[Official] WZT Prediction Contest

Looks good so far. I believe we already have 30. Remember to state your bracket name here so that we know who is who.
I put it under my real name as well, same as last year.

I have Hogan over Thesz in the last round. I initially wanted to vote how I know the forum is going to vote - I did that last year and got 6th place overall - this year I just went by justifiable kayfabe booking to the best of my knowledge, but I didn't factor in the gimmick matches.

I saw some huge upsets. At one point I had Rikidozan over Hart, El Santo over Sting, Misawa over Undertaker, Great Muta over Punk, and Inoki over Cena. Though the likelihood of any of those happening is probably slim.

I'm under Kenneth.
Steve Austin to win this for the same amount of times he has won a Royal Rumble.

My alias is FalKon. Good luck everybody.
I have Sammartino over Cena in the final.

I had some very tough matchups and a Lesnar cinderella run until he met up with John Cena in the Elite 8.

Name: Guillermo Hernandez
Done. Under "Mike Killam" I think.

My finals came down to Austin over Cena. Which means yes, I did take Cena over Andre. The immediate thing that came to mind was, "If Hogan did it..."
It looks like we are getting close to 40 particpants. I ended up with The Undertaker and John Cena in the final match. I put Cena over as he still remains the big question mark in terms of the streak.
I am not a Hogan fan and it pained me to put him in the Finals, but this bracket really lines up for Hogan nicely to get there.

name is under: mike chambers
Mine is under the name Chris Browarski

Going through I thought hogan would just walk through and win it all but I was even surprised with who I had winning the final
Mine is under Dimitri. My final four were: The Undertaker Vs. The Rock and Shawn Michaels Vs. Goldberg. Taker and Shawn went to the finals, and Taker prevailed.
I completed mine under the name Timmy.
Some matches were tough calls, and some I looked back on with some doubt haha. But I got Hogan vs Sammartino and HHH vs HBK in the semis, with Sammartino vs HBK in the final and Sammartino winning it. I really enjoyed this tournament last year so I hope this year will be fun too!
I'm in. I assume the point is to actually predict what will happen instead of how you intend to vote.

Definitely. It pained me to choose some of them, but when I'm voting JBl over Booker T and I have to predict Booker to beat him, sometimes you just have to bear it.
I'm in under Aberle4Life. I'm going to keep my bracket under wraps for now, but I will say that none of my Top 5 favorites of all-time (Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Curt Hennig, Steve Austin, The Rock) made it to the Final. Also, I think I'm screwed but I'm looking forward to participating in my first WZ Tournament!
My bracket is under "Donnie Durham."

My final features Undertaker and John Cena with Taker winning it. I just get the feeling that Cena will make it to the Finals. How far has John Cena gotten in the past tournaments, out of curiosity?

I also based my predictions on who I feel the voters will go for.
First time doing this, I got Rock going over HBK, even though I'm not backing either of those guys in the tourney. Hopefully I'm totally wrong.

BTW its under Roger Ruiz
I think i am under matt.
I ended up with the undertaker beating Lou Thesz in the finals. I messed up. Lou Thesz shouldn't have made it that far. Not Sure if undertaker will win either. i wont win this, I should have based my predictions off of who people will vote for because my results would be different. my main resource for people i didn't know was Pro Wrestling Illistruated. i put aside bias and voted for who i thought the best was. i probably won't be in the top 30
I am under Jayson i got the undertaker over triple h in the finals. my biggest upset was batista over hulk hogan in a gimmick match. i also put RVD over Randy Savage which i might lose some points on depending on what kind of match they are put in
how come james storm makes the list but Umaga doesn't? The Honky Tonk man, goldust, the Great Khali, and Gorilla Monsoon don't make the list but James Storm Does? I understand it is hard to come up with a list of the 128 best wrestlers ever but you can't overlook the Honky Tonk man
how come james storm makes the list but Umaga doesn't? The Honky Tonk man, goldust, the Great Khali, and Gorilla Monsoon don't make the list but James Storm Does? I understand it is hard to come up with a list of the 128 best wrestlers ever but you can't overlook the Honky Tonk man

I'm pretty sure Umaga and Goldust are in the tournament.

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