WWE Region, Dallas Subregion, Second Round: (8) Curt Hennig vs. (24) Big Daddy

Who Wins This Match?

  • Curt Hennig

  • Big Daddy

Results are only viewable after voting.


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a second round match in the WWE Region, Dallas Subregion. It is a standard one on one match. It will be held at the American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas



#8. Curt Hennig



#24. Big Daddy

This match takes place 1 week after round 1.

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
Curt Hennig was a great wrestling in the AWA and in the WWE... just not in big matches. Big Daddy, from what little I've watched of him, was a big match guy. He performed the best when there was lots at stake. Mr. Perfect seemed to fold under pressure. And in a big way.

It may be one of the few knocks on a guy who was one of the best wrestlers to never hold the WWE championship.

I'm going with Big Daddy... but not by much.
Lariat's assessment is pretty much on the money. We saw in the first round that Big Daddy was an immensely popular wrestler that won the big match in most of his feuds, and Perfect just wasn't. The two reasons you could give for AJ, are absent in perfect. Where AJ had the high flying game, Hennig had the technical game pretty much nailed on. Nothing wrong with that, except Big Daddy spent his entire career trouncing folk who were great technical wrestlers. The second reason you could give for AJ is that he was a world Champion in America.

I know Hennig had the AWA title, but by that point it was worthless. I'm going to point every single one of you who bring it up that not one of you supported Rick Martel, a man who held it for longer, earlier, and a man who probably didn't have that different a career to Hennig. The Perfect gimmick was brilliant, but Hennig never truly cracked into the big time with it. Big Daddy was born in the big time, and wins here.
Mr. Perfect won't lose in less than five minutes, and Big Daddy can't wrestle for much longer than five minutes. Victory for Perfect not long after 300 seconds passed, against a totally exhausted Big Daddy.

Let's observe BD's record against non-jobber competition.
Big Daddy's single match record against "big" opponents (Wins - Losses / Draws omitted):

Giant Haystacks: 21 - 4
Eric Ayers: 1 - 1
Jamaica Kid: 4 - 4
Rocky Johnson: 1 - 1
Gwyn Davies: 0 - 2
Tony St. Clair: 0 - 2
Count Bartelli: 4 - 9
Mike Marino: 3 - 8
Kendo Nagasaki: 14 - 50

Very dominant?

If you vote for a Hennig loss you should admit that he's nowhere near Nagasaki's level, on Count Bartelli's and Mike Marino's level should also be questionable.
Hennig has the stamina to outlast here. He is a smart technical guy and would no doubt dismantle Big Daddy starting with the legs. The match would start out dominated by Big Daddy, but he would not be able to put Perfect away so quickly. I have seen matches from both and were not entertained or impressed by Big Daddy. I can see the appeal he had at the time, but his limited move set and stamina huts him here. Perfect on the other hand was entertaining for me to watch. His technical style was nothing short of fantastic and he gave me a new reason to love this sport. Being a kid back then I loved Hogan\Andre, but when I started watching guys like Perfect\Hart\Steamboat, the game changed for me.

Big Daddy gets in some great moves at the start. His size\strength will let him dominate some of this bout. Tummy bumps and bodyslams just arent enough here. He cant put Perfect away and Curt relies on his stamina\quickness to get the upper hand once Big Daddy starts to lose steam. The Perfect Plex is voided here because Curt will have a difficult time trying to hit it. I dont see Big Daddy getting hit with a fisherman suplex in this match.

I do however see Bobby Heenan outside the ring which can be a bit distracting for Big Daddy. While he pays attention to Heenan, Curt is getting time to recover. He hits Big Daddy with a chop block, taking the big man down. Perfect works on the legs and keeps him down for a bit. He works him over with some knee drops and a figure four, but Big Daddy battles back to his feet. By this time he is on one wheel and out of gas. He rushes Perfect in the corner but Hennig is too quick. Perfect moves out of the way and rolls him up for the 3 count.

Easy, Easy... You might even say 'Simply Perfect'.
This is simple for me. I still believe the Big Daddy / Styles match was a travesty,as big as any in tournament history. It should be AJ in this match. AJ would beat Perfect here so why shouldn't Big Daddy? Perfect is hopelessly overrated by hindsight. Sure he was a great IC champion but I'm not sure he has anything here that could put Big Daddy down, much less lift him for a Perfectplex.
Big Daddy should never had made it this far and his supporters are fucking hypocrites - if they supported him to get over a TNA midcarder, they should have supported him to get over a WWE midcarder as well. Fucking hypocrites, the whole lot of ya.

My stance remains the same. Big Daddy was a small fish in a extremely small pond. Hennig was a big fish in a huge pond, and was still prominent and relatively successful. While Perfect never captured the world title, Big Daddy sure wouldn't have either. And I disagree with Numbers' assessment that Perfect couldn't have PerfectPlexed Big Daddy. I think he could suplex him, modifying the finishing move a bit, but still finishing off this fat piece of monkey crap.

Perfect. By squash. With Daddy getting zero offense. 4 minutes.

EDIT: And since I wont be able to say this again, fuck Big Daddy.
Lets face it, Big Daddy is a big fat cunt that won his matches by being bigger and meaner than his opponents, it takes something special to stop him, like it or not, Mr. Perfect isnt actually particularly special, he might outmanouvre Big Daddy, for all of 20 seconds, before Daddy just smashes into him and hits the splash.

"Mr. Perfect", dont let the nickname fool you, he was fodder for wrestlers like Daddy.
Big Daddy should never had made it this far and his supporters are fucking hypocrites - if they supported him to get over a TNA midcarder, they should have supported him to get over a WWE midcarder as well. Fucking hypocrites, the whole lot of ya.

My stance remains the same. Big Daddy was a small fish in a extremely small pond. Hennig was a big fish in a huge pond, and was still prominent and relatively successful. While Perfect never captured the world title, Big Daddy sure wouldn't have either. And I disagree with Numbers' assessment that Perfect couldn't have PerfectPlexed Big Daddy. I think he could suplex him, modifying the finishing move a bit, but still finishing off this fat piece of monkey crap.

Perfect. By squash. With Daddy getting zero offense. 4 minutes.

EDIT: And since I wont be able to say this again, fuck Big Daddy.

So this AWA which was on the decline when Hennig was champion while everyone was leaving for the WWF equates to being a huge pond? Other than his Summerslam match with Bret Hart, what is his legacy? Just another guy.
Big Daddy should never had made it this far and his supporters are fucking hypocrites - if they supported him to get over a TNA midcarder, they should have supported him to get over a WWE midcarder as well. Fucking hypocrites, the whole lot of ya.

My stance remains the same. Big Daddy was a small fish in a extremely small pond. Hennig was a big fish in a huge pond, and was still prominent and relatively successful. While Perfect never captured the world title, Big Daddy sure wouldn't have either. And I disagree with Numbers' assessment that Perfect couldn't have PerfectPlexed Big Daddy. I think he could suplex him, modifying the finishing move a bit, but still finishing off this fat piece of monkey crap.

Perfect. By squash. With Daddy getting zero offense. 4 minutes.

EDIT: And since I wont be able to say this again, fuck Big Daddy.
How on earth could Perfect lift someone that big? Show us evidence that he has previous in lifting such a huge opponent. No, he simply couldn't because it's never happened. Better technical wrestlers like Kurt Angle and Lesnar have struggled with smaller men.

You are letting your jingoistic lack of knowledge interfere and you come off like an idiot.
How on earth could Perfect lift someone that big? Show us evidence that he has previous in lifting such a huge opponent. No, he simply couldn't because it's never happened.

Feel free to check the facts before you consider accusing someone else of coming off like an idiot.

I mean I'm still voting for Big Daddy because he's fighting an overrated midcarder that smarks only like because he bumps on his head when he gets kicked in the leg. But you should know the facts. Perfect can definitely get Big Daddy up.

Vote: Big Daddy.
Coco provided the picture and here is some video evidence of Mr Perfect lifting up a guy who had over 100 pounds on Big Daddy. He is more then capable of giving Big Daddy the Perfect Plex.


At the 2:55 mark

He also ends up getting decimated, with Show kicking out at 1 after the Perfect-Plex, but whatever -- not what you were arguing.

I'm voting for Big Daddy here. Perfect had two and a half years that you could call his best years, other than that, he wasn't anything special. He was a midcarder, at best. He was good in the ring, but he had more potential than he had actual ability and actual success -- in a tournament like this, potential means jack shit. Big Daddy, on the other hand, was a huge draw for a few decades. He didn't have a small peak, he wasn't a flash in the pan. By all accounts, this guy is a legend in England, a forefather (of sorts) of English wrestling. His impact is still felt today. He was a trail blazer. Can the same be said for Mr. Perfect? Probably not. Hennig, as overrated as he is, didn't make an HUGE contributions to wrestling. If not for a tragic death and a set of unlucky circumstances cutting his prime short, he probably wouldn't even be viewed as highly as he is.

Vote Big Daddy.
Henning will struggle with lifting him obviously. The perfect plex will not be a factor in this match, but henning is so technically sound in the ring. He will use his speed and knowledge to get the big man down and eventually wear him down. Henning should win this atch not with ease but hes just to smart to lose this one.

Feel free to check the facts before you consider accusing someone else of coming off like an idiot.

I mean I'm still voting for Big Daddy because he's fighting an overrated midcarder that smarks only like because he bumps on his head when he gets kicked in the leg. But you should know the facts. Perfect can definitely get Big Daddy up.

Vote: Big Daddy.

Coco provided the picture and here is some video evidence of Mr Perfect lifting up a guy who had over 100 pounds on Big Daddy. He is more then capable of giving Big Daddy the Perfect Plex.
Great posts there guys :disappointed: An overrated Bam Bam and a rookie Giant (who kicked out at 1) Yeah you really showed me.

It still means nothing. It's unlikely to get the finish, this might actually mean something if Perfect actually had the ability to hurt him all that much. I'll say it again, if AJ Styles loses to Big Daddy then Mr Perfect definitely does.
How is Big Daddy losing this? This is just idiotic on the face of it. You guys voted this guy over AJ because you thought that AJ was not a big enough name to beat someone like Big Daddy, who is somewhat of a national hero in England. Well, guess what, Curt Hennig matters even less to the world of pro wrestling than AJ Styles.

At least Styles was the undisputed face of a secondary company for a couple of years. PWI ranked him the best professional wrestler in the industry in 2010. Hennig is just a midcarder who, at his best, was barely one of the five most important guys in the WWF. At that time even WCW was doing good business, so it can easily be said that Hennig was not even one of the ten best performers in the US in his prime. He is just not significant enough to beat Big Daddy.

Big Daddy will eventually lose to maybe Hogan or Cena, names that are as big as him, in the WWE region but based on the criteria on which you guys voted him past AJ, he should run roughshod over Hennig.

Vote Big Daddy.
Great posts there guys :disappointed: An overrated Bam Bam and a rookie Giant (who kicked out at 1) Yeah you really showed me.

This is an exact quote from you: "How on earth could Perfect lift someone that big? Show us evidence that he has previous in lifting such a huge opponent. No, he simply couldn't because it's never happened."

You asked how Perfect could lift someone as big as Big Daddy and you asked for evidence of it. You then said it never happened. It has happened and it happened against guys who were even bigger then Big Daddy. You made an idiot of yourself with your post and are now trying to back track. Admit you were wrong and move on.
I was going to let this thread slide by quietly with Hennig rightly winning, then I saw this gem.

How is Big Daddy losing this?

Because Hennig is better than him.

This is just idiotic on the face of it. You guys voted this guy over AJ because you thought that AJ was not a big enough name to beat someone like Big Daddy, who is somewhat of a national hero in England. Well, guess what, Curt Hennig matters even less to the world of pro wrestling than AJ Styles.

Quite simply, this is just not true. Being the Intercontinental champion in the WWE for a long period of time is worth more than being the anything in TNA. And then Hennig was the heavyweight champion of the AWA, which was more important and bigger than TNA.

At least Styles was the undisputed face of a secondary company for a couple of years.

Hennig was too. Of a bigger, better secondary company.

PWI ranked him the best professional wrestler in the industry in 2010.

Congratulations on this meaningless honor.

Hennig is just a midcarder who, at his best, was barely one of the five most important guys in the WWF.

Henning was the secondary champion in the biggest company in the world during the biggest boom of popularity wrestling has ever seen.

At that time even WCW was doing good business, so it can easily be said that Hennig was not even one of the ten best performers in the US in his prime. He is just not significant enough to beat Big Daddy.

And where would Big Daddy rank on this list? Was he ever one of the top...1,000 performers in the US? Top 2,000? How high would I have to make the number to sneak him in? This match takes place in the US, BTW.

Big Daddy will eventually lose to maybe Hogan or Cena, names that are as big as him, in the WWE region but based on the criteria on which you guys voted him past AJ, he should run roughshod over Hennig.

Hennig is a bigger name in the wrestling industry than Shirley Crabtree. If this match was in England, I'd put Big Daddy over, but in the good ole US of A? Please. Comparing Styles to Hennig is even more misguided.


Vote for the bigger American star in a match in America. Vote for the better performer. Vote Perfectly. Vote Hennig.
This is an exact quote from you: "How on earth could Perfect lift someone that big? Show us evidence that he has previous in lifting such a huge opponent. No, he simply couldn't because it's never happened."

You asked how Perfect could lift someone as big as Big Daddy and you asked for evidence of it. You then said it never happened. It has happened and it happened against guys who were even bigger then Big Daddy. You made an idiot of yourself with your post and are now trying to back track. Admit you were wrong and move on.
NYeah I admit I was wrong, it's happened. Good job on showing that :disappointed: because it means so much but you won't convince me that it will get the finish. It wouldn't. It didn't work on Big Show, it wouldn't work on Big Daddy who was far more cumbersome and awkward than Big Show ever has been.

Vote for the bigger American star in a match in America. Vote for the better performer. Vote Perfectly. Vote Hennig.
That logic doesn't float at all in these tournaments.
NYeah I admit I was wrong, it's happened. Good job on showing that :disappointed: but you won't convince me that it will get the finish. It wouldn't. It didn't work on Big Show, it wouldn't work on Big Daddy who was far more cumbersome and awkward than Big Show ever has been.

Fantastic. That's not what Coco nor my response was in regards to. My response was in regards to your false statement that Perfect couldn't lift Big Daddy and that he has never lifted anyone that size before. You were shown picture and video evidence of Perfect lifting guys who were bigger then Big Daddy. Considering Perfect's supposed inability to lift Big Daddy was your only real argument in your first couple posts, it needed to be pointed out that you were completely wrong.
And both of you have ignored the fact that Perfect needs to get Big Daddy down for the three count. If (both of) you stopped trolling for a minute, you may want to address that crucial point because it's painfully lacking.
Because Hennig is better than him.

Yes, a national legend is worse than a guy whose peak was that he was a strong midcarder for two years in WWF. That's fucking ridiculous

Quite simply, this is just not true. Being the Intercontinental champion in the WWE for a long period of time is worth more than being the anything in TNA. And then Hennig was the heavyweight champion of the AWA, which was more important and bigger than TNA.

AJ Styles defeated the likes of Kurt Angle, Booker T and Sting for the World Heavyweight Championship in TNA. Curt Hennig defeated the likes of Texas Tornado, Tito Santana and Big Boss Man during his IC title reign. Advantage Styles.

Also, he held the AWA belt when most big stars had already left and it had one foot in the grave. Also, wasn't WCW the second most important company at that point just like TNA is at this point. The gulf may be larger but those are the facts. In fact, I have no proof that AWA was even third. So I am asking you to shed some light on this issue.

Hennig was too. Of a bigger, better secondary company.

Styles, the star of Impact, a show that does ratings comparable to WWE Smackdown versus Hennig, the face of the third( possibly but not yet confirmed) best wrestling company at that point. Yeah, advantage Styles.

Congratulations on this meaningless honor.

Is it meaningless because Hennig had a best of rank#9, that too in his prime?

Henning was the secondary champion in the biggest company in the world during the biggest boom of popularity wrestling has ever seen.

Hennig became IC champ in 1990, a time during which Hulkamania was on the wane. More significantly he defended his belt against nobodies.

And where would Big Daddy rank on this list? Was he ever one of the top...1,000 performers in the US? Top 2,000? How high would I have to make the number to sneak him in? This match takes place in the US, BTW.

Yes, I know that this match is taking place in the US. That does not mean that Big Daddy would lose to just anybody from the States. If this was Hulk Hogan or Cena, I would have easily picked them over Crabtree. But Hennig is just not a big enough star. The only big name he ever defeated was Ric Flair when Flair was leaving WWF. Crabtree is a huge personality and would never be booked to be beaten by someone as insignificant as Hennig.

Hennig is a bigger name in the wrestling industry than Shirley Crabtree. If this match was in England, I'd put Big Daddy over, but in the good ole US of A? Please. Comparing Styles to Hennig is even more misguided.

Hennig is not bigger than Crabtree. Did he have a whole football stadium chanting his name? Did he have TV shows planned after him? Nope. He was a decent wrestler who was just not good enough to be a big name in his company let alone in his country.

Vote for the bigger American star in a match in America. Vote for the better performer. Vote Perfectly. Vote Hennig.

The hometown advantage is pretty moot as Hennig is not a household name even among the American audience. Never was. Crabtree looks like a star even if you have no idea about him.

If Styles could not beat Big Daddy, Hennig has no chance against him. Because Styles was a much bigger star than Hennig.

Vote Big Daddy.
AJ Styles defeated the likes of Kurt Angle, Booker T and Sting for the World Heavyweight Championship in TNA. Curt Hennig defeated the likes of Texas Tornado, Tito Santana and Big Boss Man during his IC title reign. Advantage Styles.
The only big name he ever defeated was Ric Flair when Flair was leaving WWF.
Who did Big Daddy beat? Loch Ness, cool, somebody else? He has a decisive losing record against guys like Mike Marino (210 pounds), Kendo Nagasaki (200 pounds) and Count Bartelli (I'd give a weight, but he was so unimportant nobody bothered to record it). Why should Perfect, in an American town, be unable to do what they did?

A third minute cross body put Daddy down for the three count, why shouldn't Perfect be able do the same or withstand more than five minutes to have a burnt out, entirely exhausted opponent? He doesn't need the Perfect Plex, even though he would be able to hit it. If Jamaica Kid can beat BD, Perfect will too.
And both of you have ignored the fact that Perfect needs to get Big Daddy down for the three count. If (both of) you stopped trolling for a minute, you may want to address that crucial point because it's painfully lacking.

Lol no one was trolling. Coco even said he was voting for Big Daddy. I was merely pointing out your enormous error with the statement you made. You made a ridiculously uninformed statement and were corrected. That's it.
Who did Big Daddy beat? Loch Ness, cool, somebody else? He has a decisive losing record against guys like Mike Marino (210 pounds), Kendo Nagasaki (200 pounds) and Count Bartelli (I'd give a weight, but he was so unimportant nobody bothered to record it). Why should Perfect, in an American town, be unable to do what they did?

A third minute cross body put Daddy down for the three count, why shouldn't Perfect be able do the same or withstand more than five minutes to have a burnt out, entirely exhausted opponent? He doesn't need the Perfect Plex, even though he would be able to hit it. If Jamaica Kid can beat BD, Perfect will too.

Big Daddy has a losing streak against 3 wrestlers, all of whom were household names, and none of which are remotely similar in style to Mr. Perfect.

Mr. Perfect has a losing record to the following wrestlers:

Big Boss Man
Bret Hart
Buff Bagwell
Diamond Dallas Page
Hulk Hogan
Jeff Jarrett
Jim Duggan
Jim Neidhart
Jose Estrada
Mr. Fuji
Perry Saturn
Randy Savage
Rey Mysterio
Ric Flair
Rick Steiner
Rob Van Dam
Roddy Piper
Ron Killings
Shawn Michaels
Shawn Stasiak
Steve Austin
The Big Show
The Texas Tornado
The Ultimate Warrior
Wahoo McDaniel

Which I haven't counted, but I think is probably more than three.

I find it utterly bizarre that you are questioning the quality of Big Daddy's opponents, when by and large they were guys who were on TV every week. Mr. Perfect made a career of beating jobbers then losing the main feud. Some of the wrestlers in Hennig's streak were luminaries like Jim McPherson, Dale Wolfe and Mario Mancini, who between them had over 200 matches in the WWF without a single victory. Pathetic.

Hennig beat jobbers.
Big Daddy is not a jobber.
Therefore Hennig does not beat Big Daddy.

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