WWE Region, Dallas Region, First Round: (9) AJ Styles vs. (24) Big Daddy

Who Wins This Match?

  • AJ Styles

  • Big Daddy

Results are only viewable after voting.


Turn Bayley heel
This is a first round match in the WWE Region, Dallas Subregion. It is a standard one on one match. It will be held at the American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas



#9. AJ Styles



#24. Big Daddy

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
i'd have to go AJ Styles here. He's quicker, more athletic and finds a way to take the big guy down
AJ Styles is the guy who is on the edge of underdog and threat in this challenge. This one is one of his easier feats in the tournament. AJ would have to rely on his speed and athleticism to win this one. Which should be no problem.
Big Daddy. Screw AJ, this is BIG FUCKING DADDY. Shirley Crabtree as he's also known, but that's a story for another time. He's one of early wrestlings Legends & AJ Styles just isn't. He's actually a TNA Mid-carder at best, when he was World Champion, it was all kinds of disappointing. Big Daddy takes this one, maybe 5 minutes into it.
A.J Styles is getting my vote for this one. The man is hands down, the best high-flyer in Professional Wrestling. He will use his strikes and his speed to bring down Big Daddy. Styles has had a ton of success over big guys like Daddy who will use the power game to lift and smash Styles, but Styles is too damn good to lose.
A.J Styles is getting my vote for this one. The man is hands down, the best high-flyer in Professional Wrestling. He will use his strikes and his speed to bring down Big Daddy. Styles has had a ton of success over big guys like Daddy who will use the power game to lift and smash Styles, but Styles is too damn good to lose.

You don't get this. Former Rugby player, a record breaking 64 INCH CHEST and one of the meanest sons of bitches you'll ever come across, Big Daddy would break and I mean, BREAK AJ to pieces.

He was the British Wrestling Foundation Champion for... oh, just 6 years. Without losing it until the belt was vacated, unfortunately because Daddy had an aggravated injury.

AJ isn't on the level that Big Daddy was and to be honest, he never will be. Like I've said, if you vote against Big Daddy, you have NO idea what you're doing.

Vote Big Daddy.
You don't get this. Former Rugby player, a record breaking 64 INCH CHEST and one of the meanest sons of bitches you'll ever come across, Big Daddy would break and I mean, BREAK AJ to pieces.

He was the British Wrestling Foundation Champion for... oh, just 6 years. Without losing it until the belt was vacated, unfortunately because Daddy had an aggravated injury.

AJ isn't on the level that Big Daddy was and to be honest, he never will be. Like I've said, if you vote against Big Daddy, you have NO idea what you're doing.

Vote Big Daddy.

A.J Styles is no slouch in the ring by any means either. If you can remember, the dude can through hell and back with hardcore legends like Tommy Dreamer, and Raven and come out on top. That speaks miles for Style's endurance and toughness in the ring. If we are going to give Big Daddy the win because of his size then we are all fooling ourselves on the overall ability and talent Styles has at his command. It won't be a slouch match for A.J by any means. But Styles is that damn good.
A.J Styles is no slouch in the ring by any means either. If you can remember, the dude can through hell and back with hardcore legends like Tommy Dreamer, and Raven and come out on top. That speaks miles for Style's endurance and toughness in the ring. If we are going to give Big Daddy the win because of his size then we are all fooling ourselves on the overall ability and talent Styles has at his command. It won't be a slouch match for A.J by any means. But Styles is that damn good.

So you would really put Styles above a guy unbeaten for 6 years? Put AJ against Crimson right now, he wouldn't win that. Put him against Lord Tensai, Brodus Clay, I doubt he'd win those either. I never called AJ a slouch in the ring, but even in his "prime" against Big Daddy in his, there's NO WAY he'd get through and beat him. If we're putting Crabtree against AJ in their primes, Daddy wouldn't lose, he'd continue to be unbeaten.

I do not wish to see AJ Styles win, nor do I believe he would.

Again, VOTE BIG DADDY. You are stupid if you don't.
Ill vote for Big Daddy as most probably won't and has acomplished more than styles probably ever will outside WWE
This is easy. AJ would run rings around Crabtree. He simply wouldn't be able to get his hands on AJ. Styles has been in the ring with big and powerful guys like Abyss and Samoa Joe, he's beaten them, kicked out of their best moves.

Daddy's accomplishments don't measure upto AJ's. If Big Daddy had some success in the States, this would be a challenge for AJ but Styles is TNA's best ever wrestler. There's nothing he hasn't done.

Springboard 450 wins this for AJ after 12 minutes.
It would be fun to see this match (or one of a similar dynamic) actually happen. AJ Styles throwing the kitchen sink at Bid Daddy like a pitching machine spitting fastballs, wearing him out and taking him down for the win. AJ moves on.
Daddy's accomplishments don't measure upto AJ's. If Big Daddy had some success in the States, this would be a challenge for AJ but Styles is TNA's best ever wrestler. There's nothing he hasn't done.

That's a stupid argument. Crabtree was born in 1930, by the time American wrestling began to rocket up he was in his 50s. Of course he didn't have success in the States.

Big Daddy was a better draw than AJ can ever hope. What is Impacts highest viewership? I believe it was 3million in a country of 300million? Evry week World of Sport got 10million viewers peaking during Big Daddy matches. Not bad for a country of 55million at the time.

He's bigger than him, has a better undefeated streak, more powerful than him. AJ would struggle here.

So to sum it up:

A.J Styles is no slouch in the ring by any means either. If you can remember, the dude can through hell and back with hardcore legends like Tommy Dreamer, and Raven and come out on top. That speaks miles for Style's endurance and toughness in the ring. If we are going to give Big Daddy the win because of his size then we are all fooling ourselves on the overall ability and talent Styles has at his command. It won't be a slouch match for A.J by any means. But Styles is that damn good.

I had to comment on this.

Your argument for AJ Styles defeating Big Daddy is that he beat Raven and Tommy Dreamer?

Tommy Dreamer who has made a career out of losing?
What about AJ v Raven? How many times did they fight one on one and how many times did it end clean? Off the top of my head I can think of Raven beating him in the ladder match and well AJ needed Shane Douglas in one mach and Chris Harris in another to beat Raven.

Terrible examples there.

AJ Styles wins hands down.
AJ has some of the best skills ive ever seen.

This would be an excellent match to see but going on records Aj Styles has had a better career than Big Daddy so I think that cause AJ Styles is a lower seed and has held the TNA title the longest ever in TNA I would have to go wth AJ Styles but it would be an instering match to see.
Fun Fact: Big Daddy is what I call my penis.

I don't care if BD was undefeated for six years, I don't care if he held the title for an extended length of time. BD's competition was nonexistent. AJ has faced many of the world's best and has looked pretty damn good coming out of it. I'll give BD the power and size advantage, but unless he was winning matches against higher level guys by squash, there's no way he would be able to beat AJ.

Winner, and new name for my penis, AJ Styles. 15 minute mark.
EDIT: If you ever wanted to see how crappy Big Daddy is, just watch this match.


Match starts at 5:41. I suffered through the whole thing, miserably.

Tell me AJ couldn't beat that steaming pile of monkey crap.
EDIT: If you ever wanted to see how crappy Big Daddy is, just watch this match.


Match starts at 5:41. I suffered through the whole thing, miserably.

Tell me AJ couldn't beat that steaming pile of monkey crap.

And now I'm going to interject....

I may not know much about Big Daddy other than what I've read on the internet, but you can tell he was a big deal just from the ovation that he recieved.

And you can't really blame Big Daddy for the match pace being so slow when his opponent was Giant Haystacks; an absolute mountain of a man who would have made Andre at his heaviest look small. When Big Daddy knocked him over the rope the entire crowd exploded.

AJ might be faster than Big Daddy, but I don't think any of his normal offensive moves are going to go a damn thing to hurt the man unless he springboards or comes off the top rope... and that'll easily leave him open for a counter attack.

One big move from Daddy is all I think it'll take to put AJ down. You know the guy must be a strong motherfucker to move 600+ lbs.
I may not know much about Big Daddy other than what I've read on the internet, but you can tell he was a big deal just from the ovation that he recieved.

Early in the running for most curious choices for a vote in this tournament. Crowd reaction in one random video.

AJ might be faster than Big Daddy, but I don't think any of his normal offensive moves are going to go a damn thing to hurt the man unless he springboards or comes off the top rope... and that'll easily leave him open for a counter attack.

He can beat Abyss but he can't even hurt this guy at all :confused: Who says AJ needs to do extensive damage to win anyway? I am fully convinced that if you just get this guy to fall on his back there is an 90% chance he can't get back up. AJ runs around, kicks him in the back of the leg and then the match is over.

One big move from Daddy is all I think it'll take to put AJ down. You know the guy must be a strong motherfucker to move 600+ lbs.

How is the guy going to catch him to actually do a move?
Early in the running for most curious choices for a vote in this tournament. Crowd reaction in one random video.

He can beat Abyss but he can't even hurt this guy at all :confused: Who says AJ needs to do extensive damage to win anyway? I am fully convinced that if you just get this guy to fall on his back there is an 90% chance he can't get back up. AJ runs around, kicks him in the back of the leg and then the match is over.

How is the guy going to catch him to actually do a move?

Overness is a major factor in my way of voting. Big Daddy is clearly very over in this territory judging from the crowd reaction. Aside from Orlando, FL and super wrestling nerds (ones that vote for guys like Jerry Lynn), I'm not sure anyone really gives a shit about AJ Styles. If he was so over, he'd have worn TNA's World Title for far longer than he actually has.

I'm going with Big Daddy, too.
Early in the running for most curious choices for a vote in this tournament. Crowd reaction in one random video.

Judging that the guy is clearly over the hill and STILL gets that type of reaction from fans old and young speaks volumes. Wrestlers with that kind of connection with the fans state side are Hogan and Flair level.

He can beat Abyss but he can't even hurt this guy at all :confused: Who says AJ needs to do extensive damage to win anyway? I am fully convinced that if you just get this guy to fall on his back there is an 90% chance he can't get back up. AJ runs around, kicks him in the back of the leg and then the match is over.

That's a difference in booking though. If WWE were booking this match there's a good chance they'd cater to Big Daddy, simply because he's a bigger draw than AJ. He would be booked to looked stronger, thus rendering much of AJ's offense usless.

How is the guy going to catch him to actually do a move?

The same way that guys like Vader and Mark Henry catch people :shrug:
And now I'm going to interject....

I may not know much about Big Daddy other than what I've read on the internet, but you can tell he was a big deal just from the ovation that he recieved.

And you can't really blame Big Daddy for the match pace being so slow when his opponent was Giant Haystacks; an absolute mountain of a man who would have made Andre at his heaviest look small. When Big Daddy knocked him over the rope the entire crowd exploded.

AJ might be faster than Big Daddy, but I don't think any of his normal offensive moves are going to go a damn thing to hurt the man unless he springboards or comes off the top rope... and that'll easily leave him open for a counter attack.

One big move from Daddy is all I think it'll take to put AJ down. You know the guy must be a strong motherfucker to move 600+ lbs.

Big Daddy was over in that video, but being over in England is like being Indian in Ring Ka King. It's not really a litmus test of how good a wrestler is.

I agree that the pairing was poor, but did you count Big Daddy's moves in that match? I saw as many bodychecks as I did in last night's NHL playoff game. Not terribly impressive.

AJ "might" be faster? AJ is a hell of a lot faster, going against a fat blob with terrible defense.

Aj wins easily dude.
Big Daddy was over in that video, but being over in England is like being Indian in Ring Ka King. It's not really a litmus test of how good a wrestler is.

So you're saying that being massively over in a second rate company is better than being massively over in an entire country. And your also saying that wrestlers that don't draw are just as good as wrestlers that do.


I agree that the pairing was poor, but did you count Big Daddy's moves in that match? I saw as many bodychecks as I did in last night's NHL playoff game. Not terribly impressive.

I don't know what you were expecting him or anyone to do against a 650 pound behemoth. The fact that he managed to send Haystacks over the top was pretty damn impressive.

AJ "might" be faster? AJ is a hell of a lot faster, going against a fat blob with terrible defense.

Aj wins easily dude.

So you're just going to assume he can't do anything based on a match with an opponent twice his size? Lulz...
This post will be written in the style of Joey Barton to emphasise it's Britishness.

You realise that video is from about 1985 when Big Daddy was about 55 years old. That is like me putting a video of Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon from WrestleMania 27 and saying "look how shit a worker Bret Hart is". #helmets

As Nietzsche once wrote "In the mountains, the shortest way is from peak to peak: but for that, you need long legs. Aphorisms should be peaks: and those to whom they are spoken, big and tall." What does that mean? It means big people beat little people. Just ask AJ Styles, WHO DOES NOT HAVE A WINNING RECORD OVER A SINGLE SUPER HEAVYWEIGHT. If you'd ever seen British wrestling, you would have seen Big Daddy regularly crush smaller people, including guys like William Regal, British Bulldog, Dynamite Kid and Finlay, all of whom have performed at a similar level to Styles.

"15 minutes with you, I wouldn't say nooooo" sang Morrissey, but it's also the sentiments of Big Daddy, a man who at 55 years old and about the same weight in stone could wrestle for 25 minutes, more than enough time to beat AJ Styles.

AJ Styles has been on top of TNA when they had nobody else and neglected the rest of the time. Why? Because he doesn't draw. Big Daddy pulled in audiences of around 20% of the entire population of the United Kingdom. In a country that was then a sixth of the size of the USA now, he was able to outdraw Raw and Nitro combined in 1997. Don't you understand how much bigger that makes him?

This match is in the WWE in Dallas, where both men have sold precisely 0 tickets. Don't be Neil Warnock, lets not vote for the most recent, lets vote for one of the most proven draws in the history of wrestling and the only sportsman fatter than Frank Lampard.


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