My Idea To Change Up The Money In The Bank PPV

The first half of your idea is good but we could just take that and place it at wrestlemania like it used to be and be done with it.

The second half of your idea is terrible because it sets in stone how the to undercard titles are just that. The problem with the US and Intercontential titles to begin with is that they are always given to undercard guys who have no shot at the WWE or WHC titles. In theory this makes sense giving the undercard titles to up and coming stars but if the titles never are given to any one but people not worthy of the other two than they will never be seen in as high a regard or even close. Your idea lets the losers compete for a chance at a title and that devalues it even more. Your setting an actual line in the sand where people on one side qualify for the WWE and WHC and the other the US and IC and whats worse you're making it clear that those who are on one side are much better competitors because they all beat the people on the other side. You can't have losers compete for titles.


What a load of rubbish!

Firstly, how can it devalue the IC or U.S. Title any more than it is? They rarely have it defended on PPV. This gives the title some prestige, something to go after.

Secondly, the IC or U.S. Title IS a lesser title. That's a fact! The IC Title has never been equal to the WWE or World Title. How can you not get that?

"It's always given to undercard guys who have no shot at WHC or World Titles".

Tell that to SCSA, Bret Hart, The Rock, Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Edge, Chris Jericho and the numerous other superstars who have won both the IC AND WWE or World Title. :banghead:

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