MITB 2014 format?


Luck is on my side
So thinking earlier about how The Money In The Bank event will be at the end of June this year I was thinking what the actual format of the show will be. Will there only be one ladder match this seeing how the world titles are unified now or will there be another one possibly for the IC Championship?

Secondly theoretically speaking if there were 2 ladder matches who would the participants be? I'm finding it really tricky coming up with who goes where in regards to the ladder matches.

What are your thoughts on the matter?
Id really enjoy an IC MITB match. It could really show off some of the mid card guys.

WWE MITB my 6 pick would be
Bray Wyatt
Roman Reigns
John Cena
Randy Orton

Cody Rhodes

Who know maybe it'll give a nice rub to the IC title.
Make the MITB match more special by making there only one match once a year. For the world title. Nothing else.
I'm pretty sure that, as long as the two top championships remain unified, there will only be one ladder match on the card. It seems like WWE are moving away from entire cards being dictated by a theme; Elimination Chamber only had one Chamber match on the card, TLC only had one Tables, Ladders & Chairs match on the card (no Ladder match, Tables match or Chairs match like previous years), and the number of stipulations at Extreme Rules has been cut considerably. With that in mind, I don't think that a second Money In The Bank match will be forced for the sake of the theme.

Guessing participants with two pay-per-views still to happen is difficult; it's hard to say what will be happening in regards to the championship, John Cena/Bray Wyatt, The Shield and Evolution come the end of next month. There are so many different angles that could be taken up. I'd guess that the match might consist of six, seven or eight of:

Bray Wyatt
John Cena
Randy Orton
Dean Ambrose
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
Rob Van Dam

It's also impossible to say that there won't be a wildcard thrown in, and with such a packed upper midcard at the moment there are plenty of people to pick from.
I like only having one. Doing two either densensitizes the highspots or you have to work them differently (one being spot oriented, the other being story oriented).

I say just one. Or have a team MITB where the winning team gets something other than a title. I'm thinking Evolution vs Authority/Evolution (some combo, I don't think HHH/Orton/Batista would be in it, but someone hired by them). Winner gets a contract for something. Don't know what, but something. For actually, have authority hire the Wyatts for this match. Wyatts vs Shield in a TLC match with some stipulation on a contract at the top? Maybe if Wyatts win, Bray gets a title shot, if Shield wins, Reigns gets HHH at Summerslam.
If the tag team division was a bit stronger I wouldn't mind a MITB tag match with 4-5 teams but there aren't strong enough teams
Why not two ladder matches-one for the right to cash-in for the IC title or U.S. Title, and the other to cash in for the WWE World Title?

This way, you get your mid-carders match, and the main title ladder match as well.
Zeb could find Swagger a tag team partner & then they could do the tag team MiTB.

new Real Americans
Los Matadors

it would also be a great way to debut the Ascension. They could be the 1st tage team walking around with the briefcase.

Also there have been so many MiTB matches a tag team match with all the tag team help makes the match way different than any MiTB match has been & wont take away from the WWE CHAMPIONSHIP match later that night
I like the idea of doing the 1st tag-team MiTB match. I know people dont think there are enough strong teams. I disagree. You could have Rybaxel go over the Uso's before MiTB. Then in the match you have

Los Mattadors
The Ascension

I think this would be a great way for the Ascension to debut. also there are also other options...
Rollins & Ambrose
Swagger and a new Real American
if u want lots of spots u could add Sin Cara & Mysterio or RVD & a mystery partner like a returning Christian. U could Bring back Air Boom or International Air Strike.
I wouldn't mind seeing Evan Bourne return in a match like this. The guy has been on injured reserve longer than anyone I have ever heard of.

I would like to see this for the simple fact that its never been done before & I would love to see a team like the Ascension or the Shield walking around with that case knowing they could strike @ anytime. Plus it brings a different dynamic on a heel cash in attempt...!
One Money in the Bank briefcase, which will be won in one Money in the Bank Ladder Match, for one WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Last year, Damien Sandow won a briefcase for what was basically a doomed career, because if he had held the WHC instead of losing to Cena, he would be a nobody jobbing like Swagger. Sandow is working his way up the card again, and if there is only one MITB briefcase it makes winning it mean that much more. I also think we will see the return of personalized briefcases.

The man I choose to win Money in the Bank this year is Ryback. I think it would be very compelling for him to win the ladder match, hold on to the briefcase and talk a lot of smack in the meantime, taunting the main event. He is main event ready and can work as a heel or face. I don't buy the garbage about his work, he wrestles great and I would enjoy seeing him feud with Cena, Bryan, Shield and Orton.
I would have it still be 2 ladder matches both being for the WWE Heavyweight Championship. If you do it like that not only does it add more interest on "Whose gonna cash in." but you also get a instant feud on both mitb winners. You could take this story anywhere have them be petrified to cash in because the other might right after.
There should be for the 1st ever a tag team mitb.

I once said that this would be the perfect way for uso's to win the tag team championship but thats already done.

So this would be perfect for the acension in nxt to debut and win it, this could have good teams such as

Los Matadores
Rowan and Harper
and even new tag teams such as

Del Rio & Titus O Neal
Sheamus & Sami Zayn
Dolph Ziggler & Tyson Kidd

And maybe a legends tag team like

Kane & The Undertaker

it would be a hit for sure.

As for the wwe worldheavyweight championship mitb match the following should be all in the match

Bo Dallas
Badnews barrett
Jack Swagger
Roman Reigns
Dean Ambrose
Seth Rollins

i think there only be 1 mitb match this year, cause most likely wwe will never have a divas, tag team or even mid card mitb match.

Maybe they could have 2 for the wwe whc

one is for former world champions

and the other if for people who has never held a wwe or worldheavyweight championship in the wwe.
There are ideas of having a MITB for the IC Title, as much as I respect the title I don't think people would kill each other just to get a briefcase for the IC Title.

As mentioned I would like to see the return of the KOTR but I don't see that happening anytime soon. So how about a hybrid of the KOTR Tournament style matches.

I say we have a MITB match set up for 6 participants and the winner will get a contract for a WWE World Heavyweight Title Match like before.

However the way the 6 participants are determined is through a series of mini tournaments.

Ok we are going to TNA territory here but I say for the month leading the PPV we could have 6 4 Man Mini Tourney's and the winner of each mini tourneys. The semi finals of each mini tournament will have their bouts on RAW, Main Event, and Smackdown!

Then on the MITB PPV there will be
- 6 matches being the finals at the mini tournament winner of each match will advance to the MITB match
- The MITB match itself with all 6 are the participants

so example

Division A
Cena vs. R-Truth
Ambrose vs. Ryback
So let's say Ambrose and Cena wins so they will face each other in the MITB PPV and winner will be the one of the 6 participants in the actual match.

Division B
Orton vs. Batista
Ceasro vs. RVD
So let's say Orton and Cesaro wins so they will face each other at the MITB PPV like Cena/Ambrose


This will add a month long drama to the PPV, make each show leading to the PPV relevant, and will add that unpredictability WWE could always use.
I'm pretty sure that, as long as the two top championships remain unified, there will only be one ladder match on the card. It seems like WWE are moving away from entire cards being dictated by a theme; Elimination Chamber only had one Chamber match on the card, TLC only had one Tables, Ladders & Chairs match on the card (no Ladder match, Tables match or Chairs match like previous years), and the number of stipulations at Extreme Rules has been cut considerably. With that in mind, I don't think that a second Money In The Bank match will be forced for the sake of the theme.

Guessing participants with two pay-per-views still to happen is difficult; it's hard to say what will be happening in regards to the championship, John Cena/Bray Wyatt, The Shield and Evolution come the end of next month. There are so many different angles that could be taken up. I'd guess that the match might consist of six, seven or eight of:

Bray Wyatt
John Cena
Randy Orton
Dean Ambrose
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
Rob Van Dam

It's also impossible to say that there won't be a wildcard thrown in, and with such a packed upper midcard at the moment there are plenty of people to pick from.

I agree. It wouldn't surprise me if there was only one MITB match. Hopefully the undercard and WWE WHC match is good.

I'd love for Brock to be the surprise entrant in the MITB match. With him winning, it would add the ultimate surprise factor for the MITB cash in because unlike other winners he could pop up at any given time and cash in
This is something I have thought a lot about. There is obviously only going to be one briefcase for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. We have had a two briefcase format for the last few years, though. Will the red briefcase be used for the world title while the blue briefcase gets used for either the Intercontinental or US Championship? If they go this route the winner of the blue briefcase could choose to go after the midcard title of their choice like how the original Money In the Bank winners could choose to go after the world title of their choice. It's better than only having one briefcase. I hope they keep the red and blue briefcase format while changing up the role the blue one plays this year. I say the blue one as the red one has historically been booked to be used for a more important cash-in.

The other two options are a little different. Perhaps we are ready for a Tag Team Championship Money In the Bank Ladder Match? It would be a match full of insane and dangerous spots, but there are enough names in the tag team division that they could try it this year. No more than 4 teams should be involved in it if they did. Then there is another idea I have suggested on here before. It is a departure from what we are used to in Money In the Bank Ladder Matches, but I can see it happening this year due to who I would book to win it. Divas pick male wrestlers to represent them in a Money In the Bank match where the winning wrestler's diva gets a Money In the Bank briefcase for the Divas Championship while the male wrestler gets a midcard title shot. Emma gets to be the first Mrs Money In the Bank while Santino representing her gets an Intercontinental/US Championship shot. Why not? It's something different.
I'd say just have the ONE MITB match, that raises the importance of the undisputed championship, and giving one to the IC Belt or Tag Belts, doesn't do much but diminish the importance of the MITB in the first place.

As for the actual MITB match, I'd push it back to 8 guys (As it's varied throughout recent years) those guys would be:

-Reigns (or even Rollins for that matter, for the purpose of the ladder match)
-A younger/NXT talent (Bo Dallas even? I love him personally, and it would be cool to have one of the younger talents in this match)

I don't see them putting the briefcase with Wyatt because, 1.) It just doesn't seem to fit his character much at all, and 2.) Correct me if I am wrong but has the MITB ever gone to somebody in a stable? I don't think Orton counts much as far as the Authority goes. The idea was that it was HHH's own personal vision and that's why he took out Bryan.

Anyways, my winner for this would be Cesaro. I mean, they see big things in his future, keyword being future, and what better to do then to have him hold on to the briefcase, and whenever they think he's ready, or an opportunity arises for him to have a go as champ, then he can. You can never go wrong with Cena, and if they don't exactly feel comfortable giving it to Cesaro, and want to keep the "only big names hold the WWE WHC" idea, then that can be a way to go, much to the dismay of most watching the match.

In all, as much as I loved last years event, and the two MITB matches, I just am of the impression that they will keep it as one match and bill the importance of it as just that, that there only is one briefcase and all these guys are chasing it. But, as far as my pick? Or at least the most logical one? Cesaro.
I'd definitely stick with just the one MITB match, to me the gimmick matches get diluted when you overuse them and here WWE have a logical reason only to do one as there is now only one World title.

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