WWE Region, Dallas Region, First Round: (9) AJ Styles vs. (24) Big Daddy

Who Wins This Match?

  • AJ Styles

  • Big Daddy

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Styles doesn't have a winning record over either Booker T or Jeff Jarrett! And many of his wins over Angle have been largely tainted.
According to genickbruch.com, he has. It's a German site, but has more information than any other site I know.



Can you read? I said either squashed or were the subordinate in a tag team. If you can't find that info, you're either not looking very hard or lying.
So squashed referred to one guy out of your six guys list? And against the single guy Big Daddy lost quite a lot? Cool.

Does it really matter here that talents at the beginning of their career tagged with Daddy so he doesn't have to work above two minutes? I thought no, so I only looked for squashs.

Profightdb has him at 3-3 with both in one on ones.

So squashed referred to one guy out of your six guys list? And against the single guy Big Daddy lost quite a lot? Cool.

Does it really matter here that talents at the beginning of their career tagged with Daddy so he doesn't have to work above two minutes? I thought no, so I only looked for squashs.

Well, yes actually. It shows that superior talents to AJ could wrestle the entire match, and the crowd still wanted Daddy.
World of sport had an audience of 10 million + in a country with a population of 40million
TNA has an audience of 1.5 million in a country of 311million.

Whatever way you look at it, the bigger star is clear as day.
A fantastic match across the board, but I've tallied the written votes and they are as follows:

AJ Styles: DWFJT, IHW, Pancake, Numbers, Shreaded Wheat, Pyro180, TheAllan1500, People's_Champ, shattered dreams, FitFinlay4Life, TyndallEffect95, The Sharpshooter, ServantofThunder, jmt225, deem, Vega, The Brain for a total of 17 written votes

Big Daddy: Johnny Scumm, Saeros, Lee, Echelon, Steamboat Ricky, Tastycles, The big one, The Dragon Saga, Sanka, Loveless, Little Jerry Lawler, willross, Thom, Gelgarin, Ming, H.A.M., ., I'd Wear Pippa Middleton Like A Feedbag, stormtrooper, Mack Millitant, MightyNorcal, xfearbefore for a total of 23 written votes

Big Daddy wins 23-17
Fantastic match indeed. Tasty, Vega and FF4L all brought some great contributions to the discussion. The crafty English folk successfully ****ed out their well-deserved reputations as knowledgeable posters to get their countryman over. I still don't understand why anyone with less than 10 posts was able to vote and two such people voted for Big Daddy while I don't think any did for AJ.

Edit: Apparently if you spam a bunch in non-spam then cast your votes before they get marked as spam the votes still work. Maybe there was something to that AJ isn't a good enough heel schtick.
Brilliant work by Tasty... however it has set a precedent now. If the criteria that got Daddy through here is continued, even Hogan and Austin are toast.
I'm dropping my verbal vote for Big Daddy. Why? Because it's tied, and I'm pretty sure it goes to written votes to decide the winner. I'm not sure, I didn't read the rulebook.

Oh, why am I voting for Big Daddy? Because as it's been said time and time again, Big Daddy was the king of England (not literally, there hasn't been a King in England for years), and AJ Styles, while very enjoyable and likely my favorite TNA wrestler, is just a footnote in the history of American wrestling.

Not to mention that Big Daddy was a dominating face that crushed competition wherever he went, and AJ has always been something of an underdog, a guy that gets his ass kicked but wins against opponents that are built to be better wrestlers. Unfortunately for him, Big Daddy isn't the type of guy that lets you catch that second win that enables you to overcome the odds. He's the kind of guy that flattens you with his girth.

Plus he had a cool hat.
Styles goes over, using his speed and athleticism to beat the fat guy

The speed and athleticism that let him beat Samoa Joe right :rolleyes:

I like AJ Styles and all and would want him to win and I don't know much about Big Daddy, but jeez look at him, he's built like a brick shit house. Whatever speed AJ would apply would be negated by Big Daddy being able to absorb it like a mother fucker

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