WWE Region, Dallas Region, First Round: (16) Owen Hart vs (17) Eddie Guerrero

Who Wins This Match?

  • Owen Hart

  • Eddie Guerrero

Results are only viewable after voting.


Turn Bayley heel
This is a first round match in the WWE Region, Dallas Subregion. It is a standard one on one match. It will be held at the American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas



#16. Owen Hart



#17. Eddie Guerrero

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

Also remember that this is a non-spam forum. If you post a response without giving a reason for your selection, it will be penalized for spam and deleted.
Eddie Guerrero. I cannot believe that Eddie is seeded below Owen despite the fact that he has more kayfabe accomplishments, better moments, matches, feuds and promos than Owen.

When I think of Owen, I just think of two things. His feud with Bret which was a great feud and his death. With Eddie, you just do not stop at one feud or one promo when you think of about him. Eddie winning the title from the obscenely muscled Brock, his frog splash from the top of the cage onto JBL, him outwitting Kurt at WrestleMania to win the title are just a few of his great moments. His "lie, cheat and steal babyface character was one of the most entertaining characters of all time for me personally and much more entertaining than anything Owen ever did.

Oh and Eddie also won the world title that Owen never did. Owen never even came close or had a shadow of a chance, to be honest. Unlike Eddie, he was a pretty average performer. As I said earlier, apart from his feud with his legendary brother and his death nothing stands out about him.
Eddie may have more accomplishments but the thing is Owen died in the middle of his prime years. I have no doubt that had Owen been alive he would have accomplished more than Eddie. Owen was great in the ring and very entertaining. So that gives him my vote here
You can say Eddie had more accomplishments, and not to take away from what he accomplished, but I pick Owen. Like one poster said, Owen died in his prime, and could accomplished what Eddie accomplished, if not more! Owen recieves my vote.
Hard one here.
Owen had a heart, pun intended, like crazy for the business.
Eddie was a classic in-ring performer.
He is the quicker of the two.
He is the better technical wrestler of the two.
He had one of the best move sets out there.
Also, Eddie could always find a way to adapt to other peoples styles. This is what gives him the win here.
It has to go to Mr. Guerrero for me. Strange how these two men have come up against each other and both suffered horrible deaths. Both men are remembered by the fans, but if they were still around & faced each other, Eddie would come out on top. Whether his cheating nature came through, or he fought it out, Eddie would win.

He's just done so much more than Owen has and it's not actually too much of a difficult choice make here.

RIP to both.

EDIT: Is it just me, or do DWFJT & CrissSpades seem like the same person?
Owen was a tough S.O.B., there's no doubt about it. He was a good performer and worked his ass of to emerge out of the shadow of his older brother for the entirety of his career. He lived up to the legacy of the Hart name, and despite being the youngest of all the Hart children he proved his weight in the squared circle. He was never Bret, but to be fair Owen was never really given that chance, before or after his death.

That being said, I've got several reasons Eddie Guerrero wins this contest:

1.) First, and possibly most important of all, this "match" is being billed from Dallas, TX. There's no way that Eddie Guerrero loses a match in a huge tournament, in the first round, right outside of his hometown.
2.) In a technical match, you would think just about any Hart would have the upper hand, but Eddie was one hell of a technical performer. Better, in my opinion, than Owen.
3.) His speed and agility, plus a touch of the lucha style makes Eddie too quick and slippery for Owen to do much of anything.
4.) Eddie is a former WWE Champion, not to mention his Triple Crown and Grand Slam status. While "anybody" can win a title, this just proves Eddie knows how to come through in big scenario situations...like the first round of a prestigious tournament.
5.) Eddie Guerrero is one of the few to have defeated Brock Lesnar. Every other competitor just looks kind of easy in comparison.
6.) Eddie has defeated guys that wrestle with just about every style. Lucha, technical, heavyweights, super-heavyweights, monsters, cruiserweights, etc etc.
7.) If ALL else fails and Eddie somehow finds himself losing to Owen in the final moments of the match, he can ALWAYS cheat to win.

Viva La Raza!
Prime of his career? Give me a break. Owen was doing the blue blazer gimmick and going after the IC title when he died. He was in the midcard like he had been for the majority of his career. Stephanie McMahon has stated that Eddie was slated to win the world title from Batista on the very next edition of Smackdown which he would have had he not died. Seems like Eddie was the guy who died in his prime.
For me, this is a battle between unrealized potential and realized potential. I think overall, both Owen Hart and Eddie Guerrero are very evenly matched here. Both died much too soon. However, the one thing that makes me go with Eddie Guerrero, is that he did make it to the top. That's not really a knock on Owen, it's just a side effect of circumstance. But it is what it is. Maybe Owen would have been a multiple time World champ had he lived. Maybe. I can't say that he wouldn't have been. However, the counter to that is obvious, isn't it? Eddie Guerrero DID win the WWE Championship, and who is to say that if Owen might have won, that Eddie wouldn't have won more?

Basically, all of the Owen woulda/coulda/shoulda arguments can be equally applied to Eddie, with the difference being that one of the woulda/coulda/shoulda arguments for Owen, the biggest one even, was actually accomplished by Eddie. For me, that puts Eddie Guerrero over Owen Hart, even though this is probably the single most balanced matchup in the entire 1st round.
this has been the Hardest to pick so far but ill choose Owen. I think he worked harder in the ring and out of it. Remained a true professional after the 1997 incident with his brother. And was a magnificent heel.
Well since Eddie is a fan favorite in this tourney, I think Eddie will win this match. IMO Eddie would win regardless of the fan favorite title. Owen was a great wrestler, but Eddie just had that spark. A pioneer of the cruiserweight division, Eddie would jump back into his roots to beat Owen Hart.
As much as I loved Owen, have to pick my gut over my heart because Eddie would manipulate the referee into thinking he was hit with a chair, therefore win by disqualification
Very similar wrestlers, actually, but Eddie's peak is just higher than Owen's. I can't extrapolate Owen's career just because I like him. Als, Owen probably wouldn't even be involved in the WWF/E even 5 years ago. OWen never really "loved" the business, it was just a job for him. So even if I extrapolated, he still wouldn't get to Eddie's level.
This would be a helluva match to watch in my opinion. Both of these guys were, in my eyes, underrated as far as their ability in the ring goes. Both guys can go at a fast pace and they can do the high flying stuff. Being a Hart, Owen also has more than his share of technical & submission expertise going for him.

After a hard fought 20 minute match, I have to give the win to Eddie Guerrero. I think Eddie was more versatile overall and it's hard for me to ignore that Eddie made it to that next level, he made it to the main event spot and became WWE Champion while Owen will probably be forever in Bret Hart's shadow. Owen was a favorite of mine and I would have loved & hoped to see him elevated to the main event spot if he hadn't died. Unlike Owen with his wrestling family, Eddie managed to outshine the other members of his wrestling family and reached a level that none of them ever saw.

I picture the end coming with Owen going for a Superplex late in the match, getting pushed off the top and Eddie landing the Frog Splash just a few seconds later.
Two great in ring technicians who left the world too early. Would have been a hell of a match up, no doubt.

I never was an Owen Hart fan in all honesty. There's no doubting his talents as a performer, but he never shone for me or grasped my attention long enough for me to appreciate him the way a lot of other people seem to do. Eddie on the other hand, could make you laugh, cry, cheer or boo with a simple smile or gesture. Even when he was lying, cheating and stealing he was loved. In my opinion, Eddie was more eye catching and versatile in the ring and because he reached the top of the mountain, and entertained a lot of people along the way, he gets my vote.
Eddie but it's a coin flip here. I'm not a big fan of either guy and I've said many times that I find Eddie to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of dying for a legacy in history. Eddie was a very good in ring worker, but he never was close to being the top guy in the company, ever. He was on top on Smackdown at a time where they had to make freaking BRADSHAW a world champion. Brock was leavign so they gave Eddie the title. That's more than Owen got so I'll go with him I guess.
Eddie and Owen 2 great wrestlers taken
from the world way too early RIP

I honestly believe this would be a show
stealer of a match I think both men would
bring out the best in each other and they
could easy put on a good 30min match with
a great finish.
Picking one is unfortunately easy and I think
Eddie is that pick from looking at who had a
better career and fueds and the level they
pushed themselves to reach Eddie has the

Winner Eddie Guerrero
Eddie may have more accomplishments but the thing is Owen died in the middle of his prime years. I have no doubt that had Owen been alive he would have accomplished more than Eddie. Owen was great in the ring and very entertaining. So that gives him my vote here

You nailed it bro. If Owen didnt pass away, he would of accomplished alot. He might not of been a WWE Champion but, i could absolutely see him being a multiple time World Heavyweight Champion.

In-Ring Skills are a push
Mic Skills are a push
Black Heart vs Latino Heat
When it comes down to it Owen Hart pinned his brother cleanly on the biggest stage of them all. I am going with Owen cause he IS NOT A NUGGET.
You nailed it bro. If Owen didnt pass away, he would of accomplished alot. He might not of been a WWE Champion but, i could absolutely see him being a multiple time World Heavyweight Champion.

In-Ring Skills are a push
Mic Skills are a push
Black Heart vs Latino Heat
When it comes down to it Owen Hart pinned his brother cleanly on the biggest stage of them all. I am going with Owen cause he IS NOT A NUGGET.

How are Mic Skills a push? Owen was passable on his best day on the mic. Neither guy was a carry the company type, but Eddie was a top guy, at least briefly, and a bigger star.
This is a true matchup, both men would compliment each other's styles brilliantly with lots of mat techniques thrown together with aerial tactics.

It's hard to argue against Guerrero, but Owen would definitely have the strength advantage in this one, with speed being a non-factor between these two. A back and forth match, with neither man giving an inch to other. In the end, Mr. Lie, Cheat and Steal would find someone way to get one over on Owen behind the ref's back. Owen was always a complaining whiner (kayfabe) and would probably argue his point incessantly to an oblivious ref.

Eddie by a clever DQ.
There is no doubt that both these guys are overrated due to their early deaths. With that said they were both great in the ring and this would be a fun match to watch. It's a pretty even matchup but I give the edge to Guerrero. I think he's had more success in more places than Hart. Aside from upsetting Bret at WM10 Owen doesn't really have any key victories on his resume. Eddie had the better career and would beat Owen here.
You can say Eddie had more accomplishments, and not to take away from what he accomplished, but I pick Owen. Like one poster said, Owen died in his prime, and could accomplished what Eddie accomplished, if not more! Owen recieves my vote.

You nailed it bro. If Owen didnt pass away, he would of accomplished alot. He might not of been a WWE Champion but, i could absolutely see him being a multiple time World Heavyweight Champion.

In-Ring Skills are a push
Mic Skills are a push
Black Heart vs Latino Heat
When it comes down to it Owen Hart pinned his brother cleanly on the biggest stage of them all. I am going with Owen cause he IS NOT A NUGGET.

Have you guys got an iota of proof to substantiate your claims? Owen was in the midcard when he died, that too in the very cartoonish Blue Blazer gimmick. The prime of Owen's career was his feud with Bret Hart. He was only interesting when you put him with Bret in some capacity. At all other times, he was a boring midcarder. There is nothing to suggest that he would have ever held a World Title.

Stephanie McMahon has actually gone on to say that Eddie would have won the title on the 18th November version of Smackdown in a triple threat match between Randy Orton and Batista because Batista was injured. Fuck, Eddie was the guy main eventing PPV's before he died. This suggests that, had he lived, he would have been far ahead of Owen.
There is no doubt that both these guys are overrated due to their early deaths. With that said they were both great in the ring and this would be a fun match to watch. It's a pretty even matchup but I give the edge to Guerrero. I think he's had more success in more places than Hart. Aside from upsetting Bret at WM10 Owen doesn't really have any key victories on his resume. Eddie had the better career and would beat Owen here.

You know I never got why some old school fans would call Eddie overrated. People were talking about his matches in ECW and WCW right? He was good there right? I mean he wasn't the marquee headliner but with the lot of Malenko, Benoit, Raven and Jericho these guys were putting on above average matches quite frequently no?

His run from 03 to 05 was a joy. His antics, his matches all were so good. Here was a stereotype that was cool. Ye he is Mexican and he cheats and steals but him incorporating that into his match to get his opponents DQ'd...genius. His expressions and body of work are superb.

So overrated why?

Eddie here. Bigger deal, Had a great win from a top dog in Brock (ye he was leaving I know). And then retaining against Angle at Mania.
Owen could have wrestled almost anyone else and I think that I would have picked him, but he drew someone who I think we all around better than him.

Eddie can get it done on the mat as well as Owen, I think it would be too close to call in that respect.

Eddie can get it done in the air, I think he would destroy Owen in that respect.

Charisma goes to Eddie, overall number of fans, Eddie, Success, Eddie.

Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.

Just My Opinion.
Owen Hart was known to upset some opponents like Brett Hart. Owen Hart works well with anyone. Yes Eddy has better and more accomplishments, however, a lot of Owen's lack of push started when Brett left and Owen went from someone who was on the rise to someone that was used to get Triple H over. I loved Eddy as a performer, but deep down inside I feel that Owen would have been a world Champion had Brett not left the way he did, and it would have been before his untimely death.

That said I have Owen Hart with a roll-up after some heel tactics.

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