was just a good movie all the way through, with lots of heart and humor.

I'm tired of people thinking animation is just for children. I hope this movie showed them that an animated film can be just as warm-hearted and mature as any live action film.
It comes out on DVD on February 16th, and yes... it looks awesome. Pretty much anything starring Michael Jai White turns out to be awesome, though. If you haven't seen Blood and Bone yet, please do yourself a favor and do so immediately.

Anyway, last night on MSN, Tdigs asked me what I thought about the movie Memories of Murder, and it reminded me that my mom needed to see that film asap. Well I watched it with her earlier today, and of course... she loved it. But after that it hit me that I should seriously check out some more South Korean films. The only ones I've seen are Old Boy and Memories of Murder. Right now I'm definitely going to pick up Lady Vengeance and Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance. But Tdigs, could you please share your thoughts on these films for me and tell me if it's worth the $$$?

Memento Mori
A Bittersweet Life
My Sassy Girl

You've seen The Host already, right? Bong-joon Ho's best film thus far is definitely Mother, and that's saying a lot about the director of Memories of Murder and The Host; so, see that one ASAP, as I've already told you countless times :D.

As for the other three films...definitely buy A Bittersweet Life; I can't say enough good things about that one (I'm trying to think of a better gangster film that has come out this decade...besides City of God, I can't think of any others). The version of Memento Mori that I saw was long as shit (over three hours), so, check which one you get (have you already seen Whispering Corridors?). If you're into comedy, I definitely recommend checking out Attack The Gas Station! Actually, I take that back; if you can find it for under ten bucks or as a rental, then I recommend picking it up. Otherwise, pick up A Bittersweet Life and only pick up Memento Mori if you liked Whispering Corridors. Unfortunately, I have not seen My Sassy Girl.
So, I watched Up yesterday, and I highly enjoyed it. The effectiveness with which it was able to communicate such emotion in the opening scene was amazing, and it was just a good movie all the way through, with lots of heart and humor.

I'm tired of people thinking animation is just for children. I hope this movie showed them that an animated film can be just as warm-hearted and mature as any live action film.

I could not agree more, in fact, I truly think that Up is the best Disney movie ever. The opening montage is relatively short, but sets up the entire movie beautifully and is filled to the brim with real emotion. I saw it in theaters and the 3-D was incredible. Rather than the stupid reach out and grab you that 3-D is usually used for, it added depth to scenes and really made you feel as though you were right there in the forest with them.
Alright two movies I'm curious about, the first is prolly a slightly lesser known movie called Whatever Works, I beleive it's a Woody Allen movie, which tbh means fuck all to me, but it stars Larry David, and the trailer I saw for it kinda reminded me a bit of CYE, which is a show I fucking love, what I want to know is if the movie is worth my time

the other is a movie Jennifer's Body, really so far the only thing about this movie that appeals to me is Megan Fox, aside from that I really don't have very high expectations, I'm just curious if, outside of the fact that Megan Fox is in it, the movie is worth a shit

more then likely I'll rent both movies, I just want to know want some opinions on them
My enjoyment from the Saw video game, which I beat btw, compelled me to watch the films. I'm going to watch them in chronological order, and I started with the original. I enjoyed it a lot, hence the sig. I thought it was a truly brilliant film with a clever storyline. I give massive props to whoever thought of the concept, because it is pretty cool; Jigsaw wants corrupt and unhappy people to cherish life, so he puts them in different qualms in hopes to cure them and consequently help them gain an appreciation for their life. It's just witty, to me. The cast was fine, and the scenery and cinematography had a pretty unique style. It's not just a gory, grotesque horror move, it's actually deep. I'm a saw mark now. Anyone else a huge fan of this franchise?

The first film is great. The second is still fun. The third is mediocre, and from there they turn into shit mostly. But enjoyable shit, if you know what I mean. They're this eras cheesy slasher genre, only gorier. I don't know, the traps are always fun to watch but the plots and acting and writing all just have turned to shit in that franchise, especially because anything Darren Lynn Bousman touches turns into pure shit. The man is the definition of a hack.

Alright two movies I'm curious about, the first is prolly a slightly lesser known movie called Whatever Works, I beleive it's a Woody Allen movie, which tbh means fuck all to me, but it stars Larry David, and the trailer I saw for it kinda reminded me a bit of CYE, which is a show I fucking love, what I want to know is if the movie is worth my time

the other is a movie Jennifer's Body, really so far the only thing about this movie that appeals to me is Megan Fox, aside from that I really don't have very high expectations, I'm just curious if, outside of the fact that Megan Fox is in it, the movie is worth a shit

more then likely I'll rent both movies, I just want to know want some opinions on them

Whatever Works was pretty funny, if you like CYE then you'll probably atleast enjoy the movie because Larry David plays pretty much an identical role. Not a great movie, but interesting and entertaining enough to be worth giving a watch.

I haven't seen Jennifer's Body but I've heard good and bad things about it. TDigs said it was shit, but we often have differing opinions on film so I'll have to end up watching it for myself one of these days.

I was contemplating watching a movie tonight, but nah, I'm just going to continue watching my 1998 episodes of Raw.
Whatever Works was pretty funny, if you like CYE then you'll probably atleast enjoy the movie because Larry David plays pretty much an identical role. Not a great movie, but interesting and entertaining enough to be worth giving a watch.

This was actually the one I was more curious about, it's a straight to DVD release to the best of my knowledge so I was really expecting to to be a masterpiece by any means

I haven't seen Jennifer's Body but I've heard good and bad things about it. TDigs said it was shit, but we often have differing opinions on film so I'll have to end up watching it for myself one of these days.

from everything I've read about the movie so far it sounds like fun piece of cheap b-rated black comedy horror, which imo are always at least worth watching once

I was contemplating watching a movie tonight, but nah, I'm just going to continue watching my 1998 episodes of Raw.

Like I said I plan on watching both of them, so I'm sure I'll post my review once I've done so, course that prolly won't be till tomorrow as I plan on watching the rest of Entourage season 3 tonight, maybe later I'll toss in one of evening with Kevin Smith DVDs, those are always good time wasters (we have no cable or anything hooked up yet so I'm at the mercy of my DVD collection, fortunately I have alot of DVDs)
The Wrestler, was badass. Enjoyed it more on the second veiwing, was indifferent after the first. A bit overrated I would say, but probably becuase its about 200 times better than any other movie thats ever been released that had anything to do with pro wrestling.

Paranormal Activity was fucking stupid. I fell asleep, twice. Also, I got the shit ending, were they find her confused, and shoot her. My goodness though, that girls tits were fucking HUGE, so that was pretty awesome. Beyond that, shit.

Ones I am most excited for are the Nightmare on Elm Street remake (not with optimism though) and a new movie about Robin Hood. Stars Russel Crowe, and is directed by Ridley Scott. That alone, sounds fucking awesome. The movies set back in those times are pretty much my favorites, to be honest, so I am fucking pumped about it. Crowe and Scott are two favorites in their feilds of expertise.
The first film is great. The second is still fun. The third is mediocre, and from there they turn into shit mostly. But enjoyable shit, if you know what I mean. They're this eras cheesy slasher genre, only gorier. I don't know, the traps are always fun to watch but the plots and acting and writing all just have turned to shit in that franchise, especially because anything Darren Lynn Bousman touches turns into pure shit. The man is the definition of a hack.

Whatever Works was pretty funny, if you like CYE then you'll probably atleast enjoy the movie because Larry David plays pretty much an identical role. Not a great movie, but interesting and entertaining enough to be worth giving a watch.

I haven't seen Jennifer's Body but I've heard good and bad things about it. TDigs said it was shit, but we often have differing opinions on film so I'll have to end up watching it for myself one of these days.

I was contemplating watching a movie tonight, but nah, I'm just going to continue watching my 1998 episodes of Raw.

Jennifer's Body...the acting and directing were shit, but the writing was pretty darn good. As much as I hate to admit this, Diablo Cody has talent; it's just too damn bad she seems like a shitty person.

All right, I got Inglourious Basterds yesterday from netflix; when I first saw it, I thought it sucked. But, I remember Christopher Waltz's performance in it being top-notch. So, as I fall asleep, I'm going to fast forward through this tripe to find Waltz's scenes; then, I'm going to send it back tomorrow so I can get a sleazy Italian movie from the 70s.
Maybe im not cut out to have an opinion about movies. I still really, really dont get what the big deal was about Waltz's preformance, and what everyone is cheesing over the opening scene for. Waltz did well, and the opening scene was just an opening scene. I dont understand what about it makes it stand out from any other opeing scene. Seriously.

Loved all the parts with just the basterds though. If the movie had just been about them (as the title would suggest) I wouldve liked it a lot better.
Xfear, may I please get your opinion on the movie Frailty, starring Bill Paxon (who also directed it) and Matthew McConaughey, if you've seen it? I watched it earlier today and am curious what you thought of it.

You've seen The Host already, right? Bong-joon Ho's best film thus far is definitely Mother, and that's saying a lot about the director of Memories of Murder and The Host; so, see that one ASAP, as I've already told you countless times :D.

I know, man, but like I told you... I really need to sike myself out to sit in front of a computer and watch a long movie. However, if this gets a DVD release soon, I'll definitely pick it up immediately.

As for the other three films...definitely buy A Bittersweet Life; I can't say enough good things about that one (I'm trying to think of a better gangster film that has come out this decade...besides City of God, I can't think of any others). The version of Memento Mori that I saw was long as shit (over three hours), so, check which one you get (have you already seen Whispering Corridors?). If you're into comedy, I definitely recommend checking out Attack The Gas Station! Actually, I take that back; if you can find it for under ten bucks or as a rental, then I recommend picking it up. Otherwise, pick up A Bittersweet Life and only pick up Memento Mori if you liked Whispering Corridors.

Cool, cool. I'll pick up A Bittersweet Life next week then. Thanks.

Unfortunately, I have not seen My Sassy Girl.

I think I might check out the American remake, thinking about it. I'm sure it's shit compared to the South Korean version, but honestly... I'll watch anything with Elisha Cuthbert.

The Wrestler, was badass. Enjoyed it more on the second veiwing, was indifferent after the first. A bit overrated I would say, but probably becuase its about 200 times better than any other movie thats ever been released that had anything to do with pro wrestling.

Glad to see you've come around. I can see why you think it's overrated when there are people like me who proclaim the film a masterpiece, but damn I do love that fucking film.

Maybe im not cut out to have an opinion about movies. I still really, really dont get what the big deal was about Waltz's preformance, and what everyone is cheesing over the opening scene for. Waltz did well, and the opening scene was just an opening scene. I dont understand what about it makes it stand out from any other opeing scene. Seriously.

He was just your different type of villain. He was so polite, yet you could still sense the evil in him. He also showed a comedic side to him in a few scenes too. Moreover, it was impressive how many languages he spoke all throughout the film as well. All in all... I personally thought Waltz was outstanding, and I'm definitely rooting for him to get an Oscar for his performance.
Xfear, may I please get your opinion on the movie Frailty, starring Bill Paxon (who also directed it) and Matthew McConaughey, if you've seen it? I watched it earlier today and am curious what you thought of it.

Was this the movie where the guy is telling the story of him, his brother and dad, and how they would go out a kill "demons", if so I think I've seen that, it was on late one night when I was flipping through channels a couple months ago, I thought it was a strange strange movie for the most part, liked the ending though, never knew the name of it though
Was this the movie where the guy is telling the story of him, his brother and dad, and how they would go out a kill "demons", if so I think I've seen that, it was on late one night when I was flipping through channels a couple months ago, I thought it was a strange strange movie for the most part, liked the ending though, never knew the name of it though

Yep, that's it.

I thought it would be decent enough, but man I thought overall it was awesome. One of the best American horror films I've seen in a while. Looking forward to hearing what X has to say about it. I have a feeling though he might think it's a piece of shit, lol.
Xfear, may I please get your opinion on the movie Frailty, starring Bill Paxon (who also directed it) and Matthew McConaughey, if you've seen it? I watched it earlier today and am curious what you thought of it.

Very good film, I remember seeing it in theaters and being totally blown away by the ending, and then hitting myself in the head for weeks for not having figured the ending out beforehand.

Bill Paxton has long been a favorite of mine from his classic work in films like Aliens and Near Dark, so that's what led me to the movie in the first place. Very unique little film that I'm not quite sure I could classify to a single genre. There are elements of horror for sure, but it's really not a straight-ahead horror film. His role as the father was brilliant as always.

I normally absolutely hate Matthew McConaughey as well but he was very good in this film too, especially the last half hour or so. I'd put this right next to his role in Dazed and Confused in terms of his best roles.

Very cool little flick.

I'm contemplating watching the Notorious BIG biopic Notorious. Anyone seen it? Any opinions?
I just bought A History of Violence for four bucks the other day. I have never seen it all the way through but it is considered a great movie from all the people I have talked to about it. However, none of them really know film like X, JMT, or Tdigle.

So I am going to ask you guys, is it really as good as everyone makes it out to be? I will probably be watching it either today or tomorrow, I have to get through the new Jeff Hardy dvd and District 9 first.
I just bought A History of Violence for four bucks the other day. I have never seen it all the way through but it is considered a great movie from all the people I have talked to about it. However, none of them really know film like X, JMT, or Tdigle.

So I am going to ask you guys, is it really as good as everyone makes it out to be? I will probably be watching it either today or tomorrow, I have to get through the new Jeff Hardy dvd and District 9 first.

I really liked A History of Violence, and I'm pretty sure JMT loved it, but that TDigs hates it or atleast thinks it's really overrated. That's just how I remember it though so who knows I may have them switched up or something.

The director (David Cronenberg) is a genius simply put, he's been making great films since the 70s, but only recently has he really gotten acclaim and that's because of this film and his next one after this film, Eastern Promises. I'd recommend Eastern Promises over History of Violence, but their both very good films. Eastern Promises is simply excellent though.

Oh and I see you're going to watch District 9? Let us know your thoughts on it man, I was a BIG fan of that film and consider it to be the best I've seen released in 2009.
Yeah, I heard all about Eastern Promises, did not know it was the same director however. I really want to get around to seeing it soon, looks really fucking good.

I was a little hesitant this summer in watching the big budget, science fiction movies but have gotten around to seeing them lately. I recently watched Star Trek and Terminator 4 so I figured it was about damn time I got around to seeing District 9. I will let you know how I feel about it later tonight when I watch it.
Yeah, I heard all about Eastern Promises, did not know it was the same director however. I really want to get around to seeing it soon, looks really fucking good.

It's definitely worth watching, if only for Viggo Mortenson's AWESOME performance. He should have won an Oscar for that role.

I was a little hesitant this summer in watching the big budget, science fiction movies but have gotten around to seeing them lately. I recently watched Star Trek and Terminator 4 so I figured it was about damn time I got around to seeing District 9. I will let you know how I feel about it later tonight when I watch it.

Well let me just tell you right now if you're going to watch District 9 expecting a big-budget Sci-Fi epic film, you're looking in the wrong place. This is far, FAR more intelligent of a film than either Trek or T4, as the whole film really is just a large allegory for the apartheid in Africa, replacing the blacks with aliens. I mean just the set-up of the film in this quasi-documentary style is brilliant. Absolutely loved that film from start to finish, and there are some pretty damn impressive effects, particularly the aliens themselves. But if you're going to watch it and expect something like Independence Day or something along those lines you're going to be disappointed. It's about a thousand times better than Independence Day ever was though IMO.
Honestly X, you telling me that it is not a big budget science fiction film actually helps it out in my mind. It makes me that much more interested in it. I feel as though big budget sci fi films have been falling short as of late with the exception of Star Trek. The visual look amazing from what I have seen in commercials and pictures. You sir, have helped this films approval rating greatly by saying it isn't just a sci fi film.
I'm contemplating watching the Notorious BIG biopic Notorious. Anyone seen it? Any opinions?

I seen it one night on Pay-Per-View. I actually thought this movie would e shit, but I actually found myself pleasantly surprised. I never really heard or liked Biggie but this movie had a little bit of everything. Some good acting and a decent story (even though it felt a little rushed to me) made this movie pretty good.

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