The NEW WZ Ask a Staff Member Thread


Excellence of Execution
This is the new thread because the old thread was old. Everything else is the same. If you have any questions for the Staff member here on the WrestleZone forums, or if you wish to dispute a Warning/Infraction, you may do so in this thread. Please be advised if you ask a question or lodge a Complaint, you may get an answer you don't want. Please be ready to take this maturely.

Also, to all regular members, please note the title of the thread says WZ Staff members. That means we'll answer the questions, and don't need regular members to do so.

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WE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THE MAIN NEWS SITE. THIS INCLUDES CHAIR SHOT REALITY. Posting a complaint about what happens on the main page will result in an Infraction for Spamming.
There's been a lot of chatter lately about the prospect of new avatars. I inquired on new avatars about a year ago and you'd said you had no plans for a new set at that time.

Are you still content with what's currently available or will you be looking into adding more sooner than later?
There's been a lot of chatter lately about the prospect of new avatars. I inquired on new avatars about a year ago and you'd said you had no plans for a new set at that time.

Are you still content with what's currently available or will you be looking into adding more sooner than later?
I wouldn't my breath, if I were you. The biggest thing about avatars is the time it takes to get them all uploaded and linked and I just haven't had a lot of time this year.
You can't see it because I haven't put a poll up for that one yet. There's a 24 hour discussion period before the poll goes up.
I need to get an infraction reversed. I was given an infraction as a personal attack from someone who's shown clear spite and animus towards me, as evidenced by other statements and actions on this board, and I need to get this cleared up and reversed.

It looks like Yaz isn't happy to just give me red rep with giant pony pictures in it, he's also decided to give me an infraction with no real explanation other than he's unhappy that I'm ignoring him and have shown him up.


This post obviously wasn't spam. It was my trying to clarify a comment I'd made that someone had taken out of context.

This infraction was given out of spite, and out of context. This wasn't meant to clear up the board or help fix things, this was meant to be insulting and attempt to push me off the board. The fact that he says "Love and Tolerance" underlines and makes this obvious, as well as the negative rep and the threats he's made on me, and the disgusting things he's said.
Our personal issues aside, I made sure it was spam before giving it to you. As much as I go out of my way to make as ass out of myself, I take my old and new mod positions very seriously. I made sure to ask if it was spam or not and KB told me it was both spam and borderline playing mod. I understand you and I aren't friends, but I wouldn't abuse my position.

And for the record I sign off on all PMs and infractions with either "cheers" or "love and tolerate". Given recent events I can see why you would look at the love and tolerate part as malicious, and for that I apologize, but like I said, we may not like each other, but I would never abuse my power against you.
This isn't abusing his position. Yaz asked if this should be infracted or not and I said it should be. Whether or not you're clarifying something, it isn't your place to do so. If someone is off topic in a thread, we'll take care of it. The post you made was addressing a post that wasn't spam in the first place. The fact that you already have three spamming penalties in about a month didn't help you either. I could see this being a warning instead of an infraction, but I'm not going to reverse this.
Live Yáz;5013321 said:
Our personal issues aside, I made sure it was spam before giving it to you. As much as I go out of my way to make as ass out of myself, I take my old and new mod positions very seriously. I made sure to ask if it was spam or not and KB told me it was both spam and borderline playing mod. I understand you and I aren't friends, but I wouldn't abuse my position.

And for the record I sign off on all PMs and infractions with either "cheers" or "love and tolerate". Given recent events I can see why you would look at the love and tolerate part as malicious, and for that I apologize, but like I said, we may not like each other, but I would never abuse my power against you.

Then why did you go to a post that was a few days old, had no nasty context, had nothing hateful in it, and was completely non-spam?

You have obviously abused your position, judging from both the comments you've made about me, towards me, ones that I've documented in case you try to delete them to save yourself.

The fact that you went as far as to hunt down that post proves that, even from day one, you're abusing your powers. And it's hilarious that you're trying to seem cordial here when you've told me to "Do us all a favor and kill yourself", how it was "a sad day when you crawled out of the abortion bucket", and how I need to "run headfirst into traffic blindfolded" using a racist term. I don't understand how you using race, abortion, and suicide to insult and demean someone is proper mod behavior, but your past actions have shown what your present actions are doing.

It's biased, it's unfair, and it's going to obviously be handled at higher levels.

And before anyone complains about the things I've said, I don't have the power to have someone kicked off of the boards at a whim. Those who have that kind of power need to wield it properly, or it needs to be taken away.
Then why did you go to a post that was a few days old, had no nasty context, had nothing hateful in it, and was completely non-spam?

You have obviously abused your position, judging from both the comments you've made about me, towards me, ones that I've documented in case you try to delete them to save yourself.

The fact that you went as far as to hunt down that post proves that, even from day one, you're abusing your powers. And it's hilarious that you're trying to seem cordial here when you've told me to "Do us all a favor and kill yourself", how it was "a sad day when you crawled out of the abortion bucket", and how I need to "run headfirst into traffic blindfolded" using a racist term. I don't understand how you using race, abortion, and suicide to insult and demean someone is proper mod behavior, but your past actions have shown what your present actions are doing.

It's biased, it's unfair, and it's going to obviously be handled at higher levels.

Um... the thread is about what IF it did progress to a future match.

See that ^

That was your post. I deleted it because it was spam, as is the procedure for most mods. It wasn't from a few days ago, it was a few hours ago.

Everything else I have directed at you or you believe to have been directed at you has been in the bar room, where there are no rules, save posting porn. KB already said it was spam and it wasn't being reversed, so drop it.
I am done talking to Yaz. This is going to be handled through the proper channels.
I am done talking to Yaz. This is going to be handled through the proper channels.

Yaz is the proper channel. He's a mod of the WWE sections and asked his higher ups if he was right about a post. The post was made less than four hours ago. It's Yaz's job to go through posts in his section and check them for spam. Your post, whether you like it or not, was spam. Your first spamming infraction expires in less than two weeks. Just don't break the rules anymore and you don't have an issue.
Yaz is the proper channel. He's a mod of the WWE sections and asked his higher ups if he was right about a post. The post was made less than four hours ago. It's Yaz's job to go through posts in his section and check them for spam. Your post, whether you like it or not, was spam. Your first spamming infraction expires in less than two weeks. Just don't break the rules anymore and you don't have an issue.

Yeah, the guy who just said "Whatever ******" after claiming he's not being biased and insulting, that guy's totally being fair and unbiased about what he's doing.

This is going to get handled.
Yeah, the guy who just said "Whatever ******" after claiming he's not being biased and insulting, that guy's totally being fair and unbiased about what he's doing.

This is going to get handled.

That was said in the Bar Room where such language is legal.
You know you can get a spamming infraction if you keep posting in this thread after your issue has been resolved, which it has.

I'll say this one more time. I can say anything I want to anyone I want in the bar room. I fully exercise that right. I'll totally admit to being an asshole in the bar room. I've said worse to others than what I have to you. I have a pretty clean record outside the bar room though, and have yet to find a poster that has an issue with me. I'm sorry you think its unfair, but given our exchanges in the last few weeks I made sure your post was spam. KB already mentioned I cleared it, and mentioned the rules of the bar room. For your sake, please let this go.
Live Yáz;5013389 said:
You know you can get a spamming infraction if you keep posting in this thread after your issue has been resolved, which it has..

And once again, there's the bias that I was talking about. Someone who's attempting to find any way they could get me kicked off the boards simply because I humiliated them, and their red rep meant nothing in the stream of the green rep I was getting.

The fact that, in light of all this, you're threatening to infract me once again when I've already proven that the previous infraction was biased only goes to prove my point further. Your two-faced comments and your attempts to suck up to the moderators shouldn't go un-noticed, and the won't as long as I'm around. And if you dare infract me once again, you'll prove what I've been saying.

And by the way, I was told that my infraction was going to be brought up at the next board meeting, so technically, no, it hasn't been resolved just yet.
I'll say it then: drop this. Your complaint has been heard, ruled upon, and dismissed. If Sly thinks otherwise then that's another story, but for now, you don't have a case. Yaz did what he was supposed to and I told him to. I don't know who told you your infraction would be taken up at a meeting, but it will expire in due time, like most infractions do. Now stop bringing this up in here, or I'll deal with you further.
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This is Killbill. I am back after a 4 yr absence. Any way to get me back to my old profile? I couldn't remember info so I re-registered. But I'm not a newbie, I was gone for awhile. And spellcheck screwed me out of the b in my name. And I don't want to start over.

If only I had read this thread before I PM'd him back.
And by the way, I was told that my infraction was going to be brought up at the next board meeting, so technically, no, it hasn't been resolved just yet.
You were? By who? Because it wasn't me and it doesn't appear to have been KB.

Also, when are these board meetings? After being an administrator here for over 5 years, you would think I'd least have heard of them. I can't WAIT to know.
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Am I seeing things or was the GSD moved up and The Bar Room moved down if you look at the forums main page? If so why?

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