
According to the WWE's twitter account, the first qualifying matches for the Money in the Bank ladder match are going to happen tonight on Raw. Now, MITB has become something of a WrestleMania tradition and is always an entertaining match. It's also good news for some WWE wrestlers who may not have otherwise been on the card and it also means a big payday for them.

However, it makes me wonder exactly what's going to happen with the MITB pay per view that's going to take place in the next several months. Could the MITB matches at this ppv wind up being for shots at champinships other than the WHC and WWE Championship? On the surface, having an MITB match at WM and then having a MITB ppv in July might wind up cheaping the ppv, depending upon what the WWE has in mind.

While this is a long shot, I personally wouldn't mind one of the MITB matches at the ppv feature the wrestlers from WWE NXT. Whoever pulls down the briefcase has a WWE contract and has his pick of which brand he intends to go with. After the ppv, the winner would appear on both Raw and SD! for a while before making the choice. Another route they could go with the WWE NXT wrestlers is to use the briefcase as a type of security blanket. Like an immunity idol or something to that effect.

I think MITB for a title shot will go on at Wrestlemania. The MITB Pay Per View seems to me a way to apply the 6 to 8 wrestlers fighting for one prize as two separate championship matches a la the Elimination Chamber matches, last year's Hell in the Cell matches, and the Tables and Chairs matches at TLC.

Just another way to flesh out an aspect of WWE into a full-blown pay-per view.
So i don't think there has been an individual post for this PPV in specific so i want to start one. Feel free to move this if need be. It was just brought up on the main page that there will in fact be a Money in the Bank match at Wrestlemania. So i started thinking could the Money in the Bank Pay Per View be where the winner of this match at Wrestlemania has to cash in their title shot? I think this because i don't see why WWE should have two of these matches just months after each other. So what are peoples thoughts on my idea and this PPV in general?
There will be MITB at wm26 , all normal there but with the pay per view i can only see 2 MITB matchs and they will be a Raw MITB and a Smackdown MITB.

Hopefully the winners will be guys on the rise like Kofi, DiBiase, Rhodes, Ziggler or guys who have been kept down from title shots like Kane, Big Show, Benjamin, Matt Hardy.

MITB will give guys last title shots or send them into the future with a title opportunity.
I kind of figured that the PPV would be for the title. I just wasn't too sure on whether or not they'd have the match at Mania but I guess they are. And I don't think that they're going to have the winner at Mania get the shot at the MitB PPV since that kind of defeats the purpose, doesn't it? They're supposed to get a shot anytime and any place. But let's hope that it's a first time winner this time and they don't put someone in there (Sheamus) who doesn't really deserve it.

The MitB is essentially the new King of the Ring to me since it's now the main way to elevate out of the midcard. I just don't get why they didn't bring that back, the KotR that is. TNA just had what was essentially a King of the Ring PPV and it worked out well. WWE seems to be taking TNA's Lethal Lockdown PPV concept and running it into the ground (about seven times over) so why not take back what was once one of their best ideas?
Ok what if they do this? Punk wins the MITB at Wrestlemania AGAIN. Then, someone else wins it at the PPV. And when Punk cashes his in and beats whatever poor sap just won the title, the OTHER winner cashes it in right after him! People would go FUCKING NUTS if the second MITB winner was a up and coming face like Kofi or Morrison. Just an idea.
Forcing the winner to defend the title at that ppv. Would go against the whole money in the bank concept of getting a title shot whenever you want. That would make the money in the bank at Wrestlemania just another #1 contenders match. I love this match its become one of my favorite parts of wrestlemania. I don't think having a whole ppv based on it is a good idea. It will take excitement from wrestemania, and I'm guessing who wins it at wrestlemania will cash it in by time the ppv happens in July. If they don't and I assume at the ppv there will be one for raw and one for smackdown. They will have three guys with briefcases running around.
I really like Jack's idea having the NXT rookies fight over a spot for a major show RAW or SD,And this could help NXT alot specialy if you put them on Wrestlemania card.And on the MITB ppv they could actually do some qualifying matches on the same PPV and who ever won from the qualifying matches could go to the mainevent which is the Money in the Back.
I was thinking that when i heard the MITB, that maybe if they were going to keep the match at mania, then the winner of that match would just use his clause at the ppv, but the problem with that, is since the match has began, it has always been used as part of a storyline, where you wait until the right time to cash it in, not just have a regular match, and the only one that i can remember haveing a match when his oppenent was actually able to fight back at 100% would be RVD, so overall will this ruin the match, and will the ppv bomb, i guess we will find out
I posted somthing like this idea in another thread, but what if at the MITB PPV they have a MITB match where the NXT stars battle for a spot on one of the main shows. They could have a IC/US title MITB match. I dont think a tag team MITB match is such a good idea right now, but maybe by the time of this PPV there will be more teams. Then of course we would have the normal MITB match. I think they will also have both the WWE and World champions defending their belts at the PPV in single matches.
Alright well it seems they are having a MITB match at Wrestlemania but are STILL doing a MITB PPV a few months from now.... I'm glad that the match didn't get pulled from Wrestlemania since it's one I look forward to every year and I was really disappointed when I found out that there was going to be a MITB PPV. I think it would make sense for the winner of this year's MITB at Wrestlemania to cash in their case as soon as one of the world title matches ends, for instance if Christian wins the case and Edge defeats Jericho, have Christian cash in on Edge right afterwards, that would be rather awesome. Then there won't be any complicated booking of more than one MITB winner.

I honestly hope that the MITB PPV will be more than just about that match. Do qualifying matches on Raw/Smackdown to get to appear in the MITB match at MITB's PPV.... but it should still include the two world title matches and some filler feuds like the other PPV's, and have the MITB match main event it.... Or they could have the winner cash in there after one of the world title matches.... I dunno, it could create something interesting.

What I really hope they DON'T do is multiple MITB matches for multiple titles. That's just ASKING for a cluster-mess. There should only be one MITB winner and they should only be cashing in on one of the world titles. TNA's Feast or Fired (while a cool concept!) gets really complicated and I often forget who even has the cases.... compared to WWE's MITB winner who I always wonder when they are going to cash it in, ever since Edge set the standard in 2006 for "shocking" cash-in's.

There are several directions they could go with this PPV but the best way to go about this honestly is for the winner of the MITB match at Wrestlemania to cash in AT Wrestlemania, then have qualifying matches for the MITB match at the MITB PPV like they do for the Wrestlemania one, and then have one MITB winner going for one of the world titles like they have done in the past. It can work really well if they do it in a way similar to that. It could also get severely messed up because they might do something stupid like make multiple MITB matches at the PPV, or end up with 2 different MITB winners if the one from Wrestlemania still hasn't cashed in yet. I just hope that the MITB PPV doesn't mess up, it has the potential to be either really cool or a total disaster.
What I think might be happening is that the MITB PPV is going to be different or slightly skewed. Of course there will still be title matches on the card, so I wouldnt worry about it being just MITB ladder matches all nigth long. I would also wager they'd have an opener with some nXt wrestlers to fill up some time.

But my thoughts are that they won't go with a ladder match at the PPV. I would think they would go with a match like a Fatal Four Way (even though you have the PPV for that down pat) or something like a 6 way elimination match, making it less spotty and more accessible to more wrestlers. Thus, having the ladder match at Mania would take none of the sheen away from this PPV.
Let me start off by saying if there is another topic about this please merge.

According to, on July 17, 2010 there will be a Pay Per View with the title Money in the Bank. This is the PPV right before Summer Slam. My question is will the winner of Money in the Bank be given a 365 day contract to cash in, like Wrestle Mania, or will it be for a Championship match at Summer Slam?

I think the winner of the MITB Match will get the World Championship Match @ Summer Slam. I think this PPV will be like the Royal Rumble to set up Wrestle Mania. I think that is a great idea, it helps to build SummerSlam. The last few years it feels like SummerSlam is just rushed together.

I do hate the title of the PPV. Before the WWE got rid of the King of the Ring PPV the winner received a future championship match, i.e. Brock Lesnar when he faced The Rock at Summerslam. I believe when Booker T won he was given a championship match too. I would personally rather see a tournament style PPV where the winner gets a championship match at Summerslam rather than the MITB Match. I think it devalues the Wrestle Mania version.

What are your thoughts?
i think the shot at the title at summerslam would work but dont call the match money in the bank give it a diffrent name and make this one diffrent to the one at wrestlemania because it wouldnt be a contract. and the king of the ring was good but with VKM its out with the old in with the new exept for wrestlers
I agree with the tournament style. Personally I always liked the King of the Ring, it's another way for the WWE to create bigger stars, sure when Bret won he was already a star, but they needed a big name to win it to give the tournament some buzz. But look at what it did for Stone Cold, Edge, Kurt Angle, Triple H, and Brock Lesnar, it gave these guys that final push into the big time.

While I would love to see an 8 man tournament with Triple H, Cena, Edge, Jericho, Batista, Orton, CM Punk, and Rey. I think it would be the perfect time to give the Miz that final push into the championship scene, have him win it all and then give him a championship match at Summerslam, it would be a great way to give a younger guy that push into the main event scene.
my thoughts are that this ppv is going to badly screwed up. if you put your main event guys in a mitb match it will be rubbish but at the same time your classic mitb partcipants shelton etc havnt the star power to main event a ppv

i hope if they are going to continue this ppv then the mania match needs to go because two mitb a year is over kill

damn wwe and their gimmick ppvs
Actually, WWE will not have 2 MITB ladder matches anymore. Thats the reason why they made Swagger cash his in quick. My guess is if the ppv goes well, they will repeat it every year. About the idea of having the title match at SummerSlam would be a good idea.
the king of the ring tournament to crown a #1 contender for summerslam was genius. it wasn't done often before it was phased out, but it was still genius. and tournaments are always awesome. especially when the winner has to wrestle multiple matches in one night to get the crown. it can totally put a guy over to show him as a dominator, endurer or a great cheater. think of the monster heels, underdog faces and slimy heel characters this kind of tournament could create!

plus, as has been stated more than once, two MITB matches in one year is over kill and takes away from the one at mania. i look forward to the one at mania and even more than that to when the shot will be cashed in. if there are multiple MITB matches at this ppv and therefore multiple winners with multiple contracts, it will do little more than take away from the concept and anticipation of the mania match.

remember the previous tournaments for the title or for a title shot? what about WM4 or SS 98 when Rock when a la montreal screwjob? great stuff! tournament vs MITB for a ppv all the way!

plus, as irritating as a "king" gimmick gets, it's an easy heel character to create and even easier to hate. even jerry lawler did this flawlessly with bret hart and won feud of the year when they did it. easy heat, easy promos, easy stable. it's worth considering dropping the MITB ppv to bring back KOTR tournament, especially if it means a shot at summerslam. and it does build meaning for both ppv shows. IMO.
What I am hoping for with this PPV is that ALL MATCHES will be MITB and they will either contain contracts for title shots (yes all titles) or the actual titles themselves (this one I dont see happening but would love to).

Imagine awesome matches with
Edge, Christian, Jericho, Batista, and Triple H competing in a match for World Title shot for either title.
Shemeus, Kofi, MVP, Bourne, Carlito for a shot at the US Title
Morrison, Ziggler, Rey, Punk and Kane for a IC Title shot.
Croft and Berretta, Hart Dynasty, SES, The Fortunate Sons (if they go through with it) for shot at the Tag Titles.

Now I know I left out some people but I am not really thinking about it hard at the moment, these were just right off the top of the head. But you get my point, this PPV could be HUGE! or a huge BUST! Lets hope for the best.
What I think is, there will be qualifying matches on smackdown and raws before the ppv.

But for this ppv, we will have a money in the bank match for all the titles in the wwe(ex, wwe, whc, ic, us, tag team, divas, womens), and all money in the bank matches would be for these titles.
So we're actually going to bad mouth it before it's even happened? That's slightly unfair. Sure, the name sucks but that is only an asthetically problem, just because the name is bad, it hardly reflects on how the PPV is going to be. So lets just stop doing that.

As for the format... well, we had elimination chamber and we had TLC PPV's and the structure seems to be that there will be a reoccuring theme throughout the PPV. So I expect to see two MITB matches as we saw two EC matches in February in the usual Smackdown/ Raw split.

Because of that split, I do agree that the winner should recieve the main event at Summerslam but I could also see a brand exclusive contract being given too. In actual fact, I don't expect the actual terms of the contract to be advertised, doing so would leave them without any wiggle room. An injury to John Cena could cause problems on Raw so a loop hole which allowed the Smackdown! winner to move to Raw could help repair that void.

I think any more than 2 matches would be overkill, once we've had two, the other three would just be unbearable and surely at least one of the World Title ladder matches would have to come at the end of the show. The name 'Money In The Bank' says a lot. This is money for later. Not money for now. So that says to me that the title won't be up for grabs in any of these matches. So there are five titles. So if these are number one contender (of sorts) matches, if the current champions remain champion by the time of the PPV, that means we won't see Cena, Swagger, The Miz, The Big Show and Drew McIntyre in any of the matches. And can you really see Orton, Batista, HHH and Sheamus in a ladder match? I don't think so.

My prefered format:
2 MITB (Gimmick) matches, 1 Grudge Match, 1 Womens match and Two World/WWE title matches. Sounds like a usual July PPV to me.
I'm not so sure about this concept of a ppv name MiTb, it takes away the glamour that is so special about the one at Wrestlemania, which is in my opnion one of the most exciting and unpredictable matches on the card, so I'm kinda of skeptical on this one, I'll have to know more about what its about before I can really form an opinion on this
just thought of something else i wanted to add:

WWE already has spotlighted ladder matches. there's MITB at mania, and at TLC there was both a ladder match and a TLC match. plus, a ladder match at extreme rules would be very appropriate.

so why have a MITB ppv? why not make it a tournament ppv since at least it's something different to watch? call it king of the ring or lord of the rings or whatever you want, but a tournament once a year would be at least a new (or rather recycled) gimmick match that would be something different to watch. plus, too many ladder matches can almost be a bad thing as it starts to lose its prestige, wow factor and can certainly lead to numerous injuries for superstars.

just an additional thought to this. but i trust WWE (not with my life or home or anything) and enjoy watching wrestling if only because it is meant to be enjoyed. that said, i'm looking forward to this ppv and the rest throughout the year and hope that they continue to perform and even surprise now and then.
Correct me if I am wrong but King of the Ring was NEVER meant to be a launching point for a WWE title match at SummerSlam. Sometimes it worked out to where the KOR winner did end up at SummerSlam but that was never its intention. 2 KOR winners off the top of my head that never had a title opportunity are William Regal and Billy Gunn.

They will do with MITB exactly what they did with all the other gimmick matches. Overexpose them. Themed ppv's in general are a waste.
2 money in the bank matches(one for Raw and one for Smackdown) will be good to see but I think 2 winners will couse two much confusion(can you imagine 2 briefcase to be running around).I think we should wait and see.Perhaps they intend that Raw winner must cash in his Briefcase on Raw and Smackdown on Smackdown show.Its too early to be speculating about it yet

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